英语单词 红联
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n.: 沥青;球场;柏油;(体育比赛的)场地
v.: 投;推销;抛;颠簸
网络: 音高;间距;节距


  • (体育比赛的)场地;球场:

    an area of ground specially prepared and marked for playing a sports game

  • (尤指乐音的)音高:

    how high or low a sound is, especially a musical note

  • (感情、活动等的)程度,力度;(事物的)最高点:

    the degree or strength of a feeling or activity; the highest point of sth

  • 推销的话;说教;宣传论点:

    talk or arguments used by a person trying to sell things or persuade people to do sth

  • 投球;投球方法:

    an act of throwing the ball; the way in which it is thrown

  • 沥青;柏油:

    a black sticky substance made from oil or coal, used on roofs or the wooden boards of a ship to stop water from coming through

  • 街头售货摊点;街头艺人表演地点:

    a place in a street or market where sb sells things, or where a street entertainer usually performs

  • (船在水上的)上下颠簸,纵摇;(飞机在空中的)俯仰:

    the movement of a ship up and down in the water or of an aircraft in the air

  • 倾斜度:

    the degree to which a roof slopes

  • 决心获得;决心劝服:

    to make a determined effort to get sth or to persuade sb of sth

  • 用力扔;投;抛:

    to throw sb/sth with force

  • 将(球)投给击球员;投球;当投手:

    to throw the ball to the person who is batting

  • 触地;(使球)定点落地:

    to hit the ground; to make the ball hit the ground

  • 劈高球;击高球:

    to hit the ball in a high curve

  • 重跌;踉跄倒下:

    to fall heavily in a particular direction

  • 纵摇;颠簸;上下飘荡:

    to move up and down on the water or in the air

  • 确定标准:

    to set sth at a particular level

  • (使产品或服务)针对,面向;确定销售对象(或目标市场):

    to aim or direct a product or service at a particular group of people

  • 推销;争取支持(或生意等):

    to try to persuade sb to buy sth, to give you sth or to make a business deal with you

  • 定音高:

    to produce a sound or piece of music at a particular level

  • 搭(帐篷);扎(营):

    to set up a tent or a camp for a short time

  • (对某人)编谎话:

    to tell sb a story or make an excuse that is not true


  • 【地质学;地理学】(地层等)向前方倾斜,倾斜

  • 整顿,安排(阵容等);【音乐】为…定音高[定调]

  • 扔,投,掷;【棒球】作投球员;投球

  • 扔,投,抛,掷;【棒球】投球

  • 头朝下掉落[倒下]

  • 插(桩等),搭(帐篷等),扎(营),铺(路),布置(场面等),安顿(住处)

  • 搭帐篷,露宿;暂住;定居;布置场面

  • 〔英国〕努力推销(商品);〔口语〕讲(故事)

  • (船)前后颠簸纵摇,俯仰

  • 用沥青涂

  • 度,程度;高度;点,顶点,极点;倾斜度;倾斜,坡;【音乐】音高;音高标准;【火箭】俯仰;〔比喻〕态度

  • 【机械工程】节,齿距,节距,螺距,间距;【板球】柱的间隔;【航空】螺距〔飞机螺旋浆一次旋转的前进距离〕

  • 解释

  • 装腔作势

  • (路边)零售摊;摆售商品量

  • (船的)前后颠簸

  • 音,音调

  • 投掷;投球;投球距离

  • 人工合成沥青;人造树脂

  • 沥青;含有沥青的物质;松脂,树脂


  • 过去分词:pitched

  • 现在分词:pitching

  • 第三人称单数:pitches


  • adj.+n.:

    sales pitch,high pitch,strong pitch

  • v.+n.:

    make pitch,pitch tent,hear pitch,pitch product,throw pitch


n.playing fieldfieldareaarenaterrainv.erectswaysloperollpropose




  • The cricket team seemingly never leave the pitch, and verdant summer leaves are just beginning to turn to gold.


  • "We have looked at research extending over 100 matches and there is no difference to a grass pitch at all, " he said.


  • Of course not. I miss him on the pitch. Since April I only see him in the medical room and sometimes at lunch in the canteen.


  • It will be on the pitch when I am able to say, I am still in some pain and I"ll have to wait a few days to see when I will be back.


  • By eleven o"clock the whole school seemed to be out in the stands around the Quidditch pitch.


  • It"s an important victory because we came on the pitch with the right mentality, we have to go on like this.


  • In Game 1, Wang had been too strong and the pitch did not sink, causing him to abandon his game plan and throw more slides and change ups.


  • It wasn"t easy to be off the pitch for a period, it"s normal when there are difficulties in life. . . but then the dark times pass.


  • He jokes about nipping down on to the Wembley pitch for a quick kick-about just in case he never gets another opportunity.


  • Pitch classes, we did not win, well pull big score. This is expected, and I do not want to admit that this is the reason.


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