英语单词 红联
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n.: 前面;前线;正面;阵线
v.: 面向;在…前面;朝;用…作正面
adj.: 前面的;前部的;在前的;正面的
adv.: 在[向]前面
网络: 前视图;前通


  • 正面:

    the part or side of sth that faces forward; the side of sth that you look at first

  • 前面;正前方:

    the position that is in the direction that sb/sth is facing

  • 前部:

    the part of sth that is furthest forward

  • 身体前部;胸部:

    the part of sb"s body that faces forwards; sb"s chest

  • (建筑物,尤指教堂朝西、北、东、南等的)面:

    the side of a large building, especially a church, that faces west, north, etc.

  • 海滨;湖畔;河边;沿海(或湖、河)道路:

    the road or area of land along the edge of the sea, a lake or a river

  • 前线;前方:

    an area where fighting takes place during a war

  • 活动领域;阵线:

    a particular area of activity

  • 表面;外表:

    behaviour that is not genuine, done in order to hide your true feelings or opinions

  • 非法(或秘密)活动掩护者:

    a person or an organization that is used to hide an illegal or secret activity

  • (用于政治组织的名称)阵线:

    used in the names of some political organizations

  • (冷暖空气团接触的)锋:

    the line where a mass of cold air meets a mass of warm air

  • 在(或进入)最重要位置:

    in or into the most important position

  • 在前面:

    in a position that is further forward than sb/sth but not very far away

  • (赛跑或比赛)领先:

    in first place in a race or competition

  • 在…前面:

    in a position that is further forward than sb/sth but not very far away

  • 当着…的面;在…面前:

    if you do sthin front of sb, you do it when they are there

  • 未来;在…前面:

    still to come; not yet passed

  • (剧院等)观众席;(餐厅等)座席:

    in the part of a theatre, restaurant, etc. where the public sits

  • 在(建筑物)大门外:

    in the area near to the entrance to a building

  • 预付;先付:

    as payment in advance

  • 在前锋位置:

    in a forward position

  • 前面的;前部的;在前的;正面的:

    on or at the front of sth

  • 舌前位发的;舌前的:

    produced with the front of the tongue in a higher position than the back, for examplei: in English

  • 处于前列重要地位;受到重视;为当务之急:

    being given a lot of attention because it is considered important

  • 面向;在…前面;朝;向:

    to face sth or be in front of sth; to have the front pointing towards sth

  • 用…作正面;用…覆盖正面:

    to have the front covered with sth

  • 领导,代表(团体、组织等):

    to lead or represent an organization, a group, etc.

  • 主持(电视节目、演出等):

    to present a television programme, a show, etc.

  • (为强调而)将(句子某一部分)前置:

    to give more importance to a part of a sentence by placing it at or near the beginning of the sentence, as in ‘That I would like to see.’


  • (美国)《阵线》(杂志)

  • 在[向]前面

  • 【军事】向着(敌军等的)正面

  • 【语言学】把…发成舌前音,把(发音部位)移前

  • 领导(乐队)

  • 为…作掩护

  • 面向;对抗

  • 面对

  • 装饰…的正面

  • 朝前

  • 把…附在前面

  • 从前面阻截

  • 【语言学】舌前的

  • 充门面

  • 向前的

  • 头,前,正;大,正面;外围

  • 前面的,最前的;正面的

  • 【气象学】锋〔冷热空气团分界处〕

  • 【语言学】舌前,硬颚;舌前音

  • 【军事】前线;战线,战地;【政治学】阵线

  • 〔美国〕现况,现状

  • 门面;相貌,模样儿;装模作样,厚脸皮;〔诗〕额

  • (企业、团体等的)挂名负责人,出面人物;幌子,掩护物

  • (房屋的)正面,门面,方向;(道路、河、海等的)边;〔英国〕海滨人行道

  • 〔美国〕前面的那位〔指最近边的服务员,常于呼唤时用〕

  • (妇女的)额前头发;(衬衫的)硬衬胸;领结;(祭坛前面的)帷子(等)

  • 前部,前面;正面;(剧场的)正面[前面]座位〔也可指全部观众席位〕


  • 复数:fronts

  • 过去分词:fronted

  • 现在分词:fronting


  • adj.+n.:

    front page,front desk,front seat,front Gate,front yard

  • v.+n.:

    present front,front show,form front






  • I then unfolded the note and spread it out in front of me.


  • V- shaped bar bent to a half- circle is attached to the body , close to the front of the disc in full open position .


  • Owing to this point, study on the effectiveness of interest rate policy has been taken as a front-line subject of theoretical research.


  • They do not rotate out of the front line: soldiers fight without a break for the three years they are enlisted.


  • Mr. Bennet: Well, from the little I saw of him between the front door and his bedroom, I should say that he was an uncommonly fine specimen.


  • The big crowd on the east side of the Capitol grew quiet when Jackson and Van Buren walked out onto the front steps of the building.


  • ou . you are always going far . . . a minute ago in front of me , disappeared in the next second.


  • A strong boy student lifted a desk into the air in front of him.


  • Allied to his technical expertise and composure in front of goal, he looks as though he could score two or three goals every game.


  • Previously agreed upon, leaving a certain number of Dominoes FACE DOWNWARDS as stock to drow from. and stands them up in front of him.


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