汉语词典 红联
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haze, fog and haze, Woomay


雾霾,是雾和霾的组合词。雾霾常见于城市。中国不少地区将雾并入霾一起作为灾害性天气现象进行预警预报,统称为“雾霾天气”。雾霾是特定气候条件与人类活动相互作用的结果。高密度人口的经济及社会活动必然会排放大量细颗粒物(PM 2.5),一旦排放超过大气循环能力和承载度,细颗粒物浓度将持续积聚,此时如果受静稳天气等影响,极易出现大范围的雾霾。2013年,“雾霾”成为年度关键词。这一年的1月,4次雾霾过程笼罩30个省(区、市),在北京,仅有5天不是雾霾天。有报告显示,中国最大的500个城市中,只有不到1%的城市达到世界卫生组织推荐的空气质量标准,与此同时,世界上污染最严重的10个城市有7个在中国。2014年1月4日,国家减灾办、民政部首次将危害健康的雾霾天气纳入2013年自然灾情进行通报。2014年2月,习近平在北京考察时指出:应对雾霾污染、改善空气质量的首要任务是控制PM2.5,要从压减燃煤、严格控......查看完整解释


  • 雾霾对人体的危害
  • 雾霾产生的原因
  • 雾霾是什么意思
  • 雾霾和雾的区别
  • 防雾霾口罩哪种好
  • 治理雾霾的方法
  • 雾霾可以防导弹
  • 雾和雾霾的区别
  • 2014年雾霾
  • 雾霾与雾的区别
  • 雾霾带来的危害
  • 雾霾什么时候开始的
  • 没有雾霾的城市
  • 雾霾的产生原因
  • 产生雾霾的原因
  • 雾霾对人的危害
  • 防雾霾口罩厂家
  • 雾霾形成的主要原因
  • 雾霾怎么形成的
  • 中国雾霾城市排名


  • 1: 中国不少地方把雾霾作为灾害性天气预报。 。

    Many parts of China the haze as a severe weather forecast.

  • 2: 美丽的清晨的光影,暴风雨和雾天(尤其是雾霾!)

    Beautiful morning light and shadows, a stormy or foggy day (especially fog!).

  • 3: 最近中国的大部分地区都笼罩在雾霾中,人人将参与到拯救环境的工作中。

    These days most areas of China are in thick haze, everyone will ____a____in saving the environment.

  • 4: 但是现在,那种传说般的雾霾已经很少见了。

    But this time the city"s legendary smog was barely visible.

  • 5: 雾霾,看似与雾有“血缘关系”,但它却和雾截然不同。

    Haze, which seems to have a "blood relationship", but it is different from the fog.

  • 6: 面对雾霾,广大民众积极采取各项措施。

    In response, many Chinese people have taken measures into their own hands.

  • 7: 雾霾中含有有毒的元素,人们呼吸着雾霾,损害着他们的身体。

    The haze contains toxic elements, people breathe it and hurt their bodies.

  • 8: 需”嗓子发痒,眼睛疼,耳膜疼,头疼……“,不少人出现”雾霾症状“。

    "Itchy throat, eye pain, eardrum pain, headache …", many people appear "haze symptoms.

  • 9: 这样我们就能与无情的雾霾抗争了!

    So we can fight with the relentless haze!

  • 10: 深入呼吸着没有雾霾的空起。

    Deep breathing the air of no haze.

  • 11: 当龙骑被召唤,整个地图将变的鲜红,随即雾霾遮蔽天空。

    The whole map turns red, and cinders fall across the sky when he is summoned.

  • 12: 很明显,雾霾严重威胁到人们的健康。

    It is obvious that haze is a great threat to people"s health.

  • 13: 其次,在雾霾天气里,很容易发生车祸。

    Secondly, in the fog and haze, it is easy to have an accident.

  • 14: 雾霾绝对是我们最好的广告。

    The smog is definitely our best advertising.

  • 15: 在国内,咱们饱受着雾霾、沙尘暴等环境疑问的威胁;

    At home, we suffer from the fog, sandstorm environment questions such as;

  • 16: 我问妈妈: ơ“为什么今天又雾霾,而且这么大?。

    I asked my mother: "why today and fog, and so big?"

  • 17: 不过,雾和霾还有本质上的区别。

    However fog and haze and difference in nature.

  • 18: 我说这是雾,姥爷又说:“不对,是雾和霾都有。”

    " I say this is fog, grandpa said: "no, is fog and haze has.

  • 19: 如果睁大眼睛仔细观察,你就可以透过这层层霾雾看到光明。

    If you try hard, you can see light through the haze.

  • 20: 天气预报说有强冷空气要来吹散雾霾了。 。

    Strong cold air is in the forecast to blow away the smog.

  • 21: 在中国持续的雾霾天气已经影响许多人最近。

    The continous hazy weather in China has been effecting many people lately.

  • 22: 这样的天气越来越频繁,雾霾正无声无息地笼罩着我们的城市。

    This weather is more and more frequent, haze is silently hung over our city.

  • 23: 我不知道雾霾什么时候会散去。

    I have no idea when the haze will disperse.

  • 24: 保护环境吧!让这几年的雾霾天气逐渐减少吧!让人们不用因此而死亡! 敌。

    To protect the environment! Let these years haze weather gradually reduce! ! ! ! Let people don"t have died!

  • 25: 红色和橙色表示土星大气中的深处云层,黄色和绿色表示中等深度云层,而白色和蓝色表示高处云层和雾霾

    Red and orange indicate clouds that are deep in the Saturnian atmosphere. Yellow and green indicate intermediate clouds, while white and blue mark high clouds and haze.

