英语单词 红联
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n.: 压力;品系;应力;张力
v.: 扭伤;拉紧;滤;损伤
网络: 应变;紧张;菌株


  • 压力;重负;重压之下出现的问题(或担忧等):

    pressure on sb/sth because they have too much to do or manage, or sth very difficult to deal with; the problems, worry or anxiety that this produces

  • 压力;拉力;张力;应力:

    the pressure that is put on sth when a physical force stretches, pushes, or pulls it

  • 劳损;拉伤;扭伤:

    an injury to a part of your body, such as a muscle, that is caused by using it too much or by twisting it

  • (动、植物的)系,品系,品种;(疾病的)类型:

    a particular type of plant or animal, or of a disease caused by bacteria, etc.

  • 个性特点;性格倾向;禀性:

    a particular tendency in the character of a person or group, or a quality in their manner

  • 乐曲;曲调;旋律:

    the sound of music being played or sung

  • 损伤;拉伤;扭伤:

    to injure yourself or part of your body by making it work too hard

  • 尽力;竭力;使劲:

    to make an effort to do sth, using all your mental or physical strength

  • 过度使用;使不堪承受:

    to try to make sth do more than it is able to do

  • 用力推(或拉);拉紧:

    to push hard against sth; to pull hard on sth

  • 滤;过滤:

    to pour food, etc. through sth with very small holes in it, for example a sieve , in order to separate the solid part from the liquid part

  • 急于;迫不及待:

    to want to do sth very much

  • 竭尽全力(做某事):

    to try as hard as you can to do sth


  • (英国)《应变》季刊

  • 不肯接受

  • 强迫,强制;滥用,尽量利用

  • 扭歪,弯曲,快要折断

  • 尽力,拼命努力

  • 曲解,牵制附会

  • 滤过,渗出

  • 拉,拖

  • 用力拉,拉紧,抽紧,扯紧

  • 拉伤,用力过度而弄伤,使工作过度;使用过度而弄坏;扭伤

  • 使紧张;尽量使用(肌肉等)

  • 血统,家世;族,种;【生物学】品系,系;菌株;变种,小种

  • 【物理学】变形,歪曲;应力,张力;胁变,应变

  • 性格,脾气;倾向,气质

  • 一阵子滔滔不绝的言词;一阵子难听的话

  • 扭筋,脱臼

  • 语气;笔调,文风;作风

  • 一段音乐,歌曲;诗歌

  • 过劳,使用过度;滥用,利用

  • 拉紧;紧张;尽力,出力


  • 复数:strains

  • 现在分词:straining

  • 过去式:strained


  • adj.+n.:

    great strain,severe strain,nervous strain,constant strain,mental strain

  • v.+n.:

    stand strain,bear strain,strain produce,feel strain,relieve strain


v.try hardstrugglelabordamagepulln.breedspeciesdrainingrinsingnervous tension


  • In a straight fight, therefore, it was the drug-sensitive strain that had the selective advantage when faced with a two-pronged attack.


  • Forget it! Don"t strain at a gnat. As you know, he is hard up these days.


  • Swing ingredients in a shaker with cracked ice, strain into a chilled cocktail glass, and garnish with a slice of lemon.


  • This division of labour, however, is under strain because some Chinese partners feel ready to go it alone.


  • In comedy it doesn"t look like there"s an art going on; it should look as if it"s easy, cos there shouldn"t be a sense of strain.


  • over saucepan, strain berries, through a fine sieve, pressing with back of a spoon.


  • It put a tremendous strain on my thigh muscles, but now Dixie was able to wheel me out of the elevator with ease.


  • You stand all day long. So your back can hurt. When you"re standing straight up, your lower back is going to get a strain.


  • And so it began to pile up until one day I collapsed from the strain of it, becoming an empty shell, a parody of who I used to be.


  • At times this deep strain of pathos was all that could be heard, and scarcely heard, sighing amid a desolate silence.


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