英语单词 红联
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n.: 中断;休息;破裂;机会
v.: 中断;破坏;碎;打断
网络: 霹雳舞;街舞;地板舞


  • (使)破,裂,碎:

    to be damaged and separated into two or more parts , as a result of force; to damage sth in this way

  • 弄坏;损坏;坏掉:

    to stop working as a result of being damaged; to damage sth and stop it from working

  • 弄破;使流血:

    to cut the surface of the skin and make it bleed

  • 违犯;背弃:

    to do sth that is against the law; to not keep a promise, etc.

  • 稍停;暂停:

    to stop doing sth for a while, especially when it is time to eat or have a drink

  • 打断;中断:

    to interrupt sth so that it ends suddenly

  • 强行终止;破坏:

    to make sth end by using force or strong action

  • 终止,断绝(关系、联系):

    to end a connection with sth or a relationship with sb

  • 逃脱;挣脱:

    to get away from or out of a position in which they are stuck or trapped

  • (被)摧毁,削弱:

    to destroy sth or make sb/sth weaker; to become weak or be destroyed

  • 使心碎;使十分悲伤;使孤寂:

    to make sb feel so sad, lonely, etc. that they cannot live a normal life

  • (常指好天气)突变:

    to change suddenly, usually after a period when it has been fine

  • 露出缝隙;散开:

    to show an opening

  • 开始;(风暴)发作:

    when the day or dawn or a stormbreaks , it begins

  • 透露;传开:

    if a piece of newsbreaks , it becomes known

  • (第一个将坏消息向某人)公布,透露,说出:

    to be the first to tell sb some bad news

  • (因激动)变调:

    if sb"s voicebreaks , it changes its tone because of emotion

  • (指男孩在 13 或 14 岁时嗓音)变粗,变低:

    when a boy"s voicebreaks , it becomes permanently deeper at about the age of 13 or 14

  • 打破(纪录):

    to do sth better, faster, etc. than anyone has ever done it before

  • 拍岸;迸溅:

    when wavesbreak , they fall and are dissolved into foam , usually near land

  • 破译;解锁:

    to find the meaning of sth secret

  • 把…换成零钱;找开:

    to change a banknote for coins

  • 间歇;休息:

    a short period of time when you stop what you are doing and rest, eat, etc.

  • 课间休息:

    a period of time between lessons at school

  • 间断;暂停:

    a pause or period of time when sth stops before starting again

  • (电视或电台节目的)插播广告的间隙:

    a pause for advertisements in the middle of a television or radio programme

  • 短期休假:

    a short holiday/vacation

  • (持续一段时间的状况或关系的)改变,终止,中断:

    the moment when a situation or a relationship that has existed for a time changes, ends or is interrupted

  • 间隔;缝隙:

    a space or an opening between two or more things

  • 机会;机遇:

    an opportunity to do sth, usually to get sth that you want or to achieve success

  • 破裂;骨折:

    a place where sth, especially a bone in your body, has broken

  • 破发:

    a win in a game in which your opponent is serving

  • 单杆;单杆得分:

    a series of successful shots by one player; the number of points scored in a series of successful shots

  • 破晓;黎明:

    the moment in the early hours of the morning when it begins to get light

  • 别烦我了;别胡说了:

    used when sb wants sb else to stop doing or saying sth that is annoying, or to stop saying sth that is not true

  • 给某人一次机会;不苛求某人:

    to give sb a chance; to not judge sb too severely

  • 向某处逃窜;试图逃跑:

    to run towards sth in order to try and escape


  • 【语音】音的分裂

  • 破坏;损伤;中断;折断;【电学】断路

  • 亚麻下脚

  • 爆炸

  • 制止

  • 驯兽,训练

  • 克服

  • 碎裂

  • 破碎

  • 断裂






  • When record-breaking storms flooded the village this past summer, the children happily paddled around on boards as if they were canoes.


  • Breaking the figures down even further, five out of every eight dollars were spent by women.


  • Never let a man spend the night, she said. Never apologize, never explain. She was breaking all her rules, and it would change everything.


  • It could be very awkward to continue working with this person after breaking up with him or her.


  • There"s a river in your eyes and I"m swept away Breaking inside out, promising to stay Together again, a lifetime stranded apart Save me!


  • He did not realize that she was obeying his orders exactly, although it was breaking her heart.


  • What about you? What is the point of living simply for you? I"d love to hear other folks" reasons for slowing down and breaking free.


  • The attack took place in the early evening when Afghans were breaking their fast during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.


  • You know, I"m a big believer in breaking bad news to a guy when you"re in bed with him.


  • Then, like a storm breaking, she picked up the cognac glass in front of her and hurled it at him with all her might.


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