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Tuscaloosa, Macerata, Thatta




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  • 1: 小望楼,顶塔城墙上或塔上的小的,伸出的塔楼。

    A small, overhanging turret on a wall or tower.

  • 2: 新疆塔城盆地,是近年来地质研究所关注的热点地区之一。

    Tacheng basin, Xinjiang, China, is one of the hotspots among geologists, more and more researchers focus on it in recent years.

  • 3: 抗议者已经占领了东边的班加西,西北边的米苏拉塔城也差不多。

    Protestors have taken over the city of Benghazi, in the east, and, possibly, Misurata, in the northwest.

  • 4: 当看见喂给神像的牛奶消失时,印度北部勒克瑙城和西部科尔卡塔城的数百名信奉者唱起了圣歌甚至歇斯底里地发狂。

    Hundreds chanted hymns in the northern city of Lucknow and the eastern city of Kolkata and went into hysterics when the milk held against the idols disappeared.

  • 5: 据来自米苏拉塔城内的报告,许多坦克被摧毁了,人们还看到许多政府军官兵逃走。

    According to reports from within Misrata, many of the tanks were destroyed and many of Colonel Qaddafi"s men were seen fleeing.

  • 6: 这一交融的过程中,形成了具有塔城当地特点的“和而不同”的文化场域。

    In the process of blending, the Tacheng feature"concord but different"cultural Field takes shape.

  • 7: 战火继续在利比亚肆虐,尽管多国空军70多次单机出击,试图执行联合国的阻止卡扎菲上校部队攻击平民的决议.据报道,在米斯拉塔城,利比亚西部唯一叛军根据地,至少有9人被忠于利比亚领导人的部队杀害。

    Fighting has continued to rage in Libya despite some 70 sorties from international aircraft trying to enforce a UN resolution to end attacks on civilians by Colonel Gaddafi’s forces.

  • 8: 为了使米苏拉塔城人们屈服,卡扎菲正对其采取持久的中世纪式围攻。

    The city of Misurata is enduring a medieval siege, as Qaddafi tries to strangle its population into submission.

  • 9: 西准噶尔萨吾尔地区地处新疆阿勒泰地区吉木乃县及塔城地区和丰县。

    Sawuer region is located in west Junggar, Jimunai County of Altay district and Hefeng county of Tacheng district, Xinjiang province.

  • 10: 他在一个巨大塔城最高的塔顶上。

    He was atop the highest tower of an immense city of towers.

  • 11: 瓢虫类在塔城和伊犁小麦田的时间生态位宽度均较长。

    Coccinellids had the longest temporal niche in wheat fields in both Tacheng and Ili.

  • 12: 本文以地质研究为出发点,提出了普通地质研究所不能完全解决的问题,即塔城盆地的基底特征。

    This thesis start at geological study, at the beginning we put forward a question which could not be entirely solved by basic geology, namely the characteristic if Tacheng basin basement.

  • 13: 新华社9日报道,新疆塔城、阿勒泰地区雪灾已造成1人死亡,5435受灾群众紧急转移。

    The snow disaster in Tacheng and Aletai in Xinjiang has killed 1 person and forced 5435 people to evacuate, Xinhua reported Saturday.

  • 14: 但是过去几天里,形势在被围的米斯拉塔城所取得的的发展算得上是一个转折点。

    But developments in the besieged city of Misrata in the past few days could be one of them.

  • 15: 最近,在意大利中部马切拉塔城的圣诞食品节中,以纯巧克力制成的一座11米高的"大本钟"成为一大亮点。

    An 11m high Big Ben clock tower made entirely from chocolate has become the highlight during the Christmas food festival in Macerata, central Italy.

  • 16: 新疆的伊犁、塔城和博尔塔拉,山地与盆地相间,草场丰腴,林木葱郁,有著“塞外江南”的美称。

    In Ili, Tacheng, Bortala, the mountains alternate with basins, with abundant grassland and forest, they have the good name of "lush southern-type fields north of the Great Wall".

  • 17: 利玛窦在1552年出生于意大利中部的马契拉塔城

    Matteo Ricci was born in 1552 in Macerata in central Italy.

  • 18: 紧接着,它又第一个举手同意出动志愿军,包括在有必要时派出地面部队以给密斯阿塔城(Misrat)投递人道援助。

    the next it is first to put up its hand to volunteer forces, including the despatch of ground troops if necessary, to deliver humanitarian aid to Misrata.

  • 19: 由于人口和地缘政治的影响,哈萨克、俄罗斯和汉族文化成为塔城当地文化的主要构成元素。

    Due to the influence of population and geopolitics, Kazakhsta culture, Russian culture and Han culture are the main components of local culture in Tacheng City.

  • 20: 其分布由北而南,依次是阿尔泰山及其山麓和塔城盆地;

    For the distribution from north to south, extensively display in three zones; AltaiMountains. and Tacheng Basin;

  • 21: 塔城因贯穿市区的五条状如琴弦的河流以及境内多处泉水,自古有“五弦之都、万泉之城”的美称。

    Because of five rivers that like a string and springs inside the border throughout, this city, since ancient times, was called Capital of Five Strings , City of Thousands of Spring.

  • 22: 运用重、磁、电、震地球物理方法进行反演研究,得出了塔城盆地的基本特征。

    Then we carry out a Gravity-magnetic-magnetotelluric- seismic joint inversion to answer this question, the results are proved to be basically sound.

  • 23: 王金凯,新疆美术家协会理事、新疆画院特聘院外画家、新疆塔城地区美术家协会主席。

    Wang Jinkai is the director of Xinjiang Artists Association, the visiting painter of Xinjiang Fine Art Academy, and the chairman of Artists Association of Xinjiang Tacheng Area.

  • 24: 利用生态位理论,对新疆塔城、伊犁两地区麦田麦蚜主要天敌类群瓢虫类、食蚜蝇类、斑腹蝇类、蚜茧蜂类和蚜小蜂类的生态位宽度和重叠度进行了计算和分析。

    The niche breadths of natural enemies of the wheat aphids in wheat, barley and oat fields in Tacheng and Ili, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region were estimated on the basis of investigation in 1990.

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