英语单词 红联
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n.: 足跟;脚后跟;(袜子等的)后跟;(鞋、靴子等的)后跟
v.: 给(鞋等)修理后跟;倾侧;倾斜
网络: 脚跟;踵;鞋跟


  • 足跟;脚后跟:

    the back part of the foot below the ankle

  • (袜子等的)后跟:

    the part of a sock, etc. that covers the heel

  • (鞋、靴子等的)后跟:

    the raised part on the bottom of a shoe, boot, etc. that makes the shoe, etc. higher at the back

  • 有…后跟的:

    having the type of heel mentioned

  • 女高跟鞋:

    a pair of women"s shoes that have high heels

  • 手掌根(手掌靠近腕部的隆起部分):

    the raised part of the inside of the hand where it joins the wrist

  • 卑鄙的家伙;浑蛋:

    a man who is unpleasant to other people and cannot be trusted

  • 紧跟某人:

    following closely behind sb

  • 使某人就范;迫使某人服从(纪律):

    to force sb to obey you and accept discipline

  • 让狗靠近;唤狗来到身边:

    to make a dog come close to you

  • 愿意听从(某人);顺从:

    to agree to obey sb and accept their orders

  • 走近唤狗人:

    to come close to the person who has called it

  • 紧跟;紧接在后:

    very close behind sb/sth; very soon after sth

  • 逃走;溜掉:

    to run away from sb/sth

  • 急向后转;突然转身:

    to turn around suddenly so that you are facing in the opposite direction

  • 完全受某人控制:

    completely controlled by sb

  • 给(鞋等)修理后跟:

    to repair the heel of a shoe, etc.

  • 倾侧;倾斜:

    to lean over to one side


  • 〔美俚〕越狱;从作案地点逃跑

  • 剩余(物),残余(物)

  • 〔美俚〕小偷;卑劣的人,告密者,叛徒;食客,寄生虫

  • (船的)倾斜(度)

  • 脚步

  • 踵状物〔如提琴的弓把,高尔夫球杓头弯曲部,梯子的底脚等〕

  • (鞋,袜等的)后跟

  • 跟;脚后跟;铁蹄

  • (四足动物的)后脚;后脚脚跟;蹄后部

  • 踵,脚后跟

  • 【航海】使(船)倾斜

  • 给(鞋)钉后掌;给(斗鸡)上铁距;【高尔夫球】用杓后跟击(球);(足球)用脚后跟传(球)

  • 用脚后跟跳舞;(足球)用脚后跟向后传球;【高尔夫球】用杓后跟打球

  • (船)倾侧

  • 随后

  • 对…施加压力,催促

  • 〔美俚〕供给(钱);提供(武器)

  • 在后紧跟,快跑

  • 紧跟,追赶

  • (用脚后跟)践踏


  • 过去分词:heeled

  • 现在分词:heeling

  • 第三人称单数:heels


  • adj.+n.:

    high heel

  • v.+n.:

    come heel,wear heel




  • Bend the front knee, keeping the back leg straight, press the right heel down on the floor.


  • Mila is embracing this path as the script of the savior is one of her "Achilles Heel"s" in ascension.


  • I"ve been observing this guy for a whole year and I can"t seem to find his Achilles" heel.


  • Only Gu dictator hands in the sky wipe in the pocket, heel in the behind of Zhao Tie Zhu, came out a hospital.


  • And he turned on his heel without another look at me, and disappeared out the door.


  • "What sort of work is it? " he asked, lingering a moment as he turned upon his heel to go into the bathroom.


  • There was no room for that, for there was exactly the very print of a foot, toes, heel and every part of a foot.


  • Just as Achilles turned to leave, the faithless Paris took out a poisoned arrow and shot at his heel from behind.


  • And what was not even funny, they considered the heel"s pad, with a tiny fat layer there to be meant for cushioning! !


  • With your leg stretched out in front of you and the knee supported, make an imaginary line from the heel to the ground.


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