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UEFA Champions League finals




  • 2017欧冠决赛
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  • 欧冠决赛2017决赛集锦
  • 多特蒙德欧冠决赛
  • 曼联 99 欧冠决赛
  • 切尔西2012欧冠决赛
  • 齐达内 欧冠决赛
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  • 09欧冠决赛录像
  • 2017欧冠决赛 分析
  • 欧冠杯决赛2017
  • 2003 欧冠决赛


  • 1: 又是一个简单的问题。就是2007年在欧冠决赛中败北。

    Easy again. Losing the Champions League final in 2007.

  • 2: 排名第一的进球是我在欧冠决赛中顶进的头球。

    At number one has to be my header in the Champions League final.

  • 3: 我们都没想上赛季的欧冠决赛

    None of us are thinking about last season"s final defeat to Barcelona.

  • 4: 所以在欧冠决赛上击败他们会是一场彻底的大胜。

    So to defeat them in the Champions League final would be the ultimate victory.

  • 5: 我的目标是要击败曼联,进入欧冠决赛

    My target is to defeat Manchester and reach the Champions final"."

  • 6: 米兰每隔几年就进入到欧冠决赛

    Milan are in the Champions League final every couple of years.

  • 7: 我的球队准备好踢欧冠决赛

    My team is ready to play a Champions League final.

  • 8: 欧冠决赛的对决一点乐趣都没有。

    "I had no joy watching the Champions League final, " he said.

  • 9: 切尔西的确是一支伟大的球队,上赛季欧冠决赛中他们只是在了点球上。

    Chelsea are a great side who only lost the Champions League on penalties last season.

  • 10: 在阿森纳经历欧冠决赛之后,欧冠冠军现在是我最大的愿望” “卡佩罗和温格完全不同。

    The Champions League is also my great desire after getting to the final with Arsenal.

  • 11: 唯一的遗憾是我们在欧冠决赛中失利了。

    "There is only the Champions League defeat that sticks in the throat. "

  • 12: 我们刚刚看过一场精彩绝伦的欧冠联赛决赛,曼联和巴萨的这场比赛是公平竞赛。

    We have just seen a beautiful Champions League final with Barcelona, with fair play.

  • 13: 我们知道我们需要晋级到决赛,并夺得欧冠。

    We know what we need to reach a final and win it.

  • 14: 我们很享受晋级决赛,但我们要赢得欧冠才能被认为是一支成功的球队。

    We can enjoy getting to the final, but we need to win it to be known as a successful team.

  • 15: 从拆除在罗马进行欧冠决赛时的防护围栏开始? 嗯,希望是。

    Starting from removing the barriers at the Champions League final in Rome? "I wish".

  • 16: 如果足总杯决赛对曼联,比赛需要点球决胜,那几乎比赛从开始到结束每分钟都是折磨,欧冠决赛对巴萨更是极大的痛苦。

    If the FA Cup Final against Manchester United - which was decided on penalties - was torture every minute from beginning to end, the Champions" League final against Barcelona was sheer agony.

  • 17: 曼联在它三次成功的欧冠决赛之旅中或多或少受到了运气的照顾:这次它彻底出局了,它遇上了一个拥有世界上所有技巧并将其展现了出来的对手。

    United rode their luck to a greater or lesser extent in their three successful European Cup finals: this time it ran out completely. They met a side with all the skill in the world, and it showed.

  • 18: 如果切尔西确实能比刚刚过去的赛季更进一步,我们将会出现在莫斯科欧冠决赛的赛场上。

    If Chelsea do make it that one step further than the season just gone, the Champions League Final would take the team to Moscow.

  • 19: 但让我们先来看足球,曼联将在本月内与巴萨在欧冠决赛中对垒。

    But first, Manchester United will face Barcelona in the European Champions League final later this month.

  • 20: 记者:你提到过1984年罗马和利物浦之间的欧冠决赛。你觉得你把利物浦当做第二选择,这对利物浦队来说公平吗?

    Journalist: You mentioned the 1984 European Cup final between Roma and Liverpool. Would it be fair to say Liverpool have always been your second team?

  • 21: 在那年的欧冠决赛上,39名尤文球迷因为球迷骚乱而丧生,而在同时期的英格兰国内,埃弗顿同样是一支实力高超的球队。

    That day, when 39 Juventus supporters were killed during riots ahead of their side"s European Cup final with Liverpool in Brussels, Everton were a club on the brink of greatness.

  • 22: 他们的数据显示,2009年只有欧冠决赛吸引到了比这更多的电视观众。

    In 2009, according to their data, only the Champions League football final in Europe attracted a larger audience.

  • 23: 多么可怕透顶的欧冠决赛!比起足总杯决赛它差得远了。整个比赛充斥着失误。

    What a dreadful Uefa Champion Clubs" Cup Final! It was far worse than the FA Cup Final. It was full of mistakes.

