
Geek's Girlfriend Finds Linux Harder to Use Than Windows

发布时间:2014-08-02 10:35:34来源:红联作者:Xuehai
Linux, the free, open-source UNIX-based operating system used in trendy affordable computers such as the eeePC and the Zonbu, has been gaining huge ground over the past decade in terms of general usability, especially when compared to the competing (and decidedly not-free) products from Windows or Apple. Despite that, Linux is still lambasted as being unintuitive, overly complicated, and simply not ready for prime time.

To test this point, a Linux fan took a machine with a fresh install of Ubuntu, a popular type of Linux, and decided to challenge his girlfriend, a Windows user with no Linux experience, to see whether she could find her way around and do some generally simple tasks. Unfortunately for those hoping for Linux desktop adoption, she didn't fare too well.

The tasks ranged from simple ones, like looking up the capital of Bosnia online (she passed this one) and watching a YouTube video (failed this one), to more complex challenges, such as burning a CD (failed) and modifying an image using PhotoShop (passed). By our count she succeeded in only half of the challenges, meaning Ubuntu isn't quite ready for completely pain-free use by Windows users. So, if you were wondering why cheap, Linux-based computers, like the eeePC, are starting to offer Windows versions as well, now you know.

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