英语单词 红联
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n.: 方式;方法;途径;路
adv.: 很远;大量;非常;极其
v.: 让开;除去;处分
网络: 道路;路线;方向


  • 方法;手段;途径;方式:

    a method, style or manner of doing sth

  • 作风;风度;样子:

    a particular manner or style of behaviour

  • (群体的)行为方式,生活方式,习俗:

    the typical way of behaving and living of a particular group of people

  • 路线;路;道路:

    a route or road that you take in order to reach a place

  • 行进路线;通路:

    the route along which sb/sth is moving; the route that sb/sth would take if there was nothing stopping them/it

  • 路;小径;街道:

    a road, path or street for travelling along

  • (用于街道名称)路,道:

    used in the names of streets

  • 某方向;往某方向:

    a particular direction; in a particular direction

  • 出入通道;门口:

    a means of going into or leaving a place, such as a door or gate

  • (两点之间的)距离,时间段:

    a distance or period of time between two points

  • 地区;地带:

    an area, a part of a country, etc.

  • 方面:

    a particular aspect of sth

  • 情况;状态:

    a particular condition or state

  • 在街对面;在…对面:

    on the other side of the street, etc.

  • 一路上;自始至终:

    during the whole journey/period of time

  • 完全地;无保留地:

    completely; as much as it takes to achieve what you want

  • (表示经常如此,尤用于贬义)总是这样,老是:

    used to say that things often happen in a particular way, especially when it is not convenient

  • 无论你如何看待:

    however you choose to look at a situation

  • 天性如此;生下就这样:

    to behave or do things in a particular manner because it is part of your character

  • 积习难改;秉性难移;执拗:

    to have habits or opinions that you have had for a long time and that you do not want to change

  • 顺便提一下;捎带说一声;附带问一句:

    used to introduce a comment or question that is not directly related to what you have been talking about

  • 路经;经过;经由:

    by a route that includes the place mentioned

  • 作为…的形式;为了;作为…的手段:

    as a form of sth; for sth; as a means of sth

  • 意外落在…头上;偶尔发生在…身上:

    to happen to you by chance, or when you were not expecting it

  • 两面都行得通(或说得通);有利也有弊:

    to have two opposite effects or results

  • 两者都一样:

    used to say that it does not matter which one of two possibilities happens, is chosen or is true

  • 四面八方;向各处:

    in all directions

  • 养成(或丢掉)…的习惯:

    to become used to doing sth/to lose the habit of doing sth

  • 挡…的路;妨碍:

    to prevent sb from doing sth; to prevent sth from happening

  • 一意孤行;为所欲为:

    to get or do what you want, especially when sb has tried to stop you

  • 断裂;倒塌;塌陷:

    to break or fall down

  • 屈服;退让;让步:

    to stop resisting sb/sth; to agree to do sth that you do not want to do

  • 让…在先;让…先行:

    to allow sb/sth to be or go first

  • 让自己陷于(某种情绪等):

    to allow yourself to be very strongly affected by sth, especially an emotion

  • 被…代替:

    to be replaced by sth

  • (与某人)尽情地性交:

    to have full sexual intercourse with sb

  • (对做某事)帮助很大╱不大,作用很大╱不大:

    to help very much/a little in achieving sth

  • 特地;格外努力:

    to make a special effort to do sth

  • 一意孤行;我行我素:

    to do as you choose, especially when sb has advised you against it

  • 与…同路:

    to travel in the same direction as sb

  • 进行顺利;对…有利:

    to go well for you; to be in your favour

  • 长逝;走向人生终点:

    to die

  • 随你的便好了:

    used to say in an angry way that although you are not happy about sth that sb has said, you are not going to argue

  • 为所欲为;一意孤行:

    to have what you want, especially by opposing other people

  • …是常有的事(尤指无法控制的事):

    used to say that sth often happens in a particular way, especially when it is out of your control

  • 善于应付;善于处理;有办法对付:

    to be good at dealing with sb/sth

  • (想)两全其美:

    to have or want to have the advantages of two different situations or ways of behaving that are impossible to combine