  • 24: 国米前锋迭戈米利托,这位在上年欧冠决赛梅开二度的英雄,因伤缺席两个月后在对AC米兰的比赛重回赛场,但阿根廷人可能再次先坐在替补席上。

    Inter striker Diego Milito, a two-goal hero in last year"s final, returned from a two-month injury absence against AC Milan but the Argentine may again start on the bench.

  • 25: 这件球衣的特别之处在于它是专门为欧冠决赛前锋准备的,上面有因扎吉的亲笔签名以及绣着雅典纪念符号。

    The special jersey, which was prepared for the striker specifically for Champions League final, has been autographed by Inzaghi and was also embroidered with a special Athens commemorative symbol.

  • 26: 当然他们拥有一支宇宙超级阵容,他们赢得欧冠决赛也很震撼,但我对下赛季还是相当乐观的。

    Of course they have a fantastic team and the way they won the Champions League final was fantastic, but I am optimistic looking forward to next season.

  • 27: 由于欧洲足联要求温布利在欧冠决赛举行前两周就必须做好准备,足协不得不将今年的足总杯决赛提前。

    The FA has had to bring this year’s final forward because of Uefa’s requirement that Wembley be available to it two weeks before the Champions League final.

  • 28: 你们进入欧冠决赛是否意味着这已经是一场成功的战役?。

    Does the fact you"re in the Champions League final mean this has been a successful campaign?

  • 29: 随着体能下降,他退回到防守的角色打起了清道夫。 在这个位置上,1999年,在拜仁欧冠决赛与曼联的比赛中,他上演了精彩的表现。

    As his legs grew less able, he was able to move back into the defence to sweeper, where, in 1999, he put in a masterful display as Bayern contested the Champions League final with Manchester United.

  • 30: 2005年,伊斯坦布尔,海皮亚憧憬对阵米兰的欧冠决赛

    Hyypiä eyes the European Cup before the 2005 final with AC Milan in Istanbul.

  • 31: 伊涅斯塔将会以健康的身体赶上巴萨跟曼联的欧冠决赛,经过检查后表明他的伤并不是有当初所想的那么严重。

    Andres Iniesta will be fit in time to play in the Champions League final for Barcelona against Manchester United after tests revealed that his injury is not as serious as first thought.

  • 32: 周三晚上,在欧冠决赛中戏剧性地战胜切尔西后,红魔的每一个人都欣喜若狂。

    The Reds were overjoyed after claiming a Champions League final victory over Chelsea in dramatic fashion in Moscow on Wednesday night.

  • 33: 在对巴塞罗那的欧冠决赛后你看上去很失望。这是你职业生涯中最大的挫折吗?

    You were visibly upset after the Champions League final against Barcelona. Is that the biggest disappointment you"ve had in your career so far?

  • 34: 哈维尔·马斯切拉诺表示欧冠决赛对曼联的胜利也属于利物浦球迷。

    Javier Mascherano has dedicated Barcelona"s Champions League final triumph over Manchester United to Liverpool supporters.

  • 35: 阿森纳主教练阿瑟内·温格在进军欧冠决赛的道路上要去仔细研究利物浦今年早些时候击垮曼联的经典战役了。

    Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger would do well to study Manchester United’s humbling at the hands of Liverpool earlier this year as he plots a route to the Champions League final.

  • 36: 在欧冠决赛即将来临之际,哈利•科威尔似乎是一个新迹象。他的复出是球队一个大促进吗?

    One player who seems like a new signing just ahead of the European Cup final is Harry Kewell. Is his return a big boost for the club?

  • 37: 下赛季的欧冠决赛也将不可避免地面临相同情况。

    Next summer"s European Championship finals means a similar clash is inevitable.

  • 38: 他的队友吉格斯已经在2008欧冠决赛上超过了查尔顿的出场纪录,斯科尔斯的进球数也比鲁尼多。

    Of his present team-mates, both Ryan Giggs – who eclipsed Charlton"s appearance record in the 2008 Champions League final – and Paul Scholes have both scored more often.

  • 39: 五场禁赛的第一场已在周二进行的欧冠半决赛第二回合比赛中执行,那场比赛巴塞罗那凭着1:1的比赛结果闯入本月底举行的欧冠决赛,而第五场禁赛将会缓期三年执行。

    He sat out the first of those games in Tuesday"s second leg, a 1-1 draw which put Barcelona into this month"s final, and the last of the five is suspended for a probationary period of three years.

  • 40: 其它方面的消息,法比奥卡佩罗告诉英格兰队中的曼联球星们忘记掉欧冠决赛的羞辱。

    In other news, Fabio Capello has told United"s England stars to forget about their Champions League final humiliation.

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