英语单词 红联
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v.: 拉;拉动;拖;吸引
n.: 拉;吸引力;拽;扯
网络: 拔;拉动式;拉力


  • 拉;拽;扯;拖:

    to hold sth firmly and use force in order to move it or try to move it towards yourself

  • 拔出;抽出:

    to remove sth from a place by pulling

  • (向某方向)拖,拉动:

    to move sb/sth in a particular direction by pulling

  • 将…拖在身后;拉;牵引:

    to hold or be attached to sth and move it along behind you

  • 扭转;移开;抽回:

    to move your body or a part of your body in a particular direction, especially using force

  • 拉上;收拢:

    to open or close curtains, etc.

  • 拉伤;扭伤;抻:

    to damage a muscle, etc. by using too much force

  • 扳动;拉;扣:

    to move a switch, etc. towards yourself or down in order to operate a machine or piece of equipment

  • (使车辆)转向,打斜:

    to move or make a vehicle move sideways

  • 吃力地运转:

    to work hard and use a lot of power

  • 划;划动:

    to use oars to move a boat along

  • 吸引;博取:

    to attract the interest or support of sb/sth

  • 吸引异性:

    to attract sb sexually

  • (耍手腕)得逞;犯下(罪行):

    to succeed in playing a trick on sb, committing a crime, etc.

  • 取消,撤销(活动、广告等):

    to cancel an event; to stop showing an advertisement, etc.

  • 蒙骗;捉弄:

    to trick sb

  • 目标迥异;各行其是:

    to have different aims that cannot be achieved together without causing problems

  • 捉弄;和…开玩笑:

    to play a joke on sb, usually by making them believe sth that is not true

  • (表示不相信对方的话)别打哈哈了:

    used to show that you do not believe what sb has just said

  • 竭尽全力;费九牛二虎之力:

    to make the greatest effort possible to achieve sth

  • 阻止;制止;终止:

    to put an end to sb"s project, a plan, etc.

  • 言辞婉转;委婉表示:

    to express sth less strongly than you are able to, for example to avoid upsetting or shocking sb

  • 突然提出解决方法;突施妙计:

    to suddenly produce sth as a solution to a problem

  • 凭借地位指使(某人);弄权:

    to make use of your place or status in society or at work to make sb do what you want

  • 突然停止帮助(或支援):

    to take help or support away from sb suddenly

  • 力求做好;努力向上:

    to try to improve your performance, work, behaviour, etc.

  • 凭影响(为某人)谋利益;(为某人)活动,走后门:

    to use your influence in order to get an advantage for sb

  • 幕后操纵;暗中控制:

    to control events or the actions of other people

  • 突然迁居:

    to suddenly move from your house and go to live somewhere else

  • 尽本分;尽职责:

    to work as hard as everyone else in a job, an activity, etc.

  • 蒙蔽某人;欺骗某人:

    to try to trick sb; to hide your real actions or intentions from sb

  • 拉;拽;扯:

    an act of trying to make sth move by holding it firmly and bringing it towards you

  • 力;引力;磁力:

    a strong physical force that makes sth move in a particular direction

  • 吸引力;诱惑;影响:

    the fact of sth attracting you or having a strong effect on you

  • (对他人的)影响,影响力:

    power and influence over other people

  • 深吸;大口喝:

    an act of taking a deep breath of smoke from a cigarette, etc. or a deep drink of sth

  • 艰难攀登:

    a difficult walk up a steep hill

  • 拉伤;扭伤:

    an injury to a muscle caused by using too much force

  • 拉手;拉绳;拉环:

    something such as a handle or rope that you use to pull sth

  • 寻觅性伴侣:

    trying to find a sexual partner


  • 马咬嚼子不听话

  • 摇(橹),荡(浆);摆渡(旅客);(船)有…浆

  • 得到后援

  • 吃力地前进

  • 一口喝下去; 抽烟

  • 吸引,招徕(顾客);获得(援助等)

  • 拽住;扯破,扯开

  • 拔去(鸡等的)毛;拔(牙齿、瓶塞等); 摘,采(苹果等);搬走,移开

  • 拉,拖,牵,曳; 勒(马)

  • 能被拉[拖、拔];(被拖着)动;行驶;(船)被划;划船

  • 【印刷】手印样,校样

  • 【高尔夫球】左弯球

  • 【赛马】(故意要输而)勒住马,放慢

  • 【骨牌】抓牌;扣(枪的)板机

  • 〔口语〕(酒的)一杯,〔英国〕(烟的)一口;〔英国〕(酒馆中给顾客)额外添加的酒

  • 〔俚语〕利益,好处;照顾;门路,关系

  • 〔口语〕一划,划游

  • 拉,拖,牵引

  • 把柄,把手,(枪的)拉绳;(啤酒水压机的)挺棍, 啤酒泵

  • 拉力,牵引力,(月等的)引力;〔美国〕(对人的)吸引力,魅力


  • 复数:pulls

  • 现在分词:pulling

  • 过去式:pulled


  • v.+n.:

    pull cart,pull cord,pull curtain,pull gun,pull tooth

  • adv.+v.:

    gently pull,away pull,hard pull




v.pushput offput in


  • "I"ll pull out the laptop, and when I"m on Michigan Avenue here in Chicago, put it on a garbage can or on the seat of a bus stop, " he said.


  • Even with a flurry of online traffic, retailers appeared to pull off Cyber Monday without a glitch.


  • This will give you a warning and a little bit of time to pull out your secondary and prepare for a firefight.


  • "You can"t lay cable, " he says. "It"s difficult, expensive, and someone is going to pull it up out of the ground to sell it. "


  • Internet gambling"s explosive growth has made it the Web"s killer app. Now critics are trying to pull the plug.


  • They took their oars and began to pull from the shore, then spread their sail, and drove merrily across the firth.


  • When the baby approaches a certain point, the mother reaches out to seize the end of its tail and pull it back to her.


  • Lunch is nothing to write home about, though some of the boats buy catches from the fishermen who pull up to them on the river.


  • The format of the file makes it easy to pull out the information you want.


  • Then he handed Samuel the forceps and told him to pull up on the skin between the rear legs to separate it from the muscle.


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