英语单词 红联
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n.: 法案;账单;喙;海报
v.: 开账单;把(某人或事物)宣传为…;宣布…将做某事
网络: 比尔;帐单;钞票


  • 账单:

    a piece of paper that shows how much you owe sb for goods or services

  • (餐馆的)账单:

    a piece of paper that shows how much you have to pay for the food and drinks that you have had in a restaurant

  • (提交议会讨论的)议案,法案:

    a written suggestion for a new law that is presented to a country"s parliament so that its members can discuss it

  • (剧院等的)节目单:

    a programme of entertainment at a theatre, etc.

  • 海报;招贴;广告:

    a notice in a public place to advertise an event

  • 鸟嘴;喙:

    the hard pointed or curved outer part of a bird"s mouth

  • 有…形喙的:

    having the type of bill mentioned

  • 帽舌;帽檐:

    the stiff front part of a cap that sticks out above your eyes

  • 符合要求;合格:

    to be what is needed in a particular situation or for a particular purpose

  • 开账单,发账单(要求付款):

    to send sb a bill for sth

  • 把(某人或事物)宣传为…:

    to advertise or describe sb/sth in a particular way

  • 宣布…将做某事:

    to advertise that sb/sth will do sth

  • 卿卿我我;情话绵绵:

    if two people who are in lovebill and coo , they kiss and speak in a loving way to each other


  • 亲热,爱抚

  • 填报;填(表),把…列成表

  • (鸽子似地)接嘴,亲嘴,接吻

  • (以传单、广告等)宣布,贴海报

  • 开账单给…

  • 开帐单;报帐

  • 【商业】证券;汇票,支票,票据;凭单

  • (欧洲中世纪步兵用的)长柄矛

  • 锚爪

  • (水禽等细长而扁平的)嘴

  • 鹤嘴锄;钩镰;钩状戟

  • 嘴状岬

  • 〔美国〕纸币;〔美俚〕百元钞票

  • 报单,贴条,招贴,告白,传单,广告;戏单,戏报

  • 账单;清单

  • 比尔


  • 复数:bills

  • 现在分词:billing

  • 过去式:billed


  • v.+n.:

    pay bill,foot bill,pass bill,get bill,settle bill

  • adj.+n.:

    controversial bill,congressional bill,same bill




  • Though Tom would be away for at least three days, Bill had a strange feeling of his nearness.


  • Nobody wants to be surprised by a large bill and left without a full audit of the use that led to that bill.


  • That morning I had signed the bill creating AmeriCorps, the national service program; it was one of my most important personal priorities.


  • It was the pleading cry of a strong man in distress, but Bill"s head did not turn.


  • And she took out a newspaper clipping out of her pocket. I can"t read Swedish, but she told me it was all about Bill Clinton eating here.


  • Hillary Clinton has no direct experience of this, but she has already declared that Bill would be her "ambassador to the world" .


  • The President charged head down at the bill introduced by the opposition, with the result that it had to be put on ice.


  • However, the other states said that there was no need for a bill of rights because the constitution was a bill itself.


  • He said he also expects there will be some "notable differences" in management style under the leadership of new chief Bill Simon.


  • "Let me be clear, " he said, "BP [the oil firm] is responsible for this leak; BP will be paying the bill. "


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