汉语词典 红联
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shapeshifting, Metamorphosis, Morph, Transform




  • 异界变身狂想曲
  • 变身之邪恶金庸
  • 变身软妹的机甲物语
  • 好看的变身小说
  • 猪猪侠之变身小英雄全集
  • 方媛变身家庭主妇
  • 丑丫头变身校花
  • 异界变身之不老传说
  • 猪猪侠8之变身战队
  • 龙珠超宇宙2变身
  • 问道手游变身卡
  • 变身了txt下载
  • 欧布奥特曼变身
  • 炉石传说变身卡
  • 假面骑士变身合集
  • 变身本子漫画家
  • 变身病弱科技少女
  • 变身二次元萌妹
  • 巴啦啦小魔仙变身器


  • 1: 在某个时候,我们能变身成任何外形,包括任何动物形体。

    At one time we could transfigure into any shape including any animal form .

  • 2: 关于如何进行的指示“变身”一琶音,以适应任何风格的音乐。

    Instructions on How to "morph" an Arpeggio to Fit any Style of Music.

  • 3: 但她的个性没有改变。她和变身之前的个性,一模一样。

    But her character did not change. She has the same character throughout her transformation.

  • 4: 沙滩女孩变身救护员!

    Beach Girls to the Rescue!

  • 5: 每天晚上大约有半小时,他待在秀场的化妆间里,逐渐变身成为她。

    Over half an hour each night in the dressing room, he slowly became her.

  • 6: 多数素食者就是如此变身的。

    This is how most guys go vegan.

  • 7: 海洋宝石,请赐予我力量,让我变身成溪流公主。

    Marine stone, please give me the strength, let me change, streams princess.

  • 8: 红宝石,请赐予我力量,让我变身成彩虹公主。

    Ruby, please give me the strength, let me change the rainbow princess.

  • 9: 蓝色琥珀,请赐予我力量,让我变身成雪公主。

    Blue amber, please give me the strength, let me change, snow princess.

  • 10: 琥珀,请赐予我力量,让我变身成晨曦公主。

    Amber, please give me the strength, let me change, morning princess.

  • 11: 如果可以变身地球上任何一种动物,东西或者人,你要变什麽?

    If u can turn into any animal, object or human being? what u want to change into?

  • 12: 成功的企业家变身慈善家后,往往会说,他们觉得有责任来“回报”社会。

    Successful entrepreneurs-turned-philanthropists typically say they feel a responsibility to "give back" to society.

  • 13: 无论是白天还是晚上只要愿意,狼人随时可以变身

    Werewolves can change forms whenever they want, day or night.

  • 14: 我们怎么才能完成这个心理形象,变身成功销售人员?

    How do we fulfill this psychological profile and become a successful salesperson?

  • 15: 月棱镜威力,变身

    Moon prism power, make up!

  • 16: 课件:灰姑娘和变身以后的样子。

    Ss:Look at that girl. She is pretty.

  • 17: 狼人在满月的时候变身,那。。。

    Werewolves turning on a full moon.

  • 18: 爱巢大变身:家居用品穿夏装享受点点清凉!

    Great read financial clues love nest: household supplies wear little cool summer enjoyment!

  • 19: 成功变身案例第一名就是演员金雅中。

    The first is an actor turned successful case in the elegant gold.

  • 20: 调查中涉及到的所有网站,最终都完成了华丽大变身

    For all four major websites in the study, there was a complete turnaround.

  • 21: 我父亲准备让我的婶婶变身我的妈妈。

    My dad is dating my aunt on my mothers side.

  • 22: 而实际上,这一华丽变身也给教堂的文化传承带来了好处。

    And, in fact, this conversion has been beneficial to the cultural heritage of the site.

  • 23: 农民朋友们将有机会再度变身忧郁达人。

    Farmers may yet have reason to be glum again.

  • 24: 无论是白日还是晚上但凡情愿,狼人时时能够变身

    Werewolves can change forms whenever they want day or night.

  • 25: 首次变身不需要满月或者诅咒什么的。

    The First Change does not wait for a full moon or a curse.

  • 26: 她要变身成为一只小恐龙!

    She would dress up to look like a dinosaur!

  • 27: 当他们变身的时候具有的怪力能够使他们徒手撕开金属和石头。

    They possess great strength when they shapeshift allowing them to tear apart metal and stone with their bare talons.

  • 28: 查拉尔使用变身术,把辛德尔引出诺亚的小屋,并将她绑架到泰拉克的城堡里。

    The shapeshifting Charal lured Cindel away from the safety of Noa"s hut and kidnapped her, taking her back to Terak"s castle.

