英语单词 红联
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n.: 果酱;堵塞;拥挤;卡住(因而发生故障)
v.: 使劲(往某处)挤(或压、塞);不能动弹;塞入;塞进
网络: 阻塞;困境;干扰


  • 果酱:

    a thick sweet substance made by boiling fruit with sugar, often sold in jars and spread on bread

  • 拥挤;堵塞:

    a situation in which it is difficult or impossible to move because there are so many people or vehicles in one particular place

  • 卡住(因而发生故障):

    a situation in which a machine does not work because sth is stuck in one position

  • 陷入困境:

    to be in a difficult situation

  • 可望而不可即的美好未来;许而不予的好东西:

    good things that are promised for the future but never happen

  • 使劲(往某处)挤(或压、塞):

    to push sth somewhere with a lot of force

  • (使)卡住,不能动弹,不能运转:

    to become unable to move or work; to make sth do this

  • 塞入;塞进;挤进:

    to put sb/sth into a small space where there is very little room to move

  • 挤满;塞紧:

    to fill sth with a large number of people or things so that it is unable to function as it should

  • (发射无线电波)干扰:

    to send out radio signals to prevent another radio broadcast from being heard

  • 即兴演奏:

    to play music with other musicians in an informal way without preparing or practising first

  • 猛踩刹车:

    to operate the brakes on a vehicle suddenly and with force


  • 楔紧;(机器等)轧住不动

  • 〔美俚〕改奏即兴爵士音乐活跃空气,参加爵士音乐演奏会

  • (在一个集体中)拼命工作,玩命干

  • 轧伤,压碎

  • (把…)挤进,塞进

  • 使(机器等)轧住,使卡住,使塞满

  • 塞满,拥挤;挤进

  • 给…涂上果酱

  • 制成果酱

  • 【无线电】干扰,失真

  • 〔俚语〕奢侈;酒席,好菜

  • 〔美俚〕一举手之劳的事情

  • 〔美口〕困境,窘境;和警察等口角

  • (机器等因拥塞)轧住,停顿

  • 困境;尴尬局面

  • 〔电信〕抑制,干扰,失真;〔林〕插垛

  • 拥挤,阻塞

  • 人群;拥塞;堵塞


  • 第三人称单数:jams

  • 现在分词:jamming

  • 过去分词:jammed


  • adj.+n.:

    strawberry jam


v.squeezecrampackfillfill upn.predicamentmessquandaryscrapepickle


  • Louis: Seems like you got yourself in a jam, huh? I wish there was something I could do to help you out.


  • Then the mouse came out of her jam pot, and Benjamin took the paper bag off his head, and they told the doleful tale .


  • There are great dangers in trying to dish this sort of dose up with jam for the patient.


  • The reason why she was late for the exam was that she got stuck in a traffic jam.


  • They asked students to choose between things like a pair of CDs or two flavors of jam.


  • My summer jam is Rihanna"s "Umbrella, " and I think it"s easy to see why.


  • Place a few slices of duck , pieces of scallion and a teaspoon of jam on the pancakes, and roll it up to eat.


  • You and I are like two kids around a mysterious jam-jar. Little by little, we taste the jam, and find how much sweet there contains.


  • The traffic jam in this narrow road is usually during the peak hours, and sometimes has to wait for a long time before able to get out.


  • Pretty soon, we may even live up to the bragging motto I made up for our posters and Web site: "Beijing"s premier blues and jam band. "


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