英语单词 红联
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v.: 烧伤;燃烧;烫伤;烧着
n.: 烧伤;烫伤;灼伤;烧(或烫、灼)的痕迹
网络: 烧焦;烧毁;焚烧


  • 燃烧;烧:

    to produce flames and heat

  • 着火;烧着:

    to be on fire

  • (使)烧毁,烧坏,烧伤,烧死:

    to destroy, damage, injure or kill sb/sth by fire; to be destroyed, etc. by fire

  • (使燃料)燃烧:

    if youburn a fuel, or a fuelburns , it produces heat, light or energy

  • (使)烧焦,烧煳:

    if foodburns , or if youburn it, it is spoiled because it gets too hot

  • (使)晒伤,烫伤,烧伤:

    to be damaged or injured by the sun, heat, acid, etc.; to damage or injure sb/sth in this way

  • 火辣辣地痛;发烫:

    if part of your bodyburns oris burning , it feels very hot and painful

  • 发光;发亮:

    to produce light

  • 有强烈的情感;渴望:

    to feel a very strong emotion or desire

  • 向…迅速移动:

    to move very fast in a particular direction

  • 激怒;使大怒:

    to make sb very angry

  • 刻录(光盘等):

    to put information onto a CD, etc.

  • 不留退路;破釜沉舟;背水而战:

    to do sth that makes it impossible to return to the previous situation later

  • 过度劳累;起早贪黑而疲惫不堪:

    to become very tired by trying to do too many things and going to bed late and getting up early

  • (尤指生意上)没有先见之明而蒙受损失,因不慎而吃亏:

    to suffer as a result of doing sth without realizing the possible bad results, especially in business

  • 一有(钱)就想花;花钱没有节制:

    if moneyburns a hole in your pocket , you want to spend it as soon as you have it

  • 挑灯夜战;熬夜:

    to study or work until late at night

  • 飞车:

    to drive very fast

  • 把某物烧焦(或烧煳):

    to cook sth for too long or with too much heat, so that it becomes badly burnt

  • 烧伤;烫伤;灼伤;烧(或烫、灼)的痕迹:

    an injury or a mark caused by fire, heat or acid

  • 酸痛感:

    the feeling that you get in your muscles when you have done a lot of exercise

  • 小河;溪流:

    a small river


  • 〔美俚〕短的连鬓胡子;鬓角

  • 〔口语〕雪茄烟

  • 〔苏格兰语〕小溪,小川,小河

  • 〔美俚〕(宇宙飞行火箭发动机)在飞行中起动

  • 怒火

  • 烧(制)

  • 〔美国〕(森林等着火烧出来的)林间平地;烧山

  • 烧伤,火伤;灼伤,电击伤,辐射伤;烧焦;烧痕

  • 激动,兴奋;〔美国〕发火,发怒;渴望;(问题等)白热化

  • 烙上(火印等);使铭感

  • 发热,发光,发红;(因患病等)发热,发烫

  • (因吃辛辣食物等)辣得发烧

  • 烧制,焙烧(砖瓦等);烧穿,烧通

  • 烧;点(烛、灯等)

  • (用烙铁、硫酸等)炙,烙,烧灼

  • 烧黑,烧焦,烧坏;烫痛;烫伤;晒黑

  • 燃烧,烧着;点着

  • 烧焦,烧坏;烧伤,烫伤;烧死;〔美国〕用电椅处死,电毙;对…处火刑


  • 过去分词:burned

  • 现在分词:burning

  • 第三人称单数:burns


  • v.+n.:

    burn coal,burn hole,wood burn,burn gasoline,forest burn

  • adv.+v.:

    burn brightly


n.injuryblisterscaldscorchv.blazeburn upsingeuse upgo red




  • The course which she trains on is made of pitch, the heat of the surface even can burn her sole.


  • If it fits, you can burn it to a DVD, or you can use USB Startup Disk Creator to put everything on a flash drive of the appropriate size.


  • Treatment for an abrasion is similar to that of a burn, since raw skin is exposed to the air and can easily become infected.


  • I"ve reversed that trend, and am very active now, but I"m still trying to burn the fat I gained in those inactive years.


  • The transition into the catabolic or open wound phase of burn injury is often not clearly demarcated.


  • Just want to put yourself in a certain time or one phase of the mood, make it a "burn down hard drive" , can long letter.


  • That the engines do not add more oil rather less, add less easy to burn bearings, Cadogan point has little to do.


  • And if I burn at my own pleasure, where and how comes my wailing ? why is always sad complaint?


  • For stainless steel, high speed steel, vanadium steel, high hardness, toughness and deformation, easy to burn the workpiece grinding.


  • Actually after the crash he was fine it was only when he decided to do burn outs in a pile of rubbish he really felt the pain.


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