英语单词 红联
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n.: 补丁;小片;眼罩;色斑
v.: 修补;打补丁;缝补
网络: 面片;斑块;修补程式


  • 色斑;斑点;(与周围不同的)小块,小片:

    a small area of sth, especially one which is different from the area around it

  • 补丁;补块:

    a small piece of material that is used to cover a hole in sth or to make a weak area stronger, or as decoration

  • 眼罩:

    a piece of material that you wear over an eye, usually because the eye is damaged

  • (制服上的)标记,标识:

    a piece of material that you sew onto clothes as part of a uniform

  • 戒烟贴片:

    a piece of material that people can wear on their skin to help them to stop smoking

  • 小块土地;(尤指)菜地,果园:

    a small piece of land, especially one used for growing vegetables or fruit

  • 工作地;熟悉的地区;家乡:

    an area that sb works in, knows well or comes from

  • 一段(艰难)岁月;一段(痛苦)日子:

    a period of time of the type mentioned, usually a difficult or unhappy one

  • 修补(程序);补丁:

    a small piece of code(= instructions that a computer can understand) which can be added to a computer program to improve it or to correct a fault

  • 远不如;远比…逊色:

    to be much less good, attractive, etc. than sb/sth else

  • 打补丁;缝补;修补:

    to cover a hole or a worn place, especially in clothes, with a piece of cloth or other material


  • 斑点,斑纹;【医学】斑

  • (军服上表示所属部队的布制)臂章

  • 傻瓜

  • 不中用的人,无聊的人,帮闲

  • 〔主英〕时期,季节

  • 小块地(上的庄稼)

  • 碎片;碎屑;(文章的)一段

  • 补钉,补片;金属补片

  • 饰颜片,美人斑〔17、18世纪时女人贴在脸上增加美观或掩饰疤痕等的小绸片等〕;(害眼病时用的)眼罩;(伤口上的)敷裹,膏药

  • 补丁

  • 暂时遮掩一下修理;平息(吵架等)

  • 〔工〕补炉,临时性接线

  • 用美人斑装饰(脸)

  • 修补,补缀;拼凑

  • 补缀;缝补;(指布料等)作为...补片:


  • 复数:patches

  • 过去分词:patched

  • 现在分词:patching


  • adj.+n.:

    bad patch,small patch,rough patch,bald patch,purple patch




  • He spoke into a commo - patch mike the Sentinels had somehow crafted for him in their careless, make-do fashion.


  • Society is made up of these fragments, and the do-gooder and the reformer are trying to patch up the broken pieces.


  • With your own vegetable patch, you know exactly where your food is from and how it was grown.


  • Miller said his company gave details about the hack and a potential security patch to Apple, but did not publicly release the details.


  • But it may not be enough to patch up the company"s problems.


  • Such a readily available chip could record reams more data than patch-clamping, he said.


  • One of Dr Collins"s clients admitted to rubbing his own urine on to his bald patch after reading it would halt hair loss.


  • And it claims that President Obama and his wife went through a rough patch in their marriage, where their relationship was somewhat frosty.


  • But eventually they gave in, and we were able to cut out a small garden on a narrow patch of earth against the far wall.


  • And a small patch of lawn that started out with a barren spot the size of a garbage can lid soon drew to encompass the entire side yard.


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