汉语词典 红联
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Industrial Internet


产业互联网(Industrial Internet)是从消费互联网引申出的概念,是指传统产业借力大数据、云计算、智能终端以及网络优势,提升内部效率和对外服务能力,是传统产业通过“互联网+”实现转型升级的重要路径之一。......查看完整解释


  • 互联网产业聚集
  • 互联网产业金融
  • 互联网产业基地
  • 互联网产业 政策
  • 新兴互联网产业
  • 产业互联网的意义
  • 互联网体育产业
  • 汽车产业 互联网
  • 产业互联网问题
  • 移动互联网 产业链
  • 互联网 产业结构
  • 互联网暴利产业
  • 深圳市南山区互联网产业园
  • 山西互联网产业园
  • 互联网产业优势
  • 中关村互联网金融产业中心
  • 互联网 第二产业
  • 运河汽车互联网产业园
  • 互联网产业发展专项资助


  • 1: 搜索引擎产业在互联网行业中越来越处于核心地位。

    Search engine industry is increasingly at the heart of the Internet industry.

  • 2: 这个庞大的产业随着互联网的发展成长为了娱乐产业中的巨人。

    A once large industry has now burst out as a giant in entertainment due to the Internet.

  • 3: 这将对整个电信网络和下游的互联网产业产生影响。

    This will be right whole and telegraphic network and influence of downstream Internet industry generation.

  • 4: 互联网产业已成为中国经济的主要组成部分和重要催化剂。

    Internet industry already became the main component of Chinese economy and important activator .

  • 5: 中国互联网产业,目前正处于导入期;

    China"s net-work industry is now in its introducing period.

  • 6: 我们的公司依赖互联网产业生存。

    Our company is dependent on the dot-com industry.

  • 7: 近年来,我国互联网产业发展迅猛。

    In recent years, China has witnessed a rapid development of Internet industry.

  • 8: 这可能不会改变世界,但它至少会改变中国的互联网产业!

    It may not change the world, but it at least will change China"s internet Industry.

  • 9: 如果不解决这个问题,中国的整个互联网产业将会受到很大的影响。

    If this problem is not fixed, the entire Chinese Internet industry will deteriorate.

  • 10: 然而,有财富将在中国的互联网产业取得。

    Nonetheless, there are riches to be made in China"s Internet industry.

  • 11: 那么,动漫产业如何在移动互联网上布局呢?

    So, the animation industry in the mobile Internet on how the layout of it?

  • 12: 互联网促进了文化产业发展。

    The Internet also helps promote the development of the culture industry.

  • 13: 互联网仍然是一个新兴的产业。

    The Internet is still an adolescent industry.

  • 14: 事过境迁,现在的互联网业已是一个新形的产业。

    But times have changed, and the Web is now big business.

  • 15: 互联网已永久地改变了这些产业。

    The Internet has permanently changed these industries.

  • 16: 它是一个全球性产业,是一个很好的办法让暴露在互联网上。

    It is a global industry and is a very good way to get exposure on the Internet.

  • 17: 互联网作为一种技术,成为了独特的产业。

    Internet became a unique and special social domain as a technology.

  • 18: 作为一个产业,互联网对典型发达经济体的贡献大于矿业、公共事业、农业及教育业。

    As an industry, the Internet contributes more to the typical developed economy than mining, utilities, agriculture, and education.

  • 19: 虚拟财产的保护问题不仅关系到开发商、运营商、用户的权益,也关系到整个虚拟产业和互联网行业的良性、快速发展。

    Virtual property protection not only to developers, operators, users interests also relations entire virtual industries and Internet industry benign, rapid development.

  • 20: 他专门在每日电讯报上表示,诞生于一个小文化产业,互联网公司和大规模的扩张变化的速度是一个新的发展。

    Speaking exclusively to The Daily Telegraph, he says the speed of change is a new development, born from a culture of small, online companies and massive expansion.

  • 21: 英国唱片产业协会的首席执行官GeoffTaylor说道,自己的唱片产业与互联网服务提供商的合作能够开出美丽的花朵,他还补充道同维京传媒的合作是“这一点的最好说明”。

    Geoff Taylor, the chief executive of BPI, said the partnership between ISPs and his industry needed to flower, adding that the deal with Virgin was a "significant first illustration of this".

