英语单词 红联
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n.: 跑;管理;操作;操纵
adj.: (置于数字和 year、day 或 time 等名词后,表示同样的事一再重复)连续
v.: “run”的现在分词
网络: 运行;跑步;奔跑


  • 跑;跑步(运动):

    the action or sport of running

  • 管理;操纵;操作:

    the activity of managing or operating sth

  • 走私;偷运:

    the activity of bringing sth such as drugs, guns, etc. into a country secretly and illegally

  • 有(或没有)成功的机会;能(或不能)获得:

    having some/no chance of succeeding or achieving sth

  • 领跑;带头;做榜样:

    to set the speed at which sth is done; to take the lead in doing sth

  • (置于数字和 year、day 或 time 等名词后,表示同样的事一再重复)连续:

    used after a number and a noun such as ‘year’ ‘day’ or ‘time’, to say that sth has happened in the same way several times, without a change

  • (水)活的,流淌的,流动的running water:

    is water that is flowing somewhere or water that is supplied to a building and available to be used through taps/faucets

  • 持久的;连续不断的:

    lasting a long time; continuous

  • …地流动的:

    running or flowing in the way mentioned

  • 滚开;走开:

    used to tell sb in a rude way to go away


  • 跑的,边跑边走的;流动的,流体的;【机械工程】操作中的;现在的,现行的;【植物;植物学】纤匐的,攀缘的

  • 草草的,仓促而草率的;出脓的(伤等)

  • 自来

  • 继续的,连接的

  • 一勒就紧的

  • 行进间的

  • 正在工作的

  • 跑动的

  • 奔跑的;赛跑的

  • 运行的

  • 【植物;植物学】匍匐,长纤匐枝

  • 奔跑;赛跑;跑力;【棒球】跑垒

  • 试验

  • 作用

  • 〔口语〕短期旅行

  • 顺风疾驶

  • 试车

  • 奔波

  • 流出;出脓

  • 开动,运转;经营,管理


  • adj.+n.:

    smooth running

  • v.+n.:

    consider running,begin running


adv.in a rowconsecutivelysuccessivelyon the trotin successionn.managementadministrationorganizationoperationcontrolling


  • In the course of scrimmage, leading the ball the other team members must be consistent with the direction of running.


  • "I was in the middle of serving a customer so I was running around trying to do something and didn"t take too much notice, to be honest.


  • This will probably be covered by running gas power plants that are usually only used for peak loads to cover some of the base load as well.


  • FERNANDO TORRES has decided to quit Liverpool after running out of patience with the club"s inability to produce a winning team.


  • The driver for this device might be corrupted, or your system may be running low on memory or other resources.


  • Some of the training was a little bit of running out, catching a rolling ball and throwing it.


  • Because Debbie is a beginner, she tends to read and hear lots of information about running from multiple sources, which causes confusion.


  • Our concern was that he said he felt unstable when running.


  • It all started on that very morning, when everything started to run out of their ways like a running wild, which can no longer be controled.


  • And that is just a tiny bit of the stress and aggravation associated with running a business.


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