英语单词 红联
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v.: 铺;放下;提出;打赌
adj.: 外行的;在俗的
n.: 性伙伴;叙事诗
网络: 铺设;敷设;放置


  • (尤指轻轻地或小心地)放置,安放,搁:

    to put sb/sth in a particular position, especially when it is done gently or carefully

  • 铺,铺放,铺设(尤指在地板上):

    to put sth down, especially on the floor, ready to be used

  • (在某物上)摊开,涂,敷;用一层…覆盖:

    to spread sth on sth; to cover sth with a layer of sth

  • (鸟、昆虫、鱼等)下(蛋),产(卵):

    if a bird, an insect, a fish, etc.lays eggs, it produces them from its body

  • 摆放餐具于(准备就餐):

    to arrange knives, forks, plates, etc. on a table ready for a meal

  • 提出,提交(建议、信息等):

    to present a proposal, some information, etc. to sb for them to think about and decide on

  • 使处于特定状态(尤指困境):

    to put sb/sth in a particular position or state, especially a difficult or unpleasant one

  • (与名词连用构成短语,其含义与该名词的相关动词相同):

    used with a noun to form a phrase that has the same meaning as the verb related to the noun

  • 周密准备;筹划;设置:

    to prepare sth in detail

  • 与(某人)性交:

    to have sex with sb

  • (摆好木、柴或煤)生火:

    to prepare a fire by arranging wood, sticks or coal

  • 对…下赌金;下赌注:

    to bet money on sth; to place a bet

  • 外行的;非专业的;缺少专门知识的:

    not having expert knowledge or professional qualifications in a particular subject

  • 平信徒的;在俗的:

    not in an official position in the Church

  • 性伙伴;(尤指)性交的女人:

    a partner in sex, especially a woman

  • (供吟唱的)叙事诗:

    a poem that was written to be sung, usually telling a story

  • 地貌;地势;地形:

    the way the land in an area is formed and what physical characteristics it has

  • 目前的形势及发展趋势:

    the way a situation is now and how it is likely to develop


  • 最初所涂底层

  • 搓绳;搓绳法

  • (炮的)瞄准

  • 安装

  • 放置

  • 砌筑

  • 敷设

  • 产卵期;产卵数;一次孵的蛋

  • 布置;层积;铺设


  • Laying each one out in an orderly fashion, the Toronto-based artist photographed the static objects for his "Disassembly Project" .


  • No sooner had the Woodman fitted the staff to his purpose , than he began laying about him on all side.


  • Gorbachev was also now ready to start laying the groundwork for an orderly Soviet troop withdrawal.


  • And in laying it out I even determined that if I had designed it differently, the layout would have fewer holes in the board.


  • The soldiers were laying for the enemy in the dark.


  • For two months, Valencia did not take on left-backs, too often playing it safe and laying the ball off.


  • "It"s no good now, you know, " said the Faun, laying down its flute and shaking its head at her very sorrowfully.


  • Only a year ago Europe"s leaders were laying into American free-marketry and declaring unbridled capitalism finished.


  • With a diploma form a famous university, he felt secure in his job even when the company was laying off people.


  • but now, with time to think, he went over them one by one, as though laying out a row of instruments on a table.


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