英语单词 红联
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wild card

wild card什么意思,wild card翻译


un.: 通配符
网络: 外卡;万能符


  • (由持牌人自由决定牌值的)百搭牌,变牌:

    a card that has no value of its own and takes the value of any card that the player chooses

  • “外卡”参赛,“外卡”选手(指没有正常参赛资格而参赛):

    an opportunity for sb to play in a competition when they have not qualified in the usual way; a player who enters a competition in this way

  • 通配符:

    a symbol that has no meaning of its own and can represent any letter or number

  • 难以预测的人(或事物);未知因素;未知数:

    a person or thing whose behaviour or effect is difficult to predict


  • 通配符


  • However, on Tuesday he gave a straight "Yes" to a question about whether he would accept a wild card.


  • And while Mr. Huang was a wild card, Bain knew it had the support of the new chairman, Mr. Chen, as well as the board.


  • S. oil inventory data, due out Wednesday from the Department of Energy, also is something of a wild card.


  • "Mr. Mendoza was not just a wild-card crazy man, " said Mr. Fink. "In a society without recourse for justice, people will do crazy things. "


  • They qualified as one of the wild card teams so the Saints will have to open defense of their title in Seattle instead of at home.


  • A playing CARD, usually printed with a picture of a jester, used in certain games as the highest - ranking CARD or as a wild CARD.


  • First-time Riesling drinkers may find this wine a bit of a wild card.


  • Of course, the wild-card element in Elaine"s look was that Ms. Louis-Dreyfus was pregnant twice during the years the show was shot.


  • I thought I could count on my mother for sympathy, but she"s a wild card in any equation, including the politics of a China boycott.


  • In the second case of we"ve used a special wild card pattern to match a List of any size, even zero elements, and any element values.


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