英语单词 红联
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n.: 喷雾;喷剂;浪花;喷雾器
v.: 喷;喷洒;向…喷洒;向…扫射(或抛洒)
网络: 喷射;溅散;喷雾剂


  • 浪花;水花;飞沫:

    very small drops of a liquid that are sent through the air, for example by the wind

  • 喷剂;喷雾的液体:

    a substance that is forced out of a container such as an aerosol , in very small drops

  • 喷雾器:

    a device or container, for example an aerosol , that you use to apply liquid in fine drops

  • 喷雾;液体的喷洒:

    an act of applying liquid to sth in very small drops

  • (用作装饰的)小树枝,小花枝:

    a small branch of a tree or plant, with its leaves and flowers or berries , that you use for decoration

  • (戴在身上的)一簇花,枝状饰物:

    an attractive arrangement of flowers or jewellery, that you wear

  • 喷;喷洒;向…喷洒:

    to cover sb/sth with very small drops of a liquid that are forced out of a container or sent through the air

  • 向…扫射(或抛洒);往…上撒:

    to cover sb/sth with a lot of small things with a lot of force

  • 撒尿(以示领地占有):

    to leave small amounts of urine to mark its own area


  • 【医学】喷雾(液)

  • 枝状花样[装饰];枝状物

  • 小树枝,小花枝

  • 〔医〕药剂,药剂防治;〔物〕脱模剂

  • 水花;水沫;浪花

  • 浪花,水花,水雾;雾状物

  • 浪花,水雾,喷水;液

  • 喷雾器;消毒器

  • 喷雾法,喷雾器,喷淋装置

  • 喷药,喷射,喷雾

  • 向外伸展

  • 溅泼

  • 说起话来唾沫四溅

  • 溅,溅起浪花的

  • 扫射

  • 喷,(像浪花般)溅散

  • 喷涂,射入

  • 喷液体制剂于;似喷雾般发射:

  • 喷,喷射;使起浪花;喷雾(入咽喉等)


  • 复数:sprays

  • 过去分词:sprayed

  • 现在分词:spraying


v.scattersquirtsend outspewspurtn.jetfountainshowersprigbunch


  • Simply spray them on your clothes and smooth the surface with your hands.


  • She was spattered all over with water from the spray hose on the grass, when she passed through the garden.


  • Spray irrigation Sprinkling water over land to be used for crops. Often used to dispose of wastewater from sewage treatment plants.


  • With a strong poison spray aimed at a bunch of flying insects, it"s easy to imagine several of them falling together at the same time.


  • Sophorae shade of a grand opening, which looks like the turnover of the spray, near look like a powder snow Yingying, gratifying!


  • Mold spray life, with some of the formulas mentioned above, should be at least several hours with some touched up with the spray gun.


  • There the waves were, boiling up in snowy spouts of spray, smiting and gnashing their crests together like the gleaming teeth of hell.


  • It"s easy to spray the Fabrican on your body and then a shirt as if your second skin is there.


  • Dampen the fabric completely if it has heavy wrinkles. Soak it in a tub and wring it out or spray with a spray bottle.


  • Some of the techniques under consideration include sending ships out to sea with equipment to spray fine droplets of seawater into the air.


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