  • 29: 因此,瘦人想要变身大块头,在饮食上要每日多餐,并选择容易吸收的食物和蛋白质含量高的食物,在运动上进行适当的肌肉锻炼。

    Therefore, the Thin Man wants to transform a big, in the diet to daily meals, and choose to absorb food and high protein content of food, in sport, make the appropriate muscles.

  • 30: 那几场变身的戏里所运用的特技是怎样的?

    MTV: What was the stunt work like in those scenes?

  • 31: 而通过“扮演”他者实现自己的“变身愿望”应该也不是他的内在需求。

    No more is it his purpose to satisfy his own desire for physical transformation through impersonation.

  • 32: 我发现了,其实每个人都不完美,每个人都需要爱来华丽变身,每个人都必须挑战自己并战胜自己!

    I found, in fact, everyone is not perfect, everyone needs love gorgeous incarnations every individual must challenge themselves and overcome their own!

  • 33: 如果中微子“变身”的震荡没有发生,就只能检测到一到两个。

    If no spot-changing oscillation were happening it should have seen only one or two.

  • 34: 这种变身在这里很重要,它打断了吃浆果;,欲望的实现被拖延了。

    The transformation here, importantly, ; interrupts the eating of the fruit; consummation of desire is deferred.

  • 35: 如果放下手触屏回到键盘前,我们犹如从百米飞人尤塞恩变身成闪电侠一般。

    The minute I switch back to my regular keyboard, I go from being Usain Bolt to the Flash.

  • 36: 与其直接摧毁颅骨,他选择吸取颅骨的力量,这一来使他变身成了恶魔。

    Rather than simply destroy the skull, Illidan had consumed its power, which instantly transformed him into a demon.

  • 37: 如果我们战略性地从侧翼插上-噢我在忽悠谁呢?我们赶紧变身,然后吃掉他们吧!

    If we approach strategically from the flank- oh who am I kidding, let"s just morph and eat them.

  • 38: 在我们面前彼得大变身,而有个囚犯称他自己就才是真正的彼得。到底怎么回事儿?

    Peter shift-changes right before our eyes, but another prisoner says he really is Peter! What"s really going on?

  • 39: 小哈珀诙谐的幽默感也许遗传自她母亲——由流行巨星变身时尚设计师的维多利亚。

    Perhaps Harper has inherited the same wry sense of humour as her mother, pop star turned fashion designer, Victoria.

  • 40: “狼人不会穿着牛仔裤变身!”他对《人物》周刊这样解释他的特色镜头。

    "Werewolves don"t shift shapes with their jeans on!" he explained to PEOPLE of his racy scenes.

  • 41: 这座位于伦敦东部占地600英亩的工业区已然变身欧洲最大的建筑工地,它将会成为2012年伦敦奥运会的焦点。

    The 600-acre former industrial zone in east London that will become the focal point of the 2012 event has been transformed into Europe"s biggest construction site.

  • 42: 每年的毕业季,大学校园都会变身成跳蚤市场,即将离校的毕业生们摆起地摊,低价出售那些无法搬回家里或租住地的个人物品。

    College campuses will be turned into flea markets during graduation. Graduates-to-be set up stands to bargain away those belongings which are difficult to carry back home or to their rented houses.

  • 43: 第一家变身公司是伦敦布鲁姆斯伯里出版社。

    The first company to be transformed was Bloomsbury, a London publishing house.

  • 44: 在我们面前彼得大变身,而有个囚犯称他自己就才是真正的彼得。

    Peter shift-changes right before our eyes, but another prisoner says he really is Peter!

  • 45: 圣经讲解屈从于娱乐,讲道臣服于表演,教义附庸于舞台剧,神学变身戏剧演出——后果是惨重的。

    Exposition has surrendered to entertainment, preaching to performances, doctrine to drama and theology to theatrics – and the fallout has been catastrophic.

  • 46: 育儿专家称,宝宝们被繁多的日程变身成了小大人,如唱歌,瑜伽,健身房,游泳和萨尔萨课程。

    Babies are being turned into "mini adults" with busy schedules of singing, yoga, gym, swimming and salsa classes, childcare experts claim.

  • 47: 电影明星娜塔莉。波特曼扮演了精神错乱的舞蹈演员被自己饰演的舞剧天鹅湖的角色压制,以致她开始产生幻觉变身成黑羽野兽。

    The movie stars Natalie Portman as a mentally deranged dancer so obsessed with her starring role in Swan Lake that she begins an excruciating physical transformation into a black-feathered beast.

  • 48: 德鲁伊在变身的情况下可以战斗吗?

    Will druids be able to fight in their morphed forms?

  • 49: 我本人第一眼看到贝勒斯的时候就认定他可以变身无敌防守者,如果他想的话。

    When I first saw Bayless in person I surmised he could be an amazing defender if he so chose.

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