英语单词 红联
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v.: 喜欢;想;愿意;希望
adj.: 象;像这样;和…一样;类似的
prep.: 如;比如
conj.: 象
adv.: 好像
n.: 爱好;诸如此类;象…这样的人(或物)
网络: 喜爱;如同;想要


  • 相似;类似;像:

    similar to sb/sth

  • (询问意见)…怎么样:

    used to ask sb"s opinion of sb/sth

  • (指某人常做的事)符合…的特点,像…才会:

    used to show what is usual or typical for sb

  • 像…一样:

    in the same way as sb/sth

  • 例如;譬如;比方:

    for example

  • (提供比以前更准确的数量)差不多,更接近:

    used to give a number or an amount that is more accurate than one previously mentioned

  • 比较好;还差不多;才像话:

    better; more acceptable

  • (更恰当地描述)倒更像是,说…还差不多:

    used to give what you think is a better description of sth

  • (表示某人做了令人讨厌、愚蠢之类的事)某人怎么回事,某人怎么会是这个样子:

    used to say that sb has done sth annoying, silly, etc.

  • 喜欢;喜爱:

    to find sb/sth pleasant, attractive or of a good enough standard; to enjoy sth

  • 喜欢做;喜欢(以某种方式制作或产生的东西):

    to prefer to do sth; to prefer sth to be made or to happen in a particular way

  • 想;要;希望:

    to want

  • (用于否定句)愿做:

    used in negative sentences to mean ‘to be unwilling to do sth’

  • (与 would 或 should 连用表示客气)想,想要,希望:

    used withwould orshould as a polite way to say what you want or to ask what sb wants

  • (强调遭遇不佳并想得到同情)你会感觉怎么样呢:

    used to emphasize that sth bad has happened to you and you want some sympathy

  • (礼貌地同意或建议)如果你要这样做,你要是愿意的话:

    used to politely agree to sth or to suggest sth

  • (用新方式表达或不确定时说)换句话说,可以说:

    used when you express sth in a new way or when you are not confident about sth

  • (抗议所言不实或不公)亏你说得出口:

    used to protest that sth that has been said is not true or fair

  • (表示希望或相信某事属实)我倒想…:

    used to say that you hope or believe that sth is true

  • (用以表示非常好或令人愉快):

    used to say that sth is very good or enjoyable

  • 像…一样;如同:

    in the same way as

  • 好像;仿佛;似乎:

    as if

  • 喜好;爱好:

    the things that you like

  • 类似的人(或物):

    a person or thing that is similar to another

  • (尤指被视为和某人或某事物一样好的)种类,类型:

    used to refer to sb/sth that is considered as a type, especially one that is considered as good as sb/sth else

  • 类似的;相似的:

    having similar qualities to another person or thing

  • (非正式口语,思考该说什么、解释或举例时用):

    used in very informal speech, for example when you are thinking what to say next, explaining sth, or giving an example of sth

  • (非正式口语)大概,可能:

    used in very informal speech to show that what you are saying may not be exactly right but is nearly so

  • (非正式口语)我说,他说,她说:

    used in very informal speech, to mean ‘I say’, ‘he/she says’, etc.

  • (非正式口语,代替 as)和…一样,如,像:

    used in informal speech instead ofas to say that sth happens in the same way

  • 很可能;大概:

    quite probably


  • 语气助词,用于句中表示停顿,犹豫,思考,强调,引用等

  • 比如,例如

  • 如,一如,宛如,犹如

  • 爱好,喜好

  • 象...这样的人(或物);诸如此类

  • 好像

  • 像这样,形容某人的作风

  • 和...一样;类似的;象...一样;象

  • 愿意;想;希望

  • 喜欢;爱好;喜爱,一般不用于进行时


  • 第三人称单数:likes

  • 现在分词:liking

  • 过去式:liked


  • v.+n.:

    like work,like coffee,like thing,like being


v.enjoyloveadj.alikeidenticalsimilarprep.for examplefor instancesuch asconj.asthe same asadv.approachingclose tonot unlikesimilar to




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