  • 22: 随着信息技术、计算机产业以及互联网技术的迅速发展,嵌入式系统成为了当前IT产业最瞩目的焦点之一。

    As the rapid development of Internet technology, information technology and the computer industry, embedded systems become the focus of the most attention in the current IT industry.

  • 23: 因为假如更多的中小企业站点实现赢利,中国的互联网产业才会成爆炸态的速度发展的更加壮大。

    Because if the more profitable site for SMEs, China"s Internet industry will explode into a state of the speed of the development of even stronger.

  • 24: 在互联网产业,并购体现了明显的国际化;

    Obvious trend of internationalization shows up in the internet industry.

  • 25: 但是有一天此项交易也许会被看做是互联网产业中一件意义深远的事情。

    But the deal may be seen one day as a significant event in the internet industry.

  • 26: 汪洋表示,广东有腾讯这样的优秀互联网企业,应该致力于将互联网产业打造成战略产业之一。

    Boundless expresses, guangdong has Tecent such outstanding Internet enterprise, should devote oneself to to make Internet industry one of strategic industries.

  • 27: 互联网门户作为互联网产业中的领头羊,它的兴衰标志着互联网经济的发展和变化。

    Internet portals are the most important part of internet, and it"s development reflects the evolution of internet industry.

  • 28: 由于互联网产业还处于发展初期,其高成长性可以部分解释其如此高的市盈率。

    Because of their initial stage"s development, Internet Industry"s nature of high development can explain their so high P/E ratios.

  • 29: 近来已有三位高层抛弃这位曾经互联网产业的宠儿,更有流言称其合伙人也将离开。

    Three executives recently quit the one-time darling of the internet and there is speculation its co-founders will follow.

  • 30: 最后,给出世界特别是美国互联网产业的发展状况及对其发展趋势的展望。

    At last, we summarized the Internet industry"s developing condition and its developing tendency.

  • 31: 1月13日消息,对于谷歌可能撤出中国一事,资深互联网人士谢文认为,这对中国的互联网产业是一个不利的信号。

    It was reported on January 13th that Google’s withdrawal from China might be an unfavorable signal for Chinese internet industry, according to the veteran IT worker Xie Wen.

  • 32: 中国互联网产业的快速发展,创造了大量的工作机会。

    Because of the rapid development of the internet industry in China, an abundance of jobs are available.

  • 33: 中国互联网产业泡沫也可能导致别处的不切实际的估价。

    The froth in China"s web industry could also lead to unrealistic valuations elsewhere.

  • 34: 相对来说,互联网产业中比较容易获得这样的融资。

    In the dotcom industry such funds are at least relatively easy to obtain.

  • 35: 这个如今拥有大约700个雇员、市值达3.5亿美元的公司被认为是中国互联网产业中的航空母舰。

    Today the company employs approximately 700 personnel, and with amarket capitalization of USD 3.5 billion, is considered one of theheavyweights in the Chinese online industry.

  • 36: 在体育转播、体育商务与体育营销中应充分发挥互联网作用,以期使我国体育产业尽快与互联网结合并产生新的效益。

    This paper puts forth that we should give full play to internet in sports broadcasting, sports business and sports marketing in order to bring better results to the sports industry.

  • 37: 在金融与安全产业、移动互联网产业方面,大唐电信将在现有基础上,取得行业领先地位,并在细分领域成为主流供应商;

    In the financial security industry and the mobile internet industry, Datang Telecom has a leading position, and becomes the mainstream supplier of detail areas.

  • 38: 在国际金融危机的大背景下,中国互联网的发展势头依然不减,互联网产业继续保持规模增长。

    In spite of the global financial crisis, the Internet continues to progress in China and the Internet industry manages to maintain its development scale.

  • 39: 然而,互联网产业以外的其他产业,融资则更加步履维艰,而且进入的门槛很高,只是类型不一样而已。

    Outside the dotcom industry, though, raising money is more of a slog. And there are big barriers to entry, just of a different sort.

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