汉语词典 红联
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torrential rain, heavy rainfall, strong rainfall





  • 1: 夏季;强降雨

    Summer Strong Rain;

  • 2: 周六晚上这里开始出现强降雨,增加了导致更多塌方的几率。

    Heavy rain began to fall Saturday night, increasing the risk of more land slides.

  • 3: 降雨格局3为雨量分散、雨强小而历时很长的一类降雨事件的集合;

    Pattern 3 is the aggregation of those with low intensities and long durations.

  • 4: 大暑期间的日照、高温及强降雨有利于农作物的生长。

    During Great Heat, the sunshine, high temperatures, and heavy rainfall are good for agricultural crops.

  • 5: 随着强降雨持续涌入河谷,四川地区河流水位仍在上升。 。

    As heavy rain continues pounding the river valleys, the water level is still rising.

  • 6: 强降雨对大坝安全产生巨大影响。

    It is the heavy rainfall that has tremendous implications on dam safety.

  • 7: 急救。“今年六月,我国南方多省出现了大范围持续性强降雨”…

    In June, China"s southern province of a wide range of more persistent heavy rain …

  • 8: 对于某些地方来说,大风将会带来强降雨

    To some places the wind will bring heavy rain.

  • 9: 气候模拟研究者同时预测,冬季和干旱夏季遭遇强降雨的机会将会增多。

    Climate modellers also predict there would be an increase in heavy rainfall events in winter and drier summers.

  • 10: 预计它将在沿海地区停留一段时间。这个热带风暴带来了强降雨,降水预计持续到星期五。

    It"s expected to hover around the coastal regions for a while. The tropical storm brings strong rainfall, and precipitation is expected to last through Friday.

  • 11: 庞贝监管局在一份电子邮件声明中说,“道士殿后面的露台跨塌,拖垮了花园围墙”,其责任归咎于毁灭性的强降雨

    “The terraces behind the House of the Moralist have collapsed, bringing down the garden wall, ” Pompeii superintendency said in an emailed statement, blaming the heavy rainfall for the smashup.

  • 12: 岩溶洞隙和孔隙、强降雨、土壤流失、较大坡度的地貌以及人为因素对森林植被的破坏是岩溶石漠化的主要原因。

    Holes and pore space of limestone, heavy rainfall, soil loss, the topography of slope and the destroy on forests imposed by humankind were the main causes of lithification in karst area.

  • 13: 而这次搜捕被一些偶尔的强降雨阻碍。

    Tracking is being hampered somewhat by occasional heavy rainfall.

  • 14: 影响长白山旅游活动的主要灾害性天气有大风、强降雨(雪)、大雾、极端最低气温、雷电冰雹等。

    The main disastrous weather which affected the travel activity was strong wind, strong rainfall(snow), heavy mist, extremely low air temperature, thunder and lightning, hail and so on.

  • 15: 在四月,霍华德总理警告道,如果在随后的几个月当中没有意外的强降雨,农民们将不会被准许在下一整年当中灌溉他们的庄稼。

    In April Mr Howard warned that farmers would not be allowed to irrigate their crops at all next year without unexpectedly heavy rain in the next few months.

  • 16: 其中,梁子湖区的强降雨主要集中在15~16,大到暴雨,局部大暴雨。

    Among them, Liangzihu District of heavy rainfall mainly from 15 to 16, arrive greatly rainstorm, local big rainstorm.

  • 17: 另外,东部非洲的裂谷热暴发与厄尔尼诺/南方涛动(ENSO)现象暖期期间出现的强降雨有紧密联系。

    In addition RVF outbreaks in East Africa are closely associated with the heavy rainfall that occurs during the warm phase of the El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) phenomenon.

  • 18: 随着“塔拉斯”的移动,预计会在日本北部造成强降雨,尽管如此,日本气象厅仍警告西部居民保持警觉注意滑坡现象。

    As Talas moves on, heavy rain is expected in the north of the country, though JMA warned residents of the west to remain on alert for landslides.

  • 19: 摘要: 2015年份,阿根廷由于受到强降雨和霜冻的影响,葡萄生产总量下降10%,其中门多萨的受灾情况最严重。

    ABSTRACT: Heavy rainfall and frost contributed to a 10% drop in Argentina"s grape harvest in 2015, with Mendoza bearing the brunt of the bad weather.

  • 20: 统计显示,在过去的三个月中中国已连续经历了14轮强降雨

    Statistics show that 14 rounds of heavy precipitation have hit China over the past three months.

  • 21: 救援人员称,失事轮船中可能还有更多幸存者,但是大风和强降雨对妨碍了救援。仍有428人生死不明。

    Rescuers said there could be more survivors in the upturned wreckage, but strong winds and heavy rain are hampering rescue efforts. 428 people are still missing.

  • 22: 通过听收音机或者看电视获得关于强降雨的警告或信息以及当地政府的指示。

    Listen to the radio or watch TV for warnings about intense rainfall or for information and instructions from local officials.

  • 23: 据新华社的报道,当地强降雨有所减轻,但气象预计周二和周三还将有暴雨。

    Xinhua said heavy rains in the area had abated, but that further downpours are predicted for Tuesday and Wednesday.

  • 24: 大风和强降雨在过去24小时内“光临”了意大利,该国东北部历史名城威尼斯包括圣马可广场在内的部分城区被突然升高的海平面淹没。

    A steep rise in sea levels swamped part of the historic lagooon city of Venice amid storms and heavy rains that have beaten down on Italy over the past 24 hours.

  • 25: 强降雨继续袭击中国南部地区。

    Torrential rains continue to pound S China regions .

  • 26: 强降雨雨季等季节性因素以及该地区增多的人口流动造成这一极不寻常的霍乱高发病率。

    Seasonal factors, with a particularly heavy rainy season, along with increased population movements in the area contribute to this unusually high incidence of cholera.

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