  • 26: 开幕仪式在一个闷热的早晨进行,村内街区的旗帜被因污染而产生的城市雾霾所笼罩。

    The ceremony took place on a muggy morning, with the village"s blocks of flats shrouded in a pollution haze.

  • 27: 上海连日以来的雾霾天气已经导致了一系列的连锁反应。

    The continuous haze weather in Shanghai has caused a series of ripple effects.

  • 28: 早晨,拉开窗帘,到处灰蒙蒙的一片,看不见蓝天,看不见房屋,看不见树木,这就是雾霾天气。

    Morning, pull open curtain, dusty everywhere, can"t see the blue sky, see house, can"t see trees, this is the haze weather.

  • 29: 事实上,雾霾不仅对我们的肺和鼻子有伤害,也是造成可怕的交通事故的原因之一。

    As a matter of fact, the smog and haze not only does harm to the lungs and noses but alsogives rise to horrible traffic accidents.

  • 30: 危险的灰色雾霾周末降临中国东北部,学校停课,航班中断,工厂停工,市民呼吸也受到威胁。

    A dangerous gray haze descended on Northeast China over the weekend, choking off schools, flights and industry and endangering citizens simply trying to breathe.

  • 31: 开幕仪式在一个闷热的早晨进行,村内街区的旗帜被因污染而产生的城市雾霾所笼罩。 。

    Thee ceremony took place on a muggy morning, with the village"s blocks offlats shrouded in a pollution haze.

  • 32: 雾霾污染是一种新型的大气污染现象,是由多种种物理、化学原因所导致的污染类型。

    Thee pollution of fog and haze, which is caused by many physical and chemical reasons, is a new kind of air pollution in China.

  • 33: 从这种意义上说厦门的白色雾霾并不对我有多大的干扰。

    In that sense the white haze of Xiamen didn"t bother me.

  • 34: 工业放出的空气污染物加剧空气中的同温层雾霾,破坏臭氧层,导致全球变暖。

    The industry emits in the air pollutant aggravating air"s stratosphere fog haze, the destruction ozone layer, causes the global warming.

  • 35: 祈福医院治未病中心主任兼营养科主任区俊文指出,“除了减少外出活动以外,可以通过选择合适的食物减少雾霾对人体的负面影响。”

    Doctor Ou Junwen, chief doctor of nutritional department of Clifford Hospital, says that besides going outdoors less, we can reduce adverse effects of haze by choosing right foods.

  • 36: 2014年2月25日,阵阵春风吹拂下的北京一扫连日以来的雾霾,灰蒙阴沉的天空再现久违的湛蓝如洗。

    On February, 25, 2014, with the spring breeze blowing in Beijing, the haze clocking Beijing was cleared away and the grey and cloudy sky turned into clear blue.

  • 37: 北京雾霾的严重程度让人震惊。出门一定要戴口罩的。

    The haze in Beijing is simply shocking. You need a mask for outdoor activities.

  • 38: 摘要:近日来,北京连续出现严重的雾霾天气,首都的空气质量再次令人堪忧。

    ABSTRACT: Recently, continuous severe haze weather has been reported in Beijing, the capital"s air quality is a cause for concern again.

  • 39: 雾霾问题是人们追求利润而造成的,人们曾经对环境所做的现在已经得到了报复。

    Thee haze problem is the result of people"s pursuit for the profit, what people did to the environment now has been paid back by the environment.

  • 40: 北京申办2022冬季奥运会,而雾霾天气成为申办的劣势。

    Beijing is bidding to host the 2022 winter Olympics, however, the haze is a disadvantage.

  • 41: 暴雨也会袭击中国南部地区,且如黄淮、长江和淮河流域等北部地区将出现严重的雾霾天气。

    Heavy rain will also hit the southernregions of China, and there will be heavy haze days in the northern regions, such as Huang-Huai, Yangtze River and Huai River areas.

  • 42: 到时,火星的当地气温将为华氏10度,由冰云形成的粉红色天空中可能会有雾霾出现,是一年中这个时候火星上的典型现象。

    There may be some haze in the planet"s pink skies from ice clouds, typical for this time of year, with temperatures at about 10 degrees Fahrenheit.

  • 43: 近几日北京持续被浓重雾霾笼罩,市场上防尘口罩和空气净化器的销量剧增。

    The market for dust masks and air purifiers is booming in Beijing because the capital has been shrouded for several days in thick fog and haze.

  • 44: 这一保险计划承保范围不包括多云、有雾或雾霾的情况,而由于空气污染严重,中国的大城市常常出现这些天气现象。

    The insurance plan will not protect against clouds, fog or haze--all frequent occurrences in China"s big cities, thanks to high levels of air pollution.

  • 45: 新加坡的PSI空气污染指数都在200以上,而印尼更是达到了2000。雾霾已经严重影响了居民的生活。

    With PSI around 200 in Singapore and over 2000 in Indonesia, haze is leading to great unhealthy living for involved residents.

  • 46: 慢慢地,王月在这座冬季总是被雾霾笼罩的城市中打造了一个童话世界。

    Gradually, she created a fairytale world in the city, which is always covered by fog and haze in the winters.

  • 47: 现在,雾霾天气经常会出现在我们的国家。

    Nowadays, the hazy weather frequently appears in our country.

  • 48: 随着定量遥感技术的发展,利用遥感数据监测雾霾天气以及强度等级有着重要的意义。

    With the development of remote sensing technology, it is significant to use RS to monitor haze and pollution level.

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