英语单词 红联
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v.: 上升;增长;复活;升起
n.: 上升;提高;加薪;工资增长
adj.: 升起的;复活的
网络: 崛起;的过去分词;异世界


  • (数量或水平的)增加,提高:

    an increase in an amount, a number or a level

  • 加薪;工资增长:

    an increase in the money you are paid for the work you do

  • (重要性、优势、权力等的)增强:

    the act of becoming more important, successful, powerful, etc.

  • 上升:

    an upward movement

  • 斜坡;小丘;小山:

    an area of land that slopes upwards

  • 惹恼;故意激怒:

    to make sb react in an angry way by saying sth that you know will annoy them, especially as a joke

  • 使发生(或存在):

    to cause sth to happen or exist

  • 上升;攀升;提高;达到较高水平(或位置):

    to come or go upwards; to reach a higher level or position

  • 起床;起立;站起来:

    to get up from a lying, sitting or kneeling position

  • 升起:

    when the sun, moon, etc.rises , it appears above the horizon

  • 休会;闭会;散会:

    to end a meeting

  • (数量)增加,增长,提高:

    to increase in amount or number

  • 变得更加成功(或重要、强大等):

    to become more successful, important, powerful, etc.

  • 提高;增强:

    if a soundrises , it becomes louder and higher

  • 刮起来;刮得更猛:

    if the windrises , it begins to blow more strongly

  • 增强:

    if a feelingrises inside you, it begins and gets stronger

  • 脸红:

    if your colourrises , your face becomes pink or red with embarrassment

  • 竖起;立起来:

    if hairrises , it stands vertical instead of lying flat

  • 起义;反抗;奋起:

    to begin to fight against your ruler or government or against a foreign army

  • 耸立;矗立;高出:

    to be or become visible above the surroundings

  • 凸起;隆起:

    if landrises , it slopes upwards

  • 起源;发源:

    a riverrises where it begins to flow

  • 发酵:

    when bread, cakes, etc.rise , they swell because of the action of yeast or baking powder

  • 复活;再生:

    to come to life again

  • (通常用来催促起床):

    usually used in orders to tell sb to get out of bed and be active


  • 涨;上升

  • 升起的;复活的


  • Official statistics show that urban unemployment has risen only a whisker since the beginning of the year.


  • While April exports had risen 24 per cent from a year ago, industrial production disappointed just a 7 per cent increase.


  • There she lingered thoughtfully, weeping at the door of the tomb. The risen Lord appeared to her, but at first she knew him not.


  • Indeed, in Pakistan, a woman could have risen to power very recently, had it not been for her assassination.


  • But the share who were not prepared to pay higher electricity bills had risen by about half in two years.


  • The man rode into the river. But halfway across, he found that the water had risen up to his throat. He was almost drowning.


  • The wind had risen from its uncertain puffs into a steady blow.


  • When I looked out into the early morning the sky was full of a gray dawn light but the sun had not yet risen.


  • He was like a cock who thought the sun had risen to hear him crow.


  • Three-quarters of an hour had not elapsed since they had risen in bed in the dark, nail in hand, and their project in their heads.


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