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pat on the back

pat on the back什么意思,pat on the back翻译


na.: 拍背(表示称赞,祝贺,鼓励)
网络: 赞扬;表扬;鼓励一番


  • No one ever says a kind word to them; no one sees how much they need a pat on the back.


  • If you"ve been working hard, don"t be afraid to take a break and give yourself a well-deserved pat on the back or to reflect on your goals.


  • Let me know you love me with a hug or a pat on the back, or when I need it with a firm but gentle "no" .


  • Once a relationship develops, air-kissing on both cheeks, starting with the left is often added as well as a pat on the back between men.


  • There is no greater motivation than giving a good person his piece of the puzzle to control, but a pat on the back or an award helps.


  • But more than likely, you got a quick pat on the back in a corridor or a passing mention in a hero-gram email to the whole team.


  • his father gave him a pat on the back , for he got admitted to the best high school in the city.


  • And default rates will rise as portfolios age. But at least the credit crisis has given social lending a friendly pat on the back.


  • Focus on reward . Use regular rewards to give yourself a pat on the back and encouragement for the next step .


  • had a big pat on the back for his young daughters on Tuesday, saying they have taken swimmingly to life in the White House.


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