英语单词 红联
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n.: 字符串;弦;线;一连串
v.: 悬挂;系;扎;把…连在一起
adj.: 由弦乐器组成的;弦乐器的;线织的;线的
网络: 字串;细绳;字符串型


  • 细绳;线;带子:

    material made of several threads twisted together, used for tying things together; a piece of string used to fasten or pull sth or keep sth in place

  • 一串:

    a set or series of things that are joined together, for example on a string

  • 一系列;一连串;一批:

    a series of things or people that come closely one after another

  • 字符串:

    a series of characters (= letters, numbers, etc.)

  • 弦:

    a tightly stretched piece of wire, nylon , or catgut on a musical instrument, that produces a musical note when the instrument is played

  • (管弦乐团的)弦乐器,弦乐器组:

    the group of musical instruments in an orchestra that have strings , for example violins ; the people who play them

  • 弦:

    any of the tightly stretched pieces of nylon , etc. in a racket , used for hitting balls in tennis and some other games

  • 特定条件(或限制):

    special conditions or restrictions

  • 还另有一手;有两手准备:

    to have more than one skill or plan that you can use if you need to

  • 悬挂;系;扎:

    to hang or tie sth in place, especially as decoration

  • 用线(或细绳等)串,把…连在一起:

    to put a series of small objects on string, etc.; to join things together with string, etc.

  • 给…装弦:

    to put a string or strings on a racket or musical instrument

  • 由弦乐器组成的;弦乐器的:

    consisting of musical instruments that have strings; connected with these musical instruments

  • 线织的;线的:

    made of string or sth like string


  • 引,拉开,拉紧

  • 〔美俚〕欺骗,愚弄,戏弄

  • 拉直,使伸展,扩张,延长;〔口语〕引伸

  • 〔美俚〕欺骗,撒谎,戏弄

  • 使紧张,使作好准备;使兴奋

  • 使(弓)上弦;调(乐器)弦,抽(豆荚等的)筋

  • 用绳、线、带子(等)捆、扎、挂

  • 使成一串排列起来,使排成一列

  • 把…用线串起来

  • (人等)排成一串,蜿蜒排列;成线状;列成一行前进

  • 【台球】得分数;计分器

  • 【建筑】束带层;短梯基

  • 〔集合词〕(训练中的)(常属于一个马主的)一群赛跑的马,牛群,马队;一群

  • 〔美俚〕谎话

  • 纤维;卷须;(豆荚壳等的)筋,腱

  • 〔美口〕(附带)条件,限制

  • (弓)弦;(乐器的)弦;弦乐器(演奏者)

  • 一串;一行,一排,一列

  • 点;线,细绳,弦线,琴弦

  • 线,带,绳子;〔美国〕鞋带。 (穿线、数珠等的)串线,串绳;穿在线上的东西,一串东西;一连串,一系列


  • 第三人称单数:strings

  • 现在分词:stringing

  • 过去式:strung


  • adj.+n.:

    long string,null string,recent string

  • v.+n.:

    attach string


n.cordthreadfilamenttwineropev.windlooplacepass throughpass into


  • A sling, locking carabiner, and petzl string (keeper) were used for the point of attachment to the top anchors.


  • Imagine the typical depiction of weighing scales: two plates held by a common string suspended at a point halfway between them.


  • The expression of dissent in rallies in a string of cities around the country seems to have subsided.


  • Here we pull each element out of a List of Any type of element, in this case containing a String, a Double, an Int, and a Char.


  • Patterns in the near future, of equal-string structure and its target are vulnerable, the basic blank single continued to hold.


  • The latter treats the string as multiple lines, where ^ and $ match the beginning and end of any line, respectively.


  • I don"t know if he will compromise with us or not. I talked to his lawyer but all I got was a string of legalistic abracadabra.


  • Think of yourself as a puppet with a string coming out of the top of your head.


  • For each deployment file, it is possible to specify a string which will be used to create the name of each deployed resource.


  • The name property can be thought of as the string of text that a user would use to explain which control is being referred to.


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