英语单词 红联
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adj.: 充满;弥漫;厚的;粗的
n.: 最厚[粗]的部分;〈口〉笨蛋;〈俚〉可可粉
adv.: 厚厚地
网络: 厚度;浓;厚实


  • 厚的;粗的:

    having a larger distance between opposite sides or surfaces than other similar objects or than normal

  • (询问或说明厚度)有…厚:

    used to ask about or state the distance between opposite sides or surfaces

  • 浓密的;稠密的;茂密的:

    growing closely together in large numbers

  • 浓的;黏稠的:

    not flowing very easily

  • 能见度低的;浓的;阴霾的;浑浊的;不透气的:

    difficult to see through; difficult to breathe in

  • 拥满;挤满;充满;弥漫:

    having a large number of people or a large amount of sth in one place

  • 迟钝的;愚笨的:

    slow to learn or understand things

  • 浓重的;明显的:

    easily recognized as being from a particular country or area

  • 嘶哑的,不清的(尤指因疾病或激动所致):

    deep and not as clear as normal, especially because of illness or emotion

  • 亲密的;十分友好的;过于亲近的:

    very friendly with sb, especially in a way that makes other people suspicious

  • 打耳光;挨耳光:

    to hit sb/be hit on the head as a punishment

  • 非常友好;亲密无间;过从甚密:

    very friendly, especially in a way that makes other people suspicious

  • 笨得像木头人;笨到极点:

    very stupid

  • (由于疾病或饮酒过量)晕头胀脑,稀里糊涂:

    a physical condition in which your head is painful or you cannot think clearly as a result of an illness or of drinking too much alcohol

  • (认为某人理解慢而恼火)笨脑瓜,木头脑瓜:

    used to show that you are annoyed that sb does not understand sth

  • 厚脸皮;不计较面子:

    the ability to accept criticism, insults, etc. without becoming upset

  • 厚厚地:

    in a way that produces a wide piece or deep layer of sth

  • 夸大其词地褒贬;露骨地吹捧;过分贬低:

    to talk about sb/sth in a way that makes them or it seem much better or much worse than they really are; to exaggerate sth

  • 又快又多;频频:

    quickly and in large quantities

  • 在…最繁忙的时候;处于…最活跃部分;在密集处:

    involved in the busiest or most active part of sth

  • 不顾艰难险阻;赴汤蹈火;同甘共苦:

    even when there are problems or difficulties


  • 频频地,时常

  • 〔口语〕太过分,过度

  • (声音)浊;不清晰地

  • 厚;浓;密;深

  • 最强烈部分

  • 〔俚语〕可可粉

  • 〔口语〕笨蛋,傻子

  • 最厚[粗]的部分,最浓部分,最活跃的部分,密茂处,最激烈处,最紧张时

  • 混杂的; 众多的;丰富的

  • 频频的,接连不停的(指雨,雪等)

  • 不透明的;不清晰的(声音沙哑,口齿不清等)

  • (器官,头脑)迟钝的

  • 〔英俚〕太过分的

  • 〔口语〕亲密的,知己的,友好的

  • 阴霾的,有浓雾的

  • (树林等)茂密的;(毛发)浓密的;密集的,挤满人的;充满…的

  • 厚的;(树枝)粗大的

  • 浓厚的,黏稠的;混浊的


  • 比较级:thicker

  • 最高级:thickest


  • adj.+n.:

    thick fog,thick layer,thick wall,thick darkness,thick smoke






  • When the next face appeared I saw the eyes behind the thick glasses blinking as though noticing me for the first time.


  • The jaguar"s massively thick skull protects him from death, but the pellets blind him in one eye and shatter his left foreleg.


  • The sauce is stirred with a spoon until it is thick enough to coat the back of spoon, and than must be withdraw from the heat.


  • If it is two or more cells thick, it is known as stratified epithelium.


  • The earth is nothing but dirt and rocks piled up really thick. North, south, east and west: it goes off in every direction.


  • The paste is a little thick, but try to think of it as a mask for your teeth.


  • "That"s all right, Tux, " she said. "We"ll only slide where the ice is thick. Then we won"t have to worry. Come on, let"s go. "


  • Thick pipes protrude from the ceiling, and a window in the front room opens onto nowhere, just another gray tunnel wall beyond it.


  • Her anguish grew from her concentration as she saw herself sunken in that thick impenetrable fog: could she be in limbo ?


  • Semen is usually thick and greyish white in color. However, at times it may also be thin and rather watery.


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