英语单词 红联
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v.: 得到;获得;使;收到
n.: 赢利;薪资;【牧】幼畜;(煤炭)产量
linkv.: 处于
网络: 拿到;获取;到达


  • 收到;接到:

    to receive sth

  • 获得;得到:

    to obtain sth

  • (卖某物)挣得,获得:

    to obtain or receive an amount of money by selling sth

  • 去取(或带来):

    to go to a place and bring sb/sth back

  • 受到;遭到;被判(刑):

    to receive sth as a punishment

  • 接收到;收听到;收看到:

    to receive broadcasts from a particular television or radio station

  • (定期)买,购买:

    to buy sth, for example a newspaper or magazine, regularly

  • (考试)获得,达到:

    to achieve or be given a particular mark/grade in an exam

  • 感染上;患上;遭受…之苦:

    to become infected with an illness; to suffer from a pain, etc.

  • 与(某人)电话联系;与(某人)通电话:

    to be connected with sb by telephone

  • 开始(感觉到、认识到、成为);达到…地步(或程度):

    to reach the point at which you feel, know, are, etc. sth

  • 使,让(某人或物做某事);说服(某人做某事):

    to make, persuade, etc. sb/sth to do sth

  • 使(某事)发生;使完成(某事):

    to cause sth to happen or be done

  • 开始;开始做:

    to start doing sth

  • 有机会(做某事);得到(做某事的)机会:

    to have the opportunity to do sth

  • 抵达,到达(某地或某点):

    to arrive at or reach a place or point

  • (使)到达,离开,沿…移动,艰难地移动:

    to move to or from a particular place or in a particular direction, sometimes with difficulty; to make sb/sth do this

  • 搭乘,乘坐(公共汽车、出租车、飞机等):

    to use a bus, taxi, plane, etc.

  • 准备,做(饭):

    to prepare a meal

  • 接(电话);应(门):

    to answer the telephone or a door when sb calls, knocks, etc.

  • (尤指为伤害或惩罚)抓住,捉住,逮住:

    to catch or take hold of sb, especially in order to harm or punish them

  • 击中;使受伤:

    to hit or wound sb

  • 理解;明白:

    to understand sb/sth

  • (表示发生或存在):

    used to say that sth happens or exists

  • 使困惑;使迷惑;把…难住:

    to make sb feel confused because they do not understand sth

  • 使烦恼;使恼火:

    to annoy sb

  • (使)达到,处于:

    to reach a particular state or condition; to make sb/sth/yourself reach a particular state or condition


  • 【畜牧】幼畜,(动物的)子

  • (煤炭)产量

  • 〔英俚〕私生子

  • 赢利;薪资

  • 幼马

  • 胃半空时间

  • 抢救危险球

  • 〔美方〕勉勉强强…,好容易…

  • 得,成为…,开始…起来

  • 生(病),得(病),感染上(病);(毒品等)使上瘾

  • 挨(打等),〔口语〕受(罚),被判(刑)。 〔口语〕受罚,受苦;被判刑

  • 买,定购

  • 〔与过去分词构成被动式〕被,受

  • 收到,接到

  • 到达;去;进去

  • 获得;赚得;赢得,博得,取得

  • 获得财产,赚到钱。 (使)无成就


  • 第三人称单数:gets

  • 现在分词:getting

  • 过去式:got


  • v.+n.:

    get job,get information,help get,get work,get chance

  • adv.+v.:

    get out,probably get,get anywhere,get anyhow,apparently get




  • Any goal you want to accomplish: get yourself a calendar. Break the task down into little bits of time. Make it a game.


  • I don"t think you keep the kitchen clean enough and I"m very worried that this could cause our customers to get sick.


  • When V-Day met her, we asked her how we could support her and she said, "Well, if you got me a Jeep, I could get around a lot faster. "


  • In Tokyo, on top of the long days, people seem to do things after they get home as well, like playing computer games.


  • "We need open access, " she said. "These children and families need to be protected and they need to get out fast. "


  • He would deserve anEnglandcall-up. He was on a roll last season when Kenny took over and was just unlucky to get injured at West Ham.


  • It had improved substantially, and I was able to get the tool up and running very quickly (in about 30 minutes).


  • Get ready to be very busy in the months ahead.


  • It"s true that once you get into the habit of smoking, you"ll find it extremely difficult to get out of it.


  • When you"re ready to get a different tree, consider donating it to a local charity instead of throwing it away.


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