英语单词 红联
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v.: 喜欢;寻找;掘(地);凿(洞);挖;喜欢;探究 (up; out);看到
n.: 挖苦;(用手指或肘部)轻碰;嘲讽;考古发掘;挖掘地点;挖苦;一挖;一戳
网络: 手入水过深;挖掘去;挖土


  • 掘(地);凿(洞);挖(土):

    to make a hole in the ground or to move soil from one place to another using your hands, a tool or a machine

  • 掘得;(采)掘出:

    to remove sth from the ground with a tool

  • 寻找,搜寻(物品):

    to search in sth in order to find an object in sth

  • 赞成;看中;喜欢:

    to approve of or like sth very much

  • 探究;搜集;细查:

    to search thoroughly for information

  • 尽力提供(所需金钱、设备等):

    to try hard to provide the money, equipment, etc. that is needed

  • 拒不让步;固执己见:

    to refuse to do sth or to change your mind about sth

  • 慷慨解囊;花费;掏腰包:

    to spend a lot of your own money on sth

  • (尤指为引起注意用手指或胳膊肘)捅某人一下:

    to push your finger or your elbow into sb"s side, especially to attract their attention

  • 使自己陷入困境;使自己处境尴尬:

    to get yourself into a bad situation that will be very difficult to get out of

  • 自掘坟墓;自取灭亡;自己害自己:

    to do sth that will have very harmful results for you

  • (用手指或肘部)轻碰,轻戳,轻推:

    a small push with your finger or elbow

  • 挖苦;嘲讽:

    a remark that is intended to annoy or upset sb

  • 考古发掘:

    an occasion when an organized group of people dig in the ground to discover old buildings or objects, in order to find out more about their history


  • 手入水过深

  • 矿山

  • 〔美俚〕住处,〔英俚〕公寓

  • 矿区,金矿

  • 地方

  • 开采物

  • 采掘物

  • 采掘地点

  • 挖掘,采掘


  • She saw an old man digging in one of the vegetable gardens, but he looked cross and unfriendly, so she walked on.


  • And with spirit like this you cannot write off their title chances. They are capable of digging out victories even when below their best.


  • I"m digging on the isotopes, this metaphysics shit is dope, and if all this can give me hope, you know I"m satisfied.


  • A few people sat in the sun outside an ice-cream shop on Alfred Trappen Street, digging to the bottom of their sundaes with long spoons.


  • Luckily, Mr Craig seems just as comfortable delivering puns as he is digging shrapnel from his chest.


  • He seemed to think this was a good thing and added that he thought digging up bodies was "sick" .


  • Later, armed police came to see him suffer so much, his hands Diaoguang nails, do not let the father digging, they help him dig.


  • The women in the village about to come, with its own pair of scissors, three five around the digging in chicken giblets.


  • The invention also includes the application of the pin to a connecting mechanism of a digging bucket and a digging arm of a digging machine.


  • Digging his fingernails into the rubble window seals, he inched his way toward the front.


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