汉语词典 红联
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  • 通辽市天气预报
  • 通辽市人市考试信息网
  • 通辽人事考试信息网
  • 通辽信息港房屋出租
  • 北京到通辽火车时刻表
  • 通辽疑牛炭疽疫情
  • 通辽信息港房屋出售
  • 通辽到呼和浩特
  • 内蒙古通辽天气
  • 通辽到乌兰浩特
  • 内蒙古通辽市开鲁县
  • 内蒙古通辽市科尔沁区
  • 通辽广播电视台
  • 通辽到沈阳客车
  • 通辽15天天气预报
  • 通辽西拉木伦公园
  • 通辽新世纪大酒店
  • 通辽市传染病医院
  • 通辽二手车交易市场


  • 1: 通辽哪有在衣服上印图案的?。

    Which has Tong Liao City to print pattern"s on the clothes?

  • 2: 通辽地区丰产型杨树农田防护林营造技术。

    Afforest technology on high yield type shelter forest of poplar tree in tongliao area.

  • 3: 在中国北方的内蒙古自治区,大雨引发的洪涝破坏了集宁至通辽铁路的一座桥。

    In north China"s Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, rain-triggered floods destroyed a bridge on the Jining-Tongliao Railway.

  • 4: 目的了解通辽市蒙古族学生视力低下的分布特点及规律,为青少年学生近视的防治工作提供依据。

    To understand the distribution characteristics and laws of poor sight among Mongolian students, and provide evidence for short sight prevention of adolescent students.

  • 5: 本文采用动态法、区域水量均衡法、数值法确定了通辽地区不同时段的降雨入渗补给系数。

    The coefficients of rainfall infiltration in different time are worked out by using dynamic methods, area water balance method and mathematical methods.

  • 6: 本文采取访谈法和文献研究法对“通辽市蒙古族学校”办学特色进行个案研究。

    This thesis researches the characteristics of Tongliao Mongolia School by the means of individual-case study through interview and documents.

  • 7: 位于内蒙古自治区通辽市的科尔沁左翼中旗是全国县级行政区域中蒙古族人口最多的旗县。

    Horqin Left Middle Banner which is located at Tongliao City of Mongolia Autonomous Region has the most populations of Mongolian Nationality in county-level administrative regions.

  • 8: 通辽梅花生物科技有限公司办公楼,门厅,会议室,接待室。

    Office building, entrance halls, meeting room and reception room of Tongliao Meihua Bio-Tech Co. , Ltd.

  • 9: 文中借助于ETM图像判读数据、统计资料与实际调查资料分析后认为,通辽市人工种草现状不容乐观,但尚有潜力可挖。

    The phase and potential of grass plantation in Tongliao city has been discussed by means of analysis on ETM images, statistic and investigation data.

  • 10: 通过对通辽市科尔沁区的园林树木进行调查,确定其主要种类为27个科51个属79个种6个变种和11个栽培变种。

    Through the investigation of urban trees in Tongliao city Korqin distract, the main species belongs to 27 families, 51 genera, 79 species, 6 variety, 11 cultivar.

  • 11: 针对内蒙古通辽少数民族地区农机化技术推广工作的现状、特点及存在的问题,提出了今后通辽地区农机化推广的几点建议。

    The paper is accorded to the actuality, characteristics and problems of popularization for agricultural mechanization techniques in Tongliao for national area and putted forward improving suggestions.

  • 12: 本文通过详实的资料和细致地野外调查,全面地分析了通辽地区的地表物质组成、水分状况及其植被状况。

    Though full materials and many field experiments in study area, surface material compositions, moisture state and vegetation condition are analyzed comprehensively.

  • 13: 内蒙古通辽市金宝化工有限公司,现达到年产糠醛3,000吨。

    Inner Mongolia Tongliao Jinbao Chemical Industry Co. Ltd. , with annual capacity of 3,000 tons for Furfural.

  • 14: 查明了通辽地区第四纪地质实体各期岩相古地理、沉积构造特征、地层空间结构、沉积物粒度的空间变异,据此进行了地层分区。

    Such as the sediment structure characteristic of paled geography and formation the spatial structure of formation, the spatial variation of sediment size.

  • 15: 男,1973年出生,理学博士,副教授,内蒙古通辽市人。

    Hu Ge, male, born in 1973, Ph. D, associate professor, from Tongliao, Inner Mongolia .

  • 16: 通辽市主要有五大水系,湿地面积广阔。

    There are five main water systems and large areas of wetland in Tongliao city.

  • 17: 通辽电厂地基条件不能满足主要建筑物采用天然地基的要求,需要进行地基处理。

    Since the natural soil mass of Tongliao power plant cant be served as natural foundation for main buildings, the soil mass of Tongliao power plant has to be treated.

  • 18: 内蒙古自治区牛皮蝇蛆病主要分布于中、东部的锡盟、呼盟、通辽市等地区。

    Hypodermiasis in bovine mainly prevails in Xinlinguoler League, Hulunbeier League, Tongliao City and so on in the middle and the east part of Inner Mongolia.

  • 19: 进一步分析表明,地表植被覆盖率的增长,是近年来通辽地区沙尘暴日数减少的直接原。

    In addition, the sandstorm decreasing is directly resulted by the coverage rate increasing in recent years.

  • 20: 分析了大虎山至郑家屯铁路沿线内蒙古通辽及邻近地区硅砂中铁的赋存状态;

    The article analyzes the existing state of iron in silicon sands in the Tongliao area of Inner Mongolia.

  • 21: 通过几年来的实地调查研究,列出较详尽的通辽市木本植物名录。

    This paper reported detailed wood-plant. This of Tongliao city on the spot investigation and study in the several years.

  • 22: 通辽供电公司大客户服务工程的主线是为大客户创造价值,与大客户协同发展。

    The mainline of the Major Customer Service Project(MCSP) is to creat value for the major customers and to achieve mutual developments.

  • 23: 朱永光(1963~),男,内蒙古通辽人,出身一个蒙古族教师家庭。

    Zhu Yongguang (1963), male, Tongliao people, born of a Mongolian family of teachers.

  • 24: 同时,以笔者参与的通辽市人民广场的设计为实践性验证,为通辽市今后的城市广场设计发展提供了参考。

    At the same time, the practical experience of the design of people square of Tongliao which I participated in is a good reference for the future design of city square.

  • 25: 从空间位置上看,通辽市西北部及兴安盟西部和东北部变化最大,通辽市科尔沁区和四周旗县及呼伦贝尔市草地向林地演变的交错带为变化明显区域。

    From space postitions, significant change area is northwest of Tongliao city and west and northeast of Xilinhot, and the area of Tongliao city around and Hulunbuir is also significant change area.

  • 26: 本文的研究对象为内蒙古通辽市库伦旗传统安代仪式,以及仪式事项中体现出的生命意识与社会功能。

    This paper studies the traditional Andai Ritual of Kulun Banner in Tongliao in the Inner Mongolia as well as the life consciousness and the social functions embodied in the ritual items.

  • 27: 为了探索风沙地区退化土地开发治理的新途径,中国三北0 0 9项目办公室,在通辽市莫力庙乡选设了试验示范区。

    In order to explore new ways to develop and manage degenerated land in sand region, the experimental demonstration district has been set up in Molimiao, Tongliao by Office of 009 Project, ThreeNorth.

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