英语单词 红联
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v.: 扫;打扫;清扫;清除
n.: 扫;打扫;清扫;掠
网络: 扫荡队员们;扫荡期;扫掠


  • 扫;打扫;清扫:

    to clean a room, surface, etc. using a broom (= a type of brush on a long handle)

  • 扫去;清除:

    to remove sth from a surface using a brush, your hand, etc.

  • (迅猛地)推送,吹走,冲走,带走:

    to move or push sb/sth suddenly and with a lot of force

  • 猛烈吹过;掠过;席卷;横扫:

    to move suddenly and/or with force over an area or in a particular direction

  • 步态轻盈地走;大模大样地走:

    to move quickly and/or smoothly, especially in a way that impresses or is intended to impress other people

  • 挥动,舞动(手、臂等):

    to move sth, especially your hand or arm, quickly and smoothly in a particular direction

  • 突然袭来:

    to suddenly affect sb strongly

  • 迅速传播:

    to spread quickly

  • 扫视;掠过;搜索:

    to move over an area, especially in order to look for sth

  • (使)轻轻掠过,轻轻擦过:

    to move, or move sth, over a surface, touching it lightly

  • 梳;刷;掠:

    to brush, comb , etc. your hair in a particular direction

  • 蜿蜒;呈缓坡延伸:

    to form a long smooth curve

  • (在系列比赛中)获得全部胜利,囊括各项冠军:

    to win all the games in a series of games against another team or all the parts of a contest

  • (在比赛中)囊括所有奖项:

    to win all the prizes, etc. in a competition

  • 使某人立刻迷上自己;使某人对自己一见倾心:

    to make sb fall suddenly and deeply in love with you

  • (使某人)以压倒性优势在选举中获胜:

    to win an election by a large number of votes; to make sb win an election with a large number of votes

  • 轻易赢得(竞赛):

    to win a contest easily

  • 掩盖某事:

    to try to stop people from finding out about sth wrong, illegal, embarrassing, etc. that has happened or that you have done

  • 扫;打扫;清扫:

    an act of cleaning a room, surface, etc. using a broom

  • 挥动;掠:

    a smooth curving movement

  • (道路、河流、海岸等)一长段,绵延弯曲的地带,呈缓坡状的地带:

    a long, often curved, piece of road, river, coast, etc.

  • 广泛性;广博的范围;广度:

    the range of an idea, a piece of writing, etc. that considers many different things

  • 巡行;搜索;扫荡:

    a movement over an area, for example in order to search for sth or attack sth

  • (两支球队对赛其中一方)全胜的一系列比赛;囊括冠军:

    a series of games that a team wins against another team; the fact of winning all the parts of a contest

  • 收视率调查(电视台为查明节目受欢迎度,尤为计算广告费):

    a time when television companies examine their programmes to find out which ones are the most popular, especially in order to calculate advertising rates


  • The wind sweeps snow into the scars of our harvest-time haste, smoothing the brow of hill, hiding furrows and trash in the yard.


  • The storm sweeps away the threat, until the next time it reappears in the sky or up the road.


  • And for a while it seemed as if the days of chimney sweeps were numbered.


  • She sweeps a litter of disarranged papers out of her way, snatches a sheet of paper from her stationery case and tries resolutely to write.


  • The wind sweeps snow into the scars of our harvest-time haste, smoothing the brow of hill, hiding furrow and cog and trash in the yard.


  • This film star finds favor with everyone in her country, up to the president and down to the boy who sweeps the floor.


  • You hold all that it can give or take away was the midge that the sun-blink brings out, and the evening wind sweeps away.


  • With a force like a locomotive, the wave sweeps dozens away instantly. Others try to outrun it, only to be overtaken .


  • Cenarius was badly wounded by the time Malorne charged up and drove back his son"s attackers with a few sweeps of his massive antlers.


  • We sail the lake with Him still; and as we reach its middle waters, far from land, under midnight skies, suddenly a great storm sweeps down.


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