英语单词 红联
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adv.: 更好;更愉快;不那么差;较大程度地
adj.: 痊愈;较好的;更好的;能力更强的
v.: 胜过;超过;上进
n.: 更好的事物;较好者;更有才智者;更重要的人
网络: 更好地;贝特尔;改善


  • 较好的;更好的:

    of a higher standard or less poor quality; not as bad as sth else

  • 能力更强的;更熟练的:

    more able or skilled

  • 更合适的;更恰当的:

    more suitable or appropriate

  • (病势)好转的,见轻的;舒畅些的:

    less ill/sick or unhappy

  • 痊愈;恢复健康:

    fully recovered after an illness; in good health again

  • 大多数含 better 的习语,都可在该等习语中的名词及动词相关词条找到,如 better luck next time 在词条 luck 下。:

    Most idioms containingbetter are at the entries for the nouns and verbs in the idioms, for examplebetter luck next time is atluck .

  • 同…(几乎)一样;和…(几乎)一样坏:

    almost or just the same as; almost or just as bad as

  • (安慰他人时说)很好,这就对了:

    used to give support to sb who has been upset and is trying to become calmer

  • (称赞努力加以改进的人)很好:

    used to praise sb who has made an effort to improve

  • 越大(或小、快、慢等)越好:

    used to say that sth should be as big, small, etc. as possible

  • 更好;更愉快;不那么差:

    in a more excellent or pleasant way; not as badly

  • 更;较大程度地:

    more; to a greater degree

  • 更妥;更恰当:

    used to suggest that sth would be a suitable or appropriate thing to do

  • 大多数含 better 的习语,都可在该等习语中的名词、形容词及动词相关词条找到,如 better the devil you know 在词条 devil 下。:

    Most idioms containingbetter are at the entries for the nouns, adjectives and verbs in the idioms, for examplebetter the devil you know is atdevil .

  • 有较多钱;比较宽裕:

    to have more money

  • (在某情况下或因做某事)更幸福,更满意:

    used to say that sb is/would be happier or more satisfied if they were in a particular position or did a particular thing

  • (告诉别人应该做的事)应该,最好:

    used to tell sb what you think they should do

  • 更好的事物;较好者:

    something that is better

  • 更有才智者;更重要的人:

    people who are more intelligent or more important than you

  • 不论好坏;不管是福是祸;不管怎样:

    used to say that sth cannot be changed, whether the result is good or bad

  • 挫败…;占上风:

    to defeat sb/sth or gain an advantage

  • 那就更好了╱更糟了:

    used to say that sth is even better/worse

  • 胜过;超过:

    to be better or do sth better than sb/sth else

  • (通过教育、更好的工作等)改进社会地位,上进:

    to improve your social position through education, a better job, etc.


  • 打赌者

  • 打赌的人

  • (知识、能力、财产等)较优的人;上级,上司;长上,长辈,前辈

  • 较好的东西[事、条件、行为等]

  • 较好(者),更好的

  • 优于,胜过,超出

  • 改良,改善

  • (情况等)有改善,变得有改进

  • 改善,好转

  • 多(于)

  • 更多地,以上

  • 更合适,(比…)象样,更清楚

  • 更,更加,更好地

  • 更加,较好地;最好,以…为好

  • 大半的,大部分的

  • 进一步,充分的;占上风

  • (前景)乐观些

  • 较有品德的

  • 更合适的

  • 健康状态较好的,(疾病)渐愈的

  • 好转;见轻点,病势好转;舒服些,舒畅些;长进

  • 较好的,(比…)精彩,胜过,优越一些;神气得多;比较出色的

  • 较好的,更好的


  • 第三人称单数:betters

  • 现在分词:bettering

  • 过去式:bettered


  • v.+n.:

    make better,get better,better relation


adj.improvedenhancedsuperiorhealthierwellv.improve ontopoutdooutshinesurpass




  • Even a guy who will admit that you"re better looking than him should still be able to tell you you"re beautiful.


  • This milestone comes at a time when both governments recognise that relations between the two countries have never been better, nor closer.


  • 14 speaker is often convey vague information, but the audience is always better than what they see hear.


  • Even if it means having to transport the boat quite a distance, it is much better to find the best craftsman you can.


  • Remember, it is better to remain in a state of honest, if difficult, doubt than to slip sleepily into a decision that you later regret.


  • "Nope, " he said. "I think you could have done a better job. "


  • They were sustained by their belief that all this upheaval was part of an attempt to create a better society.


  • Then he confessed that it could still do better and said he had hired two new "chief privacy officers" .


  • Once thought, and better; Reflect overburden, overburden found, the best is at my side, just like you.


  • Better to explain carefully why high inflation is likely to prove temporary than to indulge in "futile gestures" , he said.


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