英语单词 红联
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adv.: 起床;向上;出现;到
prep.: 沿着;向;顺着;向…上游
adj.: 激动;向上的;往上移动的;高兴
n.: 上面;高处;上坡路;繁荣
v.: 突然移动;突然做(意想不到的事);提高…的价格(或数量)
网络: 不间断电源(Uninterruptible Power Supply);联合包裹(United Parcel Service);联合包裹服务公司


  • 向(或在)较高位置;向上;在上面:

    towards or in a higher position

  • 向(或在)较高水平;加大;增高:

    to or at a higher level

  • 朝(某人或某物)的方向;向…的地方:

    to the place where sb/sth is

  • 到,朝,在(重要地方,尤指大城市):

    to or at an important place, especially a large city

  • 向(国家北部的地方);向(北方):

    to a place in the north of a country

  • 成碎片;分开:

    into pieces or parts

  • 完全;彻底地:


  • (以便)形成,聚拢:

    so as to be formed or brought together

  • (以便)完结,关闭:

    so as to be finished or closed

  • 已结束;已过去:

    finished; over

  • 未上床;起床:

    out of bed

  • (尤指异常或不愉快的事情)发生,出现:

    used to say that sth is happening, especially sth unusual or unpleasant

  • 是…的职责(或责任);由…决定:

    to be sb"s duty or responsibility; to be for sb to decide

  • 质量差;不很好:

    to be of poor quality; to not be very good

  • 遇到问题;遭到反对:

    facing problems or opposition

  • 起伏;上下波动:

    moving upwards and downwards

  • 来回;往复:

    in one direction and then in the opposite direction

  • 时好时坏:

    sometimes good and sometimes bad

  • 绝对地;肯定地;完全地:

    if you swearup and down that sth is true, you say that it is definitely true

  • 在运转;在使用中:

    working; being used

  • 到…面前接受裁决;出庭受审:

    appearing in front of sb in authority for a judgement to be made about sth that you have done

  • 提供作…:

    on offer for sth

  • 正被考虑,被提名(作候选人等):

    being considered for sth, especially as a candidate

  • 愿意参与(某活动):

    willing to take part in a particular activity

  • (是或差不多是最好、最差、最重要等)之列,之一:

    among or almost the best, worst, most important, etc.

  • 达到(某数量、程度等);至多有:

    as far as a particular number, level, etc.

  • 直到;不多于;不迟于:

    not further or later than sth; until sth

  • 与…一样高(或好):

    as high or as good as sth

  • (体力或智力上)能胜任:

    physically or mentally capable of sth

  • 正在干,从事着(尤指坏事);在捣鬼:

    doing sth, especially sth bad

  • 向,在(较高位置):

    to or in a higher position somewhere

  • 沿着;顺着:

    along or further along a road or street

  • 向…上游;溯流而上:

    towards the place where a river starts

  • 沿…来来回回:

    in one direction and then in the opposite direction along sth

  • (愤怒地回应)去你的:

    an offensive way of being rude to sb, for example because they have said sth that makes you angry

  • 向上的;往上移动的:

    directed or moving upwards

  • 高兴;快乐;激动:

    cheerful; happy or excited

  • 在运行:


  • 突然移动;突然做(意想不到的事):

    to suddenly move or do sth unexpected

  • 提高…的价格(或数量):

    to increase the price or amount of sth

  • 突然迁居:

    to suddenly move from your house and go to live somewhere else

  • 在增长;在改善中:

    increasing or improving

  • 蒸蒸日上;日益兴旺;越来越好:

    becoming more and more successful

  • 浮沉;兴衰;荣辱:

    the mixture of good and bad things in life or in a particular situation or relationship


  • up的第三人称单数形式

  • up的复数形式

  • 【化】(=Ultraviolet Photoelectron Spectroscopy)紫外光电子能谱

  • 【企】(=United Parcel Service)联合包裹快递

  • 【IT】(=Uninterruptible Power Supply)不间断电源


  • 单数:up

  • 现在分词:upping

  • 过去分词:upped


adj.awakeout of bedcheerfulhappywinningadv.upwarduphillin the airalofthigher




  • To his surprise, he was able to repair many of the abandoned bicycles at his local recycling station with just a few touch-ups.


  • With its own tightly wrapped inside, might as well such as Chinese rose despite ups and downs like the wind and rain!


  • Can you imagine me, with all of my life experience, with someone who has not experienced all of the ups and downs of life?


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  • Regardless of exactly how two stars meet, the public seems to love to hear about the ups and downs of famous couples" romantic lives.


  • He said bullying is, in fact, damaging, but too often grown-ups turn a blind eye to what is going on by chalking it up to kids being kids.


  • In that sense, the emotional ups and downs of our relationship are much like those of any other couple.


  • Play as the mischievous monkey as you set out to pop as many balloons as possible using an arsenal of darts and special power ups.


  • Dynasty of his noodles I, the mouth Cape ups, peeping out a white tooth, I see him such as dynasty the smiling face of the sun sort.


  • Experience shows that this kind of supervision by higher-ups is not able to completely stop frivolous spending.


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