英语单词 红联
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n.: 块;块体;区;障碍
v.: 阻塞;阻碍;堵塞;挡
网络: 区块;街区;数据块


  • (方形平面)大块;立方体:

    a large piece of a solid material that is square in shape and usually has flat sides

  • (公寓、办公、教学、医院等)大楼;(成组建筑中的)一栋楼房:

    a tall building that contains flats or offices; buildings that form part of a school, hospital, etc. which are used for a particular purpose

  • 街道围成的楼群;街区:

    a group of buildings with streets on all sides

  • (两条街道之间的)一段街区:

    the length of one side of a piece of land or group of buildings, from the place where one street crosses it to the next

  • 一大片土地:

    a large area of land

  • 房基地;宅基地:

    an area of land for building a house on

  • (东西的)一批,一组;(时间的)一段:

    a quantity of sth or an amount of time that is considered as a single unit

  • 障碍物;阻碍;妨害:

    something that makes movement or progress difficult or impossible

  • 阻挡;拦截:

    a movement that stops another player from going forward

  • (旧时斩首用的)垫头木:

    (in the past) the piece of wood on which a person"s head was cut off as a punishment

  • 被拿去卖;推上拍卖场:

    to be sold, especially at an auction (= a sale in which items are sold to the person who offers the most money)

  • 经验丰富;见多识广:

    to have a lot of experience

  • 冒(失业、损失名誉等)的险:

    to risk losing your job, damaging your reputation, etc. by doing or saying sth

  • 堵塞;阻塞:

    to stop sth from moving or flowing through a pipe, a passage, a road, etc. by putting sth in it or across it

  • 堵住(某人的路等);挡住(某人的视线等):

    to stop sb from going somewhere or seeing sth by standing in front of them or in their way

  • 妨碍;阻碍:

    to prevent sth from happening, developing or making progress

  • 拦截,挡住(球、打击等):

    to stop a ball, blow, etc. from reaching somewhere by moving in front of it


  • 【戏剧】排练(主要位置和动作)

  • 【铁路】以区截制管理(行车)

  • 画出…的轮廓〔草图〕

  • 拦,挡,拦住,挡住,挡掉

  • 反对,抵制,阻碍,妨碍

  • 封锁,堵塞,堵死

  • 妨碍,阻挠,堵塞,封锁,冻结(资金等),杜绝,〔英国〕对(议案)事先作反对宣传

  • 阻塞,阻挡,阻遏,阻挠,阻断

  • 把…放置台上,用木片等塞牢,使…成块状,用帽模打(帽样),给(书籍)烫金,(球类运动中合法)阻挡

  • 阻塞高气压

  • 俎,砧板,(切肉等的)墩,台,断头台,骑马台(等),【印刷】(插图)衬版,版垫,(印花)模板,剪裁样板,(装订)钢模,帽模,帽楦,【造船】船台,煞车,【计算机】部件

  • 障碍,阻碍,【无线电】停振,【医学】阻滞,〔英国〕(交通的)堵断,(对议案的)反对声明,【体育】(合法)阻挡,【棒球】障碍球

  • 片,块,大块,粗料,毛料,木料,石料,金属块,【建筑】块料,砌块,【地质学,地理学】地块

  • 集团

  • (橱窗陈列帽、假发等用的)木制假头,〔美口〕头,挂表,名誉不好的人,木头人,笨汉,铁石心肠的人

  • 一组,一套,一批,黏贴的帐,大宗股票

  • 滑车,辘兽,滑轮组

  • (铁路)区段,区截,(戏院)座位区,(政府分配移民等的)划区,〔澳大利亚〕热闹街道,闹市,繁华的大马路

  • 一排大建筑,〔英国〕大楼,大厦,〔美国〕街区〔四条街当中的地区〕街段,地段,区,区组

  • (一)块,(数据)块,物块,块状,块体


  • 第三人称单数:blocks

  • 现在分词:blocking

  • 过去式:blocked


  • v.+n.:

    block deal,block traffic,block view,block move,block construction

  • adv.+v.:

    away block


v.obstructimpedehinderjampreventn.cellblocktower blockbuildingapartment blockchunk




  • "It is not an advantage for Baidu because we have to block things, " he said. "It does not give us better user experience. "


  • When Olympic champion Kerri Walsh jumped up to block the ball in her opening match, the gold band flew off her finger.


  • Not only did he contest and block Williams" shot then save the ball from going out of bounds, he also perfectly timed when to leave Boozer.


  • She explained her son"s final wish and asked if it might be possible to give her six-year-old son a ride around the block on a fire engine.


  • Think of your ordinary, emotional, thought-ridden self as a block of ice or a slab of butter left out in the sun.


  • The knife was stuck on the chopping block but she pulled it out with a jerk.


  • I told Bob to block the kid to the right too, then run hard left, and I"d throw the ball to him right before the rusher got to me.


  • I began gathering up my things slowly, trying to block the anger that filled me, for fear my eyes would tear up.


  • We"re trying to get Shield Block to feel more like a mini-Shield Wall.


  • They love to yell. You"ll usually find at least one or two people on every block angrily screaming at someone about something or other.


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