英语单词 红联
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n.: 手;手工;帮助;指针
v.: 交;递;给
网络: 汉德;人手;手形


  • 手:

    the part of the body at the end of the arm, including the fingers and thumb

  • 用…手的;用…只手的:

    using the hand or number of hands mentioned

  • 帮助;协助:

    help in doing sth

  • 角色;作用;影响:

    the part or role that sb/sth plays in a particular situation; sb"s influence in a situation

  • 指针:

    a part of a clock or watch that points to the numbers

  • (农场或工厂的)体力劳动者,工人:

    a person who does physical work on a farm or in a factory

  • 船员:

    a sailor on a ship

  • 手工:

    by a person rather than a machine

  • (分给游戏者的)一手牌:

    a set of playing cards given to one player in a game

  • (纸牌游戏的)一盘:

    one stage of a game of cards

  • 书法:

    a particular style of writing

  • 一手之宽(测量马的高度的单位,等于 4 英寸或 10.16 厘米):

    a unit for measuring the height of a horse, equal to 4 inches or 10.16 centimetres

  • 总动员;全体出动:

    everyone helps or must help, especially in a difficult situation

  • (在时间或距离上)接近:

    close to you in time or distance

  • 某人导致;出自某人之手:

    if you experience sthat the hands of sb , they are the cause of it

  • 技术娴熟:

    to be skilful at making or doing things with your hands

  • 捆绑住某人的手脚:

    to tie sb"s hands and feet together so that they cannot move or escape

  • 用条条框框限制某人:

    to prevent sb from doing what they want by creating rules, restrictions, etc.

  • 手工:

    by a person rather than a machine

  • (信件)亲手交付,由专人递送:

    if a letter is deliveredby hand , it is delivered by the person who wrote it, or sb who is sent by them, rather than by post/mail

  • 受制于某人;被某人控制:

    to become controlled by sb

  • 第一手;亲自:

    by experiencing, seeing, etc. sth yourself rather than being told about it by sb else

  • 做体力工作;体力劳动:

    to do physical work

  • 答应求婚(尤指女方):

    permission to marry sb, especially a woman

  • 同某人密切合作(尤指勾结):

    working closely with sb, especially in a secret and/or illegal way

  • 手拉手:

    if two people arehand in hand , they are holding each other"s hand

  • 密切关联;相连带:

    if two thingsgo hand in hand , they are closely connected and one thing causes the other

  • 容易地;易如反掌地;毋庸置疑地:

    easily and without any doubt

  • (命令)别动某物╱某人:

    used to tell sb not to touch sth/sb

  • 举手(答问):

    used to tell a group of people to raise one hand in the air if they know the answer to a question, etc.

  • 举手(投降):

    used by sb who is threatening people with a gun to tell them to raise both hands in the air

  • 忙得不可开交;应接不暇:

    to be very busy or too busy to do sth else

  • 受到制约:

    to be unable to do what you want to do because of rules, promises, etc.

  • (困难时)给某人支持;拉某人一把:

    to give sb support in a difficult situation

  • 由可信任的人负责(或处理等):

    being taken care of or dealt with by sb that you think you can rely on

  • 在手头;可供使用:

    if you have time or moneyin hand , it is left and available to be used

  • 在掌握中;在控制中:

    if you have a particular situationin hand , you are in control of it

  • 正在处理中:

    the job, question, etc.in hand is the one that you are dealing with

  • (按星期、月等)领取工资:

    if sb works a week, month, etc.in hand , they are paid for the work a week, etc. after they have completed it

  • 受某人照料;受某人控制:

    being taken care of or controlled by sb

  • 偶尔操练某事以保持熟练:

    to occasionally do sth that you used to do a lot so that you do not lose your skill at it

