英语单词 红联
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n.: 秤;比例尺;范围;刻度
v.: 攀登;到达…顶点;去鳞;刮除牙石
网络: 缩放;规模;音阶


  • (尤指与其他事物相比较时的)规模,范围,程度:

    the size or extent of sth, especially when compared with sth else

  • 等级;级别:

    a range of levels or numbers used for measuring sth

  • 等级体系:

    the set of all the different levels of sth, from the lowest to the highest

  • 标度;刻度:

    a series of marks at regular intervals on an instrument that is used for measuring

  • 秤;磅秤;天平:

    an instrument for weighing people or things

  • 比例;比例尺:

    the relation between the actual size of sth and its size on a map, diagram or model that represents it

  • 音阶:

    a series of musical notes moving upwards or downwards, with fixed intervals between each note, especially a series of eight starting on a particular note

  • 鳞;鳞片:

    any of the thin plates of hard material that cover the skin of many fish and reptiles

  • 水垢;水锈:

    a hard greyish-white substance that is sometimes left inside water pipes and containers for heating water

  • 牙垢;牙石:

    a hard substance that forms on teeth, especially when they are not cleaned regularly

  • 攀登;到达…顶点:

    to climb to the top of sth very high and steep

  • 去鳞:

    to remove the small flat hard pieces of skin from a fish

  • 刮除牙石:

    to remove tartar from the teeth by scraping

  • 改变…的大小:

    to change the size of sth


  • 变成梯子,成梯形;逐步攀登;逐渐增高

  • 用梯子爬上;爬越,攀登(山等)

  • 重(若干),有(若干)重

  • (鳞一般)剥落

  • 剥…鳞

  • 相机决定[判断];〔美国〕大略估计,约略计算(林木的可用材等);(按比例)增减

  • 用秤称;把…过秤

  • 生锅垢

  • 刮掉…的锅垢;给…去锈

  • 用缩尺制图;(用比例尺)设计[测量],按比例排列[绘制,制造]

  • 【数学】计数法,进位法,换算法

  • 【植物;植物学】鳞苞,鳞片;甲鳞;翅瓣

  • 【音乐】(标度)音阶;音列

  • (骑师、拳师等的)体重检查(器)

  • 鳞〔有时也用作集合词〕

  • 鳞状物

  • 称盘,天平盘

  • 等级(表),级别(表),品级

  • 秤,磅秤,天平

  • (尺、秤等上刻划的)分度,度数,标,标度,刻度;尺寸;尺,尺度


  • 复数:scales

  • 过去分词:scaled

  • 现在分词:scaling


  • adj.+n.:

    large scale,small scale,massive scale,grand scale,huge scale

  • v.+n.:

    scale appreciate,increase scale,reduce scale


n.weighing machinegaugegradationleveldepositv.climbgo upmove upmountsurmount




  • qualitative description is often used to understand , analyze and conclude about spatial environment in large scale space and everyday life.


  • What distinguishes China"s internationalisation from, say, that of Japan is the speed and scale of the change.


  • Another, featuring just Tony and his wife Cherie, has been sent to a wider audience - although not on the scale of the US president.


  • A cloak made of those materials, with a structure designed down to the submicroscopic scale, would neither reflect light nor cast a shadow.


  • But to cut back on government spending at a time of large-scale unemployment would ignore all the lessons learned from the Great Depression.


  • Service Broker also makes it easy to scale your application up or down to accommodate the amount of traffic the application receives.


  • Rational determination of production scale was one of the technical challenges for the transition from surface to underground mining.


  • A fire sprinkler system is often provided to control a full scale fire if it develops.


  • The SEC, which seems to have been taken aback by the scale of the malfeasance, can hardly hold its head up high either.


  • The impact of the deep water deployment is definitely an unknown unknown, as it has not been used on anything like this scale before.


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