英语单词 红联
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v.: 设置;放;树立;安排
n.: 集;集合;一套;电视机
adj.: 位于(或处于)…的;安排好的;确定的;固定的
abbr.: (=safe electronic transaction)安全电子交易
网络: 套装;设定(Settings);组


  • 放;置;使处于:

    to put sth/sb in a particular place or position

  • 使处于某种状况;使开始:

    to cause sb/sth to be in a particular state; to start sth happening

  • 把故事情节安排在;以…为…设置背景:

    to place the action of a play, novel or film/movie in a particular place, time, etc.

  • 设置;调整好;安排就绪:

    to prepare or arrange sth so that it is ready for use or in position

  • 摆放餐具:

    to arrange knives, forks, etc. on a table for a meal

  • 镶嵌:

    to put a precious stone into a piece of jewellery

  • 安排;确定;决定:

    to arrange or fix sth; to decide on sth

  • 树立;创立;开创:

    to fix sth so that others copy it or try to achieve it

  • 布置;分配;指派:

    to give sb a piece of work, a task, etc.

  • 凝固;凝结:

    to become firm or hard

  • 使现出坚定的表情:

    to fix your face into a firm expression

  • 固定发型;做头发:

    to arrange sb"s hair while it is wet so that it dries in a particular style

  • 把(断骨)复位;接(骨):

    to put a broken bone into a fixed position and hold it there, so that it will heal; to heal in this way

  • 排版:

    to use a machine or computer to arrange writing and images on pages in order to prepare a book, newspaper, etc. for printing

  • 为…谱曲;给…配乐:

    to write music to go with words

  • 落(下):

    to go down below the horizon

  • 一套,一副,一组(类似的东西):

    a group of similar things that belong together in some way

  • 一套,一副,一组(配套使用的东西):

    a group of objects used together, for example for playing a game

  • 一伙(或一帮、一群)人;阶层;团伙:

    a group of people who have similar interests and spend a lot of time together socially

  • 电视机;收音机:

    a piece of equipment for receiving television or radio signals

  • 布景:

    the scenery used for a play, film/movie, etc.

  • 舞台;摄影场:

    a place where a play is performed or part of a film/movie is filmed

  • (网球的)盘;(排球比赛等的)局:

    one section of a match in games such as tennis or volleyball

  • 集;集合:

    a group of things that have a shared quality

  • 一组歌曲(或乐曲):

    a series of songs or pieces of music that a musician or group performs at a concert

  • (在某学科上能力相当的)一批学生:

    a group of school students with a similar ability in a particular subject

  • (尤指坚定的)姿势,姿态,神情:

    the way in which sb"s face or body is fixed in a particular expression, especially one showing determination

  • 头发的定型;做头发:

    an act of arranging hair in a particular style while it is wet

  • 凝固;凝结:

    the state of becoming firm or solid

  • (供移植的)秧苗,插枝,球茎:

    a young plant, shoot etc. for planting

  • 位于(或处于)…的:

    in a particular position

  • 安排好的;确定的;固定的:

    planned or fixed

  • 固定的;顽固的;固执的:

    not likely to change

  • 套(餐)的:

    having a fixed price and a limited choice of dishes

  • 有可能的;做好准备的:

    likely to do sth; ready for sth or to do sth

  • 呆板的;不自然的:

    fixed; not natural

  • 强烈反对(做)某事:

    to be strongly opposed to sth

  • 一心想做;决心做;十分想得到:

    to want to do or have sth very much; to be determined to do sth


  • safe electronic transaction 安全电子交易〔指用信用卡通过因特网支付款项的商业交易〕

  • 呆板,板着,肌肉绷紧的

  • (两军)对垒的

  • 顽固的;固执的;不变的

  • 强硬的;(意见等)坚决的;决心的;急切的

  • 安好的;装好的;造成的;做成的

  • 凝结的;凝固的

  • 准备就绪的;(赛跑等)作好预备姿势的;(拳击等)摆好架子准备出击的

  • 固定的;不动的;装好的

  • 确定的

  • 既定的;预定的;规定的;指定的;正式的

  • 【埃及神话】赛特〔古埃及神话中兽头人身象征邪恶的神〕

  • 打印具;练铁完成器;螺旋钳;平起子;附钩螺旋钳;(铆钉的)打头器;(垫在桩头上使间接受力的)桩头垫;钳子;扣子;【木工】敲钉楔;锯齿;锉锯器

  • 【物理学】变定;【机械工程】(弹簧等因使用过度形成的)变形

  • 【数学】集(合);【运】(网球等竞技比赛的)一局,一盘

  • (墙壁的)末次粉刷

  • 〔诗〕(太阳等的)下沉;日没

  • (铺路用)花岗石

  • 型;形

  • 机组;(成套)设备;电子仪器

  • (餐具等的)套;(同类事物的)批,组,副,对;(由若干卷书组成的)部,集

  • 种植

  • (水、风等)流向;吹向;(感情、意见等)倾向

  • (太阳等)(沉)落;偏西

  • 镶;嵌

  • 着手;从事

  • 开始活动;开始工作

  • 放;搁;贴;靠

  • (液体等)凝固;凝结;固定

  • 使固定

  • 安置;布置;安排;设置;装置


  • 现在分词:setting

  • 第三人称单数:sets


  • v.+n.:

    set example,set time,set record,standard set,set level

  • adj.+n.:

    set text,set policy,set question


n.scenerystage setcollectioncirclecliquev.adjust


n.individualv.pick upchangeliquefyadj.changingflexibleunpreparedliquid


  • As she answers some of the questions the plant manager is likely to pose, Carol will likely need to set some emergent identity goals.


  • It looks like the set of a Hollywood action movie but these images were taken by a team of expert cave divers in the depths of Russia.


  • The last opinion survey shows that, the Conservative Party will win the election, but it is not enough to set up a majority government.


  • Called, coincidentally enough, TigerText, it allows users to set a time limit for a sent text to hang around after it has been read.


  • Xu mother think to her to do wrong, the pick of the set is not, but let a little babysitter drill empty air.


  • Dusk was beginning to set in, and I felt nervous when we arrived.


  • As we seek a common understanding of challenges and potential solutions, let me set out a few big-picture issues and facts.


  • In a move that treaded perilously close to the dark side, Luke set out to hunt down Lumiya and avenge his wife"s death.


  • The bank"s collapse set off a chain of events across the world"s financial system that almost brought down the entire structure.


  • I put Peggy to bed and set up her gifts around the tree and a sweet peace flooded me like a benediction. I had some hope again.


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