  • 捉住使你不快的人:

    to catch sb that you are annoyed with

  • 找到╱得到某物:

    to find or get sth

  • 人多好办事;众人拾柴火焰高:

    used to say that a job is made easier if a lot of people help

  • 什么活也不干:

    to do no work

  • 不再由某人负责:

    no longer your responsibility

  • 在双方面╱各个方面;在两个╱各个方向:

    on both/all sides; in both/all directions

  • 现有(尤指帮助):

    available, especially to help

  • 由某人负责(某人、某事):

    if you have sb/sthon your hands , you are responsible for them or it

  • (引出不同的,尤指对立的观点、思想等)一方面…,另一方面…:

    used to introduce different points of view, ideas, etc., especially when they are opposites

  • 难以(或无法)控制:

    difficult or impossible to control

  • 不假思索(拒绝等):

    if you reject, etc. sthout of hand , you do so immediately without thinking about it fully or listening to other people"s arguments

  • 不再由某人负责:

    no longer your responsibility

  • 干敌人(或对手等)所希望的事;做有利于敌人(或对手等)的事;授人以可乘之机:

    to do exactly what an enemy, opponent, etc. wants so that they gain the advantage in a particular situation

  • 掏腰包;出钱;付款:

    to spend money or give it to sb

  • 经过二手三手地;间接地;非亲身经历:

    by being told about sth by sb else who has seen it or heard about it, not by experiencing, seeing, etc. it yourself

  • 管教某人:

    to deal with sb in a strict way in order to improve their behaviour

  • 亲自处理某事:

    to deal with a particular situation yourself because you are not happy with the way that others are dealing with it

  • (尤指不成功而)放弃,退出:

    to stop doing sth or taking part in sth, especially because you are not successful

  • 在手边;随时可得到:

    that you can reach or get easily

  • (尤指成功、顺利地)着手做,能够做:

    to start doing sth or be able to do sth, especially when you do it well

  • 交;递;给:

    to pass or give sth to sb

  • 把某事物拱手送给某人:

    to give sth to sb without the person concerned making any effort

  • (表示某人值得称赞):

    used to say that sb deserves praise for sth


  • 【航海】卷叠(风帆)

  • 扶持

  • 收卷

  • 搀;扶上,抚着

  • 交付;传递给

  • 把…递给;把…交给,提交;接到

  • 用手搀扶,用手帮助

  • 汉德〔姓氏〕

  • 方,侧;方面

  • 握有;管理;支配;权力;(古代罗马法律中规定的)夫权

  • 笔迹,书法;签名

  • (钟表的)指针,(工具等的)把,柄

  • 手状物;(香蕉等的)一扇;(烟叶的)一束

  • 手;(猴子等的)脚;(一般四足兽的)前脚

  • 技巧,手艺,手法

  • 人手,职工,雇员;船员

  • 支援,帮助,参加;插手,干预


  • 复数:hands

  • 现在分词:handing

  • 过去分词:handed


  • v.+n.:

    raise hand,open hand,offer hand,thrust hand,clap hand

  • adj.+n.:

    invisible hand


v.givehand overofferpasstendern.pointerneedleinfluencepartclap




  • The newborn baby the size of an adult hand would require another two weeks at least before it was out of danger.


  • She disengaged her hand from that of the child.


  • It did not perceive that it also lay in that hand which had removed Napoleon.


  • There, comes the long hair blonde--Fairy Fall, with a basket of magic gold dust in her hand, and she sprays the gold dust along all her way.


  • I researched each animal in depth to see how I could transfer it to a hand, and then set about bringing it to life.


  • On the other hand, to say it was the vision of any ideal or allegiance to any principle would be making it far too articulate and abstract.


  • Again, were tried to leave the tactics as open-ended as possible, so you can have a strong hand in specifying how your players will grow.


  • Chile was positively opposed to any treaty that would bind her hand in her old border dispute with Peru.


  • The forced motion is usually replaced by a quick lateral shift with a fixed hand position.


  • God is constantly trying to teach us our dependence, and to hold us absolutely in His hand and hanging upon His care.


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