英语单词 红联
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adv.: 高;在高处;向高处;(成本、价值)高;高;奢侈地;高价地
n.: 高位;〈美〉同“high school”;高地;〈美〉中学;最高水平;最大数量;高气压区;反气旋
adj.: 高度的;剧烈的;非常的;偏激的;高的;有某高度的;(离地面)很高的;海拔很高的
网络: 最高的;高居;太


  • 高的:

    measuring a long distance from the bottom to the top

  • 有某高度的:

    used to talk about the distance that sth measures from the bottom to the top

  • (离地面)很高的;海拔很高的:

    at a level which is a long way above the ground or above the level of the sea

  • (数量、质量、体积或程度)高的,超乎寻常的:

    greater or better than normal in quantity or quality, size or degree

  • 含某物多:

    containing a lot of a particular substance

  • 上层的;地位高的:

    near the top in rank or status

  • 价值高的:

    of great value

  • 高尚的;崇高的:

    morally good

  • 十分赞同的;非常尊敬的:

    showing a lot of approval or respect for sb

  • 高音的:

    at the upper end of the range of sounds that humans can hear; not deep or low

  • 中间的;全盛的:

    used to describe the middle or the most attractive part of a period of time

  • 开始变质的;开始发馊的:

    beginning to go bad and having a strong smell

  • 有醉意;表现兴奋:

    behaving in an excited way because of the effects of alcohol or drugs

  • 趾高气扬;自命不凡;自以为了不起:

    to behave in a way that shows you think you are better than other people

  • 玩得很开心:

    to enjoy yourself very much

  • 高出水面;搁浅:

    in a position out of the water

  • 处境艰难;无依无靠;身无分文:

    in a difficult situation, without help or money

  • 趾高气扬;神气活现;自高自大:

    behaving as though you think you are more important than other people

  • (尤指因酗酒或吸毒)异常兴奋,神情恍惚:

    behaving in a very excited way, especially because of being strongly affected by alcohol or drugs

  • 愤然;怒冲冲:

    in an angry or offended mood, and showing other people that you are angry

  • 发出难闻气味;难闻透顶:

    to have a strong unpleasant smell

  • 很不诚实;不道德:

    to seem to be very dishonest or morally unacceptable

  • 最高水平;最大数量:

    the highest level or number

  • 高气压区;反气旋:

    an area of high air pressure; an anticyclone

  • (某天、某星期等的)最高气温:

    the highest temperature reached during a particular day, week, etc.

  • (毒品引致的)快感:

    the feeling of extreme pleasure and excitement that sb gets after taking some types of drugs

  • 极大欢乐;极度高兴;乐不可支:

    the feeling of extreme pleasure and excitement that sb gets from doing sth enjoyable or being successful at sth

  • (用于中学校名):

    used in the name of a high school

  • 在高处:

    in a high place

  • 高层人员:

    the people in senior positions in an organization

  • 在天上:

    in heaven

  • 在高处;向高处;高:

    at or to a position or level that is a long way up from the ground or from the bottom

  • (成本、价值)高;(数量)大:

    at or to a large cost, value or amount

  • 音调高:

    at a high pitch

  • 到处;各地:


  • 激愤;激昂:

    to be strong and angry or excited


  • 最高者;最高地位

  • 最高的




  • You"re able to address any conflict with your highest truth intact. You know what does and doesn"t work for you.


  • Knowing this, one of his highest ministers tried to take advantage of him.


  • Jordan Romero, from California, telephoned his mother from the peak of the world"s highest mountain, she said.


  • He was one of the highest ranking people in the company, but he never told people what to do.


  • Support systems start with you offering to help others, perhaps teammates, attain their highest goals.


  • Just as I"s taken to the safety of the highest tree in the woods , you come wriggling down out of the sky ! Ugh . . . Serpents !


  • The number of Scots trying to sell their homes has reached the highest level in nearly two years, according to chartered surveyors.


  • We are pleased to tell you that as a result of your highest intentions for good, you have suddenly lifted out of the depths of darkness.


  • WIE: Jung"s view of our highest potential as human beings seems to include more of a spiritual dimension than Freud"s view did.


  • Mycoplasma ovipneumoniae(MO) was one of the disease which were highest maximal death rate and morbidity in nursery.


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