汉语词典 红联
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community service pension, community nursing service




  • 社区养老服务设施建设
  • 彩虹城(北京)社区居家养老服务有限公司
  • 社区居家养老服务队的业务范围
  • 社区养老服务有什么方面
  • 社区老年养老服务中心开业
  • 我国社区居家养老服务
  • 上海智慧社区居家养老服务
  • 社区养老服务驿站的类型
  • 社区养老服务站满意度调查表
  • 社区养老服务的生活服务实施有
  • 四方社区居家养老服务中心
  • 社区居家养老服务情况报告
  • 社区养老服务业经营范围
  • 社区居家养老服务中心设置标准
  • 社区智能居家养老服务工作总结
  • 社区现有养老服务功能有哪些
  • 社区居家养老服务计划活动
  • 高中生社区服务养老院
  • 社区居家养老服务对策
  • 南平市养老院社区服务


  • 1: 第七部分是就加强和完善我国城市居家养老的社区服务提出建议。

    The sixth part introduces useful experience of community service out of our country.

  • 2: 和谐社会建设中的中国老年人要生活健康、幸福、有质量、有意义,就要加强社区养老服务

    To build a harmonious society in China, for older people to live healthy, happy, quality, meaningful, we must strengthen the human resources services to the community.

  • 3: 本文通过分析我国社区养老服务现状和制约因素,提出了我国社区养老服务法律保障制度建议。

    In the paper, the author analyzed the constraints to the development of community service and put forward proposals on the legal protections of community services for the aging.

  • 4: 社区养老服务设施投入不足,如大部分的“星光老年之家”因缺乏经费被闲置或被挪作他用。

    With insufficient funding, some community nursing facilities sit idle or are diverted to other purposes.

  • 5: 深入分析了城市老年人的居家养老服务需求及目前居家养老社区服务的现状,并进一步发掘制约其发展的关键因素,本部分是整个文章的重点及创新所在;

    It deeply analyses the demands and current condition of community service for home-based the aged care, further, it finds out the factors restricting its development.

  • 6: 第五部分对研究作了讨论并提出了改进和提高塘桥社区居家养老服务工作的建议。

    In the fifth part, it discusses the research and gives suggestions on how to improve and enhance the services for the aging at home.

  • 7: 首先对老年型社区、社区养老公共服务等概念进行具体分析阐述,并提出一些国外发达国家的养老服务经验作为借鉴。

    First, expound the meaning of aging community and providing-for-the-aged public service in community, and then list the providing-for-the-aged public service experiences of developed countries.

  • 8: 结论 “社区居家养老服务模式”能有效降低绝经后妇女综合征,增强社区妇女绝经后保健的知识,提高绝经后妇女的生活质量,应该大力推广深入开展。

    Conclusion "Community aged care model" is effective in reducing symptoms, giving more health care knowledge and improving the quality of life in postmenopausal women, which should be promoted further.

  • 9: 养老保险的改革要求劳动制度、家庭养老、社区服务等方面的协同动作;

    The coordinated operation of labour system, family caring and community service is necessary to reform the systems of caring the aged people;

  • 10: 本文主要就是针对老年型社区的养老公共服务供给进行研究。

    The thesis makes the study of providing-for-the-aged public service in the aging community.

  • 11: 修正提案中还提到建设更多设施的需要,提供社区以及家庭养老服务,还有诸如免费定期体检的社会福利建设。

    The amendment also addresses the need for more facilities, community care and in-home services for the older people, as well as the need for more social benefits, like free routine medical checkups.

  • 12: 社会化养老不仅包括社会救济和社会养老保险,它应当还涉及到社会养老设施和社区服务体系的建立,以及老年医疗体制的建立和完善等。

    In theory, socialized elderly support system includes not only relief and old age insurance, but also social infrastructures for aged, community based service, and medical system.

  • 13: 就业岗位:各级医院、社区卫生服务机构、养老院及涉外医疗机构等从事护理工作。

    Jobs: To be occupied with nursing in different grade hospitals, community health services facilities, medical institutions involving foreign element.

  • 14: 而社区助老服务将是“居家养老”实现的有力保障,同时,政府规划等职能部门也应调整建筑规划设计规范中老年服务设施的设置内容,为建筑师设计居住小区提供必要的依据。

    Meanwhile, the urban plan agency should adjust the contents of the institutions for the aged in the code, as a basis for the planers and architects in designing the residential quarters.

  • 15: 本文通过对日本养老服务的初探, 引发对中国社区老年保健工作的剖析与思考。

    This article analyzed and pondered community health care for the old in China by studying the health care service for the old in Japan.

  • 16: 本文通过对“心贴心”社区服务中心的个案分析,勾勒出民间养老服务机构“圈层式”的组织结构模型。

    This paper outlines the "ring-layer" model of the folk institution of age service by analyzing the case on the "heart to heart" community service center.

  • 17: 然而,我国社区居家养老的进一步发展还存在着社会服务体系缺失、老年人社会交往渠道缺失和养老专业硬件设施缺失等方面的问题。

    However, the further development of Chinas community home endowment is lack of social service system, social communication channel, pension problems and professional hardware.

  • 18: 本文对上海市养老保险、老年医疗保障和老年社区服务的现状、问题和原因进行了分析。

    The situation, problems and causes of social insurance, medical security and community service for old-age are described and analyzed in this thesis.

  • 19: 在国际上,养老服务通常有家庭养老、机构养老和社区养老三种模式。

    In the global, endowment service model generally includes family support of old age, institutions for old age, community for old age.

  • 20: 城市空巢老人的养老已经不能单纯的依靠家庭,相应的社区服务是十分有益且必须的等结论。

    The city empty nester Pension can not simply rely on home, essential community support are very useful and necessary.

  • 21: 社区工作者,养老护理师,康复护理师,家政服务员,康乐服务员。

    Community workers, the old-age care division, the division of rehabilitation care, home attendants, recreation attendants.

  • 22: 以家庭为核心,以社区为依托,以专业化的服务队伍为依靠的居家养老逐渐成为人们的新选择。

    So providing them at home has gradually been accepted by the common that relies on the family, community, and professional service team.

  • 23: 以上海市普陀区的甘泉社区为实例,对该社区的老年人口情况、养老公共服务供给情况及发展趋势进行具体分析。

    Taking Ganquan for example, make analysis to its situation of aging population, providing-for-the-aged public service and the developing trends.

  • 24: 亲和源股份有限公司是从事养老服务投资与运营的专业公司,其投资的大型会员制养老社区,位于浦东康桥镇;

    Co. , Ltd. is engaged in pro-and source of investment and operation of pension service professional company, its large membership-based pension investment community, located in Pudong Kangqiao;

  • 25: 老年社会保障包括养老保险、医疗保障和老年社会服务(本文主要讨论老年社区服务)。

    Old people"s social security contains social insurance, medical security and social service (community service in this thesis) for old-age.

  • 26: 近10年来,已有50多个基于社区互助的"养老村"在美国兴起,为老人提供出行、日常用品递送、家庭维修、甚至遛狗等多样化服务。

    More than 50 villages in a neighbor-helping-neighbor system have sprouted in the past decade, providing services from transportation and grocery delivery to home repairs and dog walking.

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