英语单词 红联
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v.: 给;送给;让步;交给
n.: 弹性;伸展性
网络: 给予;应把;发


  • 给;交给:

    to hand sth to sb so that they can look at it, use it or keep it for a time

  • 赠送;赠与;送给:

    to hand sth to sb as a present; to allow sb to have sth as a present

  • (为某人)提供,供给,供应:

    to provide sb with sth

  • 捐助;捐赠;捐款:

    to pay money to a charity, etc., to help people

  • (为获得某物或做某事而)支付,付款:

    to pay in order to have or do sth

  • 将(时间、精力等)用于:

    to use time, energy, etc. for sb/sth

  • 使受…惩罚:

    to make sb suffer a particular punishment

  • 把(疾病)传染给:

    to infect sb with an illness

  • 举办;举行:

    if yougive a party, you organize it and invite people

  • 表演;公开进行:

    to perform sth in public

  • (与名词连用描述某一动作,意义与该名词相应的动词相同):

    used with a noun to describe a particular action, giving the same meaning as the related verb

  • 使产生(某种感觉):

    to produce a particular feeling in sb

  • 给(某人)打(电话):

    to make a telephone call to sb

  • 给…评定(等级):

    to judge sb/sth to be of a particular standard

  • 预计将持续(…时间):

    to predict that sth will last a particular length of time

  • 裁定,判(球员或球所处位置):

    to say that a player or the ball is in a particular position

  • (在压力下)弯曲,伸长:

    to bend or stretch under pressure

  • 让步;妥协:

    to agree to change your mind or give up some of your demands

  • 大多数含 give 的习语,都可在该等习语中的名词及形容词相关词条找到,如 give rise to sth 在词条 rise 的名词部分。:

    Most idioms containinggive are at the entries for the nouns and adjectives in the idioms, for example,give rise to sth is atrisen.

  • (表示不相信对方说的话)别跟我来这一套,别以为我会相信你:

    used to tell sb that you do not accept what they say

  • 互相让步;双方迁就:

    to be willing, in a relationship, to accept what sb else wants and to give up some of what you want

  • 双方迁就;相互让步;互相忍让:

    willingness in a relationship to accept what sb else wants and give up some of what you want

  • 交谈;思想交流:

    an exchange of words or ideas

  • 回敬;回击;以牙还牙:

    to react with equal force when sb attacks or criticizes you

  • 鼓掌表示支持(某人):

    to show your approval of sb by clapping your hands

  • 我宁愿;我更喜欢;我宁可选择:

    used to say that you prefer a particular thing or person to the one that has just been mentioned

  • 相差不到;出入至多:

    if sth is correctgive or take a particular amount, it is approximately correct

  • 使某人相信;使某人理解:

    to make sb believe/understand sth

  • 我提议为(某人)干杯:

    used to ask people to drink a toast to sb

  • 我承认这事有理;我承认这是事实:

    used when you are admitting that sth is true

  • 发生了什么事;有什么消息:

    what is happening?; what is the news?

  • 伸展性;弹性:

    the ability of sth to bend or stretch under pressure

  • 互相让步;双方迁就:

    to be willing, in a relationship, to accept what sb else wants and to give up some of what you want

  • 双方迁就;相互让步;互相忍让:

    willingness in a relationship to accept what sb else wants and give up some of what you want

  • 交谈;思想交流:

    an exchange of words or ideas


  • 坍陷

  • (精神、性格等的)适应性

  • 弹性;可弯性;可让性

  • 给予

  • 干缩,湿坏

  • (色)褪,(天气)变暖和;(冰等)融解

  • (地等受压力)坍下,凹下;(木器等)弯曲;(沙发等)有弹性;(螺钉等)松动

  • 致(谢),转达(问候),贺(喜);提议为…干杯

  • 捐助,赠送

  • 授予,赋予,赐予(地位、头衔、名誉等)

  • 作出;举出;显示出;载入;提出,表示出

  • 交付;委托;让出;嫁出

  • 投降,屈服,让步

  • 送给,给


  • 第三人称单数:gives

  • 现在分词:giving

  • 过去式:gave

  • 过去分词:given


  • v.+n.:

    give chance,give advice,give answer,give call,give information

  • adv.+v.:

    probably give,willingly give,promptly give




v.takewithholdhold upn.rigidity


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  • Peter"s work always gives satisfaction for which he has been promoted twice in a matter at less than two years.


  • "That gives us a real shot at developing a drug that will inhibit metastasis, " he said in a statement.


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  • At the beginning of filming, she gives a list of her favourite scenes that she wants to be up here for.


  • The more sincere a young girl"s belief in goodness, the more easily she gives herself, if not to her lover, then at least to love.


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  • We got him on the move, where he could slice in or post up. It gives him opportunities to handle the ball a little bit. It"s easier.


  • The leaves can continue to live for two years, and was close to the cuticle. The cuticle of the leaf gives the existence of cold stress.


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