英语单词 红联
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v.: 看;参见;看见;见到
n.: 主教(或大主教)教区;主教(或大主教)权限;牧座
网络: 视觉;视力;视宁度


  • 看见;见到;看出:

    to become aware of sb/sth by using your eyes

  • 看得见;看;有视力:

    to have or use the power of sight

  • 观看(比赛、电视节目、演出等):

    to watch a game, television programme, performance, etc.

  • 见;参见:

    to look at sth in order to find information

  • 遇见;碰到;邂逅:

    to be near and recognize sb; to meet sb by chance

  • 拜访;看望;探视:

    to visit sb

  • 会见;会晤:

    to have a meeting with sb

  • 与(某人)待在一起;交往:

    to spend time with sb

  • 理解;明白;领会:

    to understand sth

  • 认为;看待:

    to have an opinion of sth

  • 设想;想象:

    to consider sth as a future possibility; to imagine sb/sth as sth

  • (通过查看、打听、等待)弄清,了解:

    to find out sth by looking, asking or waiting

  • 考虑;定夺:

    to find out or decide sth by thinking or considering

  • 确保;务必(做到):

    to make sure that you do sth or that sth is done

  • 经历;遭受:

    to experience or suffer sth

  • 为…发生的时间:

    to be the time when an event happens

  • 为…发生的地点:

    to be the place where an event happens

  • 送;护送:

    to go with sb to help or protect them

  • 大多数含 see 的习语,都可在该等习语中的名词及形容词相关词条找到,如 not see the wood for the trees 在词条 wood 下。:

    Most idioms containingsee are at the entries for the nouns and adjectives in the idioms, for examplenot see the wood for the trees is atwood .

  • 明显;显而易见:

    clearly visible; in a way that is clearly visible

  • 让我╱咱们看看;让我╱咱们想一想:

    used when you are thinking or trying to remember sth

  • 料到会有问题;意识到会出麻烦:

    to realize that there is going to be a problem before it happens

  • 亲自看,亲自了解(以核实):

    to find out or look at sth yourself in order to be sure that what sb is saying is true

  • 看清某人(或事物)的真实状况(不是表面那样):

    to realize that sb/sth is not as good, pleasant, etc. as they/it seem

  • 鉴于;由于;因为:

    because of the fact that…

  • 再见:


  • (作解释时说)你看,你知道,要知道:

    used when you are explaining sth

  • 主教(或大主教)教区;主教(或大主教)权限;牧座:

    the district or office of a bishop or an archbishop


  • 因为,既然,鉴于

  • 辨别是非

  • 〔天〕宁静度

  • 〔天〕视影

  • 视觉;视力;看


adj.sightedpartially sightednearsightedlong-sightedfarsightedconj.consideringassincein view of




  • And seeing what happens, it was OK to generalize, and say, I"m sure that this will happen anytime we make one of these things.


  • You know the sort of self-esteem that only seeing a newly sorted-out cupboard can bring?


  • He presented me with a puzzle all because he waved to me like someone does on seeing a close friend.


  • Seeing and analysing such small galaxies at such a great distance is at the very limit of the capabilities of the most powerful telescopes.


  • Taxpayers have little interest in seeing their money used to finance activities in other countries: they want it used for lending at home.


  • How much information can people learn about you by seeing what you look for on the Internet?


  • And yet if all I say is true, why am I at my most inhibited when it comes to him seeing the reality.


  • We"ve already over-populated the planet and are seeing problems that are the result of that.


  • In other words, when it comes to seeing yourself in the best possible light for a given situation, mind who you think of.


  • I mean, he proposed to me while he was still seeing you. . . He was gonna break-up with you on your birthday?


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