英语单词 红联
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v.: 重要;认为;算作;包括
n.: 总数;点数;数出总数;(某物质在某物或面积中)量的计数
网络: 计算;数量;数数


  • (按顺序)数数:

    to say numbers in the correct order

  • 计算(或清点)总数:

    to calculate the total number of people, things, etc. in a particular group

  • 把…算入;包括:

    to include sb/sth when you calculate a total

  • 重要:

    to be important

  • (被)正式接纳,正式认可:

    to be officially accepted; to accept sth officially

  • 认为;看作;算作;被视为:

    to consider sb/sth in a particular way; to be considered in a particular way

  • 屈指可数;寥寥无几:

    used to say that the total number of sb/sth is very small

  • (总数)仍在继续增加:

    used to say that a total is continuing to increase

  • 知足:

    to be grateful for the good things in your life

  • 不要蛋未孵化先数小鸡;别过早打如意算盘:

    you should not be too confident that sth will be successful, because sth may still go wrong

  • 感受(错误、事故等造成的)不利后果:

    to feel the bad effects of a mistake, an accident, etc.

  • 数(假想中跳出栅栏的)羊以求入睡:

    to imagine that sheep are jumping over a fence and to count them, as a way of getting to sleep

  • 公开表示支持(或赞同):

    to say publicly that you support sb or you agree with sth

  • (表示不管发生多少次)谁在乎呢,管它呢:

    used to say that you do not care how many times sth happens

  • 数出总数;总数:

    an act of counting to find the total number of sth; the total number that you find

  • (按顺序的)数数,点数:

    an act of saying numbers in order beginning with 1

  • (某物质在某物或面积中)量的计数:

    a measurement of the amount of sth contained in a particular substance or area

  • (被指控的)罪状,事项:

    a crime that sb is accused of committing

  • (讨论或争论的)论点,观点,问题,事项:

    a point made during a discussion or an argument

  • 伯爵(欧洲一些国家相当于英国 earl 的贵族封号):

    (in some European countries) a nobleman of high rank, similar to an earl in Britain

  • 根据有关…数字的最新消息:

    according to the latest information about the numbers of sth

  • (在一段时期内)记得数目,数得清,记录:

    to remember or keep a record of numbers or amounts of sth over a period of time

  • 数不清:

    to forget the total of sth before you have finished counting it

  • (被击倒后的十秒钟以内)无法再站立起来:

    unable to get up again within ten seconds after being knocked down

  • 熟睡;酣睡:

    in a deep sleep


  • 【音乐】打拍子

  • 注重,重视,值得重视,顶要紧

  • 很重要,最重要,认为重要,非常重要,关系重大

  • 认为,相信为;算为

  • 算进,计进;包括

  • 指望,期待,依赖

  • 数数看,数了一下,点数,清点,对…进行计(数),数以…计

  • 被算入…数内;有价值,重要,值得考虑

  • 〔数〕数,计算,算计,记数,记(数),计

  • 计数,计算,列举,清点

  • 【法律】起诉理由,罪状

  • 【纺织;印染】支〔每克纱的米数〕;〔美国〕论件出售的东西,(英下院)由于法定人数不足的延会;【拳击】(给被击倒者再起来比赛的宽延时间)数十秒

  • 脉冲

  • 估计

  • (英国以外的)伯爵

  • 价值,评价

  • 磅重纸板捆的纸板张数

  • 计算;数(目);〔古语〕总数,总计;顾虑,考虑

  • 计,计数;数目,数量,数值,读数


  • 过去分词:counted

  • 现在分词:counting

  • 第三人称单数:counts


  • v.+n.:

    Count cost,vote Count


v.add uptotalcalculateconsiderregardn.calculationnumber crunchingreckoningcomputationsum total


  • But they also count on investment bankers to structure financial deals in the best interest of the company and its shareholders.


  • The result of MTT was consistent to that of cell count technique.


  • Voters must be able to understand how to make their selections , and votes must be easy to count in mass quantities.


  • "Even those who dislike him are still in awe of him, " says a local commentator. "Don"t count him out yet. "


  • Nor can he ever count upon his subjects, who, because of their recent and continuous injuries, cannot feel secure with him.


  • In previous versions, the function did not always report the final count of cached rows.


  • The score with the original ball could not count because that ball was no longer the ball in play.


  • If I"m constantly keeping count of what I feel I"m entitled to, I may never be satisfied.


  • Once in a while I find more money in the left pocket than I had in my right, but I certainly do not count on it.


  • And I suppose I don"t count anymore-I was just a shoulder to cry on.


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