英语单词 红联
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linkv.: 觉得;感到;体会到;给…感觉
n.: 触觉;手感;触摸;感受
v.: 感觉到;感到;触;摸
网络: 一感觉


  • 觉得;感到;体会到:

    to experience a particular feeling or emotion

  • 给…感觉;有印象;感受到:

    to give you a particular feeling or impression

  • 摸起来;手感:

    to have a particular physical quality which you become aware of by touching

  • (通过触觉)注意到,意识到,感觉到:

    to notice or be aware of sth because it is touching you or having a physical effect on you

  • 感到,感觉到(抽象事物):

    to become aware of sth even though you cannot see it, hear it, etc.

  • 触;摸:

    to deliberately move your fingers over sth in order to find out what it is like

  • 以为;认为;相信:

    to think or believe that sth is the case; to have a particular opinion or attitude

  • 受(强烈)影响;(深深)体验到:

    to experience the effects or results of sth, often strongly

  • (用手、足等)摸索,寻找,探索:

    to search for sth with your hands, feet, etc.

  • (尤指与较年轻者比)感到自己上年纪了,意识到自己老了:

    to realize that you are getting old, especially compared with people you are with who are younger than you

  • 觉得耳朵在发烧(认为或猜测别人在说自己):

    to think or imagine that other people are talking about you

  • (表示允许)可以随便做某事:

    used to tell sb that they are allowed to do sth

  • 感到愉快(或有信心等):

    to feel happy, confident, etc.

  • 心中感到;本能预感到;直觉确信:

    to be certain about sth even though you do not have any direct proof and cannot explain why you are certain

  • 想要某物;想做某事:

    to want to have or do sth

  • 手头拮据;经济困难:

    to not have enough money

  • 觉得要呕吐;想吐:

    to feel as though you will vomit soon

  • 觉得要呕吐;想吐:

    to feel as though you will vomit soon

  • (如在黑暗中)摸索着走动:

    to move along carefully, for example when it is dark, by touching walls, objects, etc.

  • (在新环境中)谨慎行事:

    to be careful about how you do things, usually because you are in a situation that you are not familiar with

  • 觉得身体不好;感到身体不舒服:

    to not feel healthy and well

  • 触觉;手感:

    the feeling you get when you touch sth or are touched

  • 触摸;摸:

    an act of feeling or touching

  • (场所、情况等给人的)印象,感受;气氛:

    the impression that is created by a place, situation, etc.; atmosphere

  • 开始熟悉,开始熟悉做(某事):

    to become familiar with sth or with doing sth

  • 善于理解某事物;有…的天才:

    to have an understanding of sth or be naturally good at doing it


  • 【军事】侦探(敌情等)

  • 体谅,同情

  • (无生物)受到…的作用,受影响于

  • 触,摸;试探

  • 摸摸,抚摩;把(脉);搜

  • 摸索着寻找

  • 想,认为,以为

  • 有感觉;有感情作用

  • 摸上去有…感觉;像要

  • 感觉,觉得;感知

  • 筛下产物

  • 试控

  • 筛后碎矿

  • 用手接触

  • 手感

  • 触,摸;触觉,感觉;感受


  • 第三人称单数:feels

  • 现在分词:feeling

  • 过去分词:felt


  • adv.+v.:

    feel good,feel bad,feel ill,probably feel,well feel

  • v.+n.:

    feel pain,feel cold,feel need,feel warmth,feel shame




  • You might feel that the very repetitive nature of the test methods indicates that some refactoring should be possible.


  • Red-eye because I never feel ready to teach, no matter how late I stay up the night before preparing for class.


  • Mais there should be something you feel really important, it will lead out a direction, and life will be easier for you to control maybe.


  • For the first time the mass of ordinary women had a reliable contraceptive about which there was no need to feel squeamish or embarrassed.


  • I can feel as if we are about to get into something a bit complicated regarding opportunities for everyone involved.


  • "It"s much better to be without shoes than without feet, " he thought. It was not right for hin to feel so sorry and sad.


  • Often it is only when people suddenly feel they are losing their partner that they realize how much they love them.


  • I began to feel a bond between us, like we were working together against some kind of powerful tide.


  • It was as if I"d confided in her about my literacy problems or asked her to feel a lump.


  • Your look"s full of passion. As the night kisses your skin You close your eyes and also let me feel our common will.


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