  • 把…勾到手:

    to persuade sb to have sex with you

  • 大╱小规模地:

    on a large/small scale

  • (所说的话)不止一个意思;在很多方面:

    used to show that a statement has more than one meaning

  • 以…的特有方式:

    in a manner that is appropriate to or typical of a person or thing but that may seem unusual to other people

  • 在某种程度上;不完全地:

    to some extent; not completely

  • 妨碍;挡着…的路:

    stopping sb from moving or doing sth

  • (用于问句或否定句)关于,就…而言:

    used in questions and negative sentences to talk about the types of sth that are available

  • 规避;避开;躲开:

    to avoid sb

  • 故意避而不看:

    to deliberately avoid seeing sb/sth

  • 迷失方向;迷路:

    to become lost

  • 忘记宗旨;背离…的意图:

    to forget or move away from the purpose or reason for sth

  • 去;前往;到…地方去;前进:

    to move or get somewhere; to make progress

  • 让…通过;给…让路;让出位置:

    to allow sb/sth to pass; to allow sb/sth to take the place of sb/sth

  • 要么听我的,要么走人:

    used to say that sb else has either to agree with your opinion or to leave

  • 肯定无疑;别无他途:

    used to show that you are certain about sth

  • 不可能;决不;不行;没门儿:

    used to say that there is no possibility that you will do sth or that sth will happen

  • 即将去(或来);就要去(或来):

    going or coming

  • 在路上;在行进中:

    during the journey

  • 尚未出生的:

    not yet born

  • 颠倒过来;相反;反过来:

    in the opposite position, direction or order

  • 相反的情况:

    the opposite situation

  • 不再挡路;不再碍事:

    no longer stopping sb from moving or doing sth

  • 结束;处理完:

    finished; dealt with

  • (用于否定句)奇特的,不寻常的,罕见的:

    used in negative sentences to mean ‘unusual’

  • 不在计划走的路线上:

    not on the route that you planned to take

  • 觉得有可能做某事;认为便于做某事:

    to find that it is possible or convenient to do sth

  • 看看风向;观察势头;摸清可能发生的情况:

    to get an idea of what is likely to happen before doing sth

  • (不)妨碍别人:

    to (not) prevent sb from doing sth

  • 情况就是这样;没有别的办法:

    that is the situation and we cannot change it, so we must accept it

  • (要做成某事)方法不止一个,有的是办法:

    there are many different ways to achieve sth

  • 我认为;依我看;依我之见:

    in my opinion

  • 已经开始;在进行中:

    having started

  • (个人或群体的)特有的行为模式,典型生活方式:

    the typical pattern of behaviour of a person or group

  • 大多数人的行为模式;世道;事情发生的规律:

    the way that most people behave; the way that things happen, which you cannot change

  • (做某事现有的)方法和资源,手段和财力:

    the methods and materials available for doing sth

  • (加入难以进入的群体、行业等的)敲门砖;(弄懂难以理解事物的)窍门,诀窍:

    something that allows you to join a group of people, an industry, etc. that it is difficult to join, or to understand sth that it is difficult to understand

  • 赢得某人喜爱的办法;攻心策:

    the way to make sb like or love you

  • 干得好:

    used to tell sb that you are pleased about sth they have done

  • 勤工俭学;半工半读;边挣钱边周游世界:

    to have a job or series of jobs while studying, travelling, etc. in order to pay for your education, etc.

  • 自始至终做(尤指耗费时间或力量的事):

    to do sth from beginning to end, especially when it takes a lot of time or effort

  • 逐步升职;按部就班晋升:

    to move regularly to a more senior position in a company

  • 很远;大量:

    very far; by a large amount

  • 非常;极其:


  • 很久以前:

    a long time ago


  • 〔美口〕…得多,远为

  • (要走的)路线;途中,路上;进行,前进;【法律】通行权

  • (某)点,事项

  • (职业、行动等的)范围;规模;〔口语〕行业,专业

  • 习惯,风气;一贯作风

  • 方针,决心;自己的意向

  • 方向,方面

  • 路程;距离

  • 路,道路,通路

  • 方法,手段

  • 方式,式样,样子


  • 复数:ways


  • adj.+n.:

    same way,long way,effective way,easy way,right way

  • v.+n.:

    find way,come way,show way,take way,lead way




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