
Ubuntu Vista and on the two-way system introduced guide

发布时间:2007-10-20 01:03:05来源:红联作者:Archive
I believe we will from XP boot.ini guide linux, will not repeat them here, but no longer use vista ntldr, so there are some changes.

1, the Boot Sector of the grub guided by the document.

Under the linux

Dd if = / dev/sda3 of = / dev/sda6/linuxloader/ubuntu.lnx bs = 512 count = 1

(My GRUB installation on the sda3)

/ Dev / sda said from the sata drives

Ide drives, using / dev / hda. Depending on the specific circumstances record grub guide for the location of the installation

(This and the use of XP ntldr一样)

2, in the vista, with administrator privileges running cmd, and then

Bcdedit / create / d "Ubuntu 7.04" / application bootsector

The establishment of a name for the "Ubuntu 7.04" by loading types as "Boot Sector document" of the start-up

Post-implementation, will return to a (GUID), the following commands use the (GUID)

Bcdedit / set (GUID) device partition = E:

Sector set up to guide the district where the paper (this is where the district ubuntu.lnx)

Bcdedit / set (GUID) path \ linuxloader \ ubuntu.lnx

Designated Boot Sector document path and filename (backslash \ that the root directory)

Bcdedit / displayorder (GUID) / addlast

Ubuntu increase this to the menu item at the end. Restart your computer.

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