英语单词 红联
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n.: 铅球;射击;射门;投篮
adj.: 毁坏;杂色的;闪色的;破烂不堪
v.: “shoot”的过去式和过去分词;装弹药;装沙子
网络: 镜头;注射;子弹


  • 射击;开枪(或炮);枪(或炮)声:

    the act of firing a gun; the sound this makes

  • 优秀(或不高明等的)射手,枪手,炮手:

    a person who shoots a gun in a particular way (well, badly, etc.)

  • 铅沙弹:

    a large number of small metal balls that you fire together from a shotgun

  • (旧时用大炮发射的石质或金属的)弹丸:

    a large stone or metal ball that was shot from a cannon or large gun in the past

  • (针对对手、多为一系列之一的)一席话,一击:

    a remark or an action that is usually one of a series, and is aimed against sb/sth that you are arguing or competing with

  • 尝试;努力:

    the act of trying to do or achieve sth

  • 击球;射门;投篮:

    the action of hitting, kicking or throwing the ball in order to score a point or goal in a game

  • 铅球:

    the heavy ball that is used in the sports competition called the shot-put

  • 照片:

    a photograph

  • (电影中的)镜头:

    a scene in a film/movie that is filmed continuously by one camera

  • 注射:

    a small amount of a drug that is put into your body using a syringe

  • 少量饮料;(尤指)少量烈酒:

    a small amount of a drink, especially a strong alcoholic one

  • 发射:

    an occasion when a spacecraft is sent into space

  • 有…获胜可能的马(或狗):

    a horse, dog, etc. that has the particular chance of winning a race that is mentioned

  • 立刻;飞快地;毫不犹豫:

    very quickly and without hesitating

  • (若不改变就会有某种后果的)警告:

    something that you say or do as a warning to sb about what might happen if they do not change, etc.

  • 鼓舞的力量;令人振奋的事情;强心针:

    something that gives sb/sth the help or encouragement they need

  • 杂色的;闪色的:

    having another colour showing through or mixed with the main colour

  • 破烂不堪;筋疲力尽;毁坏:

    in a very bad condition; destroyed

  • 摆脱;解决;处理:

    to get rid of sb/sth so you no longer have the problems they cause

  • 布满,充满,富有(某种颜色、品质或特征):

    containing a lot of a particular colour, quality or feature


  • 引起

  • 飞快地开

  • 浪费

  • 向…投去

  • 装弹药;装沙子;石子摇洗(瓶子等);用铁锤吊着使沉下,加铅粒使沉重;(用喷射法)使成颗粒

  • 弹,子弹,炮弹;散弹;【运】铅球

  • 【矿物】炸破,爆破;炸药;【运】射门;投篮;(网球,台球)一击;【纺织;印染】投梭;(电影和摄影的)拍摄距离;拍摄;镜头;照片;〔美国〕【无线电】广播节目

  • 猜测,推测

  • 铁球

  • 试一试

  • 枪手,枪法,枪响;打

  • 射程;瞄准;狙击

  • 照片;画面,镜头

  • 射手,枪手

  • 射击,打枪,开炮;枪声;炮声;(网的)一撒;〔口语〕(烈酒的)一口;〔俚语〕(吗啡等的)注射;〔俚语〕(酒吧等的)账

  • 【纺织;印染】杂色的,闪光的,色彩幻变的

  • 〔美俚〕坏得不能再使用的;注定要失败的

  • 〔俚语〕喝醉了的

  • 打[发射]出去的;被射中的;发了芽的


  • 复数:shots


  • v.+n.:

    give shot,get shot,take shot,say shot,hit shot

  • adj.+n.:

    single shot,good shot,random shot




  • Photo Tip: You may have to spend quite a while with your subjects, following alongside them, to get that perfect shot.


  • It"s just a little preview from his new movie, Snow Flower and the Secret Fan, which he shot in China.


  • In the Las Vegas opener, he did not shy away from that shot early, hit a few, then got to the rim easily.


  • Not only did he contest and block Williams" shot then save the ball from going out of bounds, he also perfectly timed when to leave Boozer.


  • Remember the time when a "fan" came up to her then swore at her then shot her in the eye with ink?


  • Just as the first ray of the rising sun shot like a golden arrow athwart this desolation we gained the further gateway of the outer wall.


  • If we guess at it like "a shot in the dark, " however, we would be extremely lucky to get the right answer.


  • All that fire shot so much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere that the planet heated up like an oven and baked the dinos to death.


  • "Three deer is better than two, " he thought, as he prepared. Then he located the source of the sound and shot at a shadow in the grass.


  • "The United States Navy is ready, " Pug shot back. "I"ve been working like a bastard all day on a general operation order for convoy. "


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