
About gOS

发布时间:2007-11-18 10:02:34来源:红联作者:Lokbvnhg
Based in Los Angeles.

An alternative operating system for the masses

Our idea is to be a simple, user friendly, beautiful desktop for normal people.

Out of the box, just works!

We're creating an OS ecosystem that is complete. We come with all the software you need to browse the web, email, instant message... play movies, music, and connect to iPods... create and edit documents, spreadsheets, presentations, databases, images... out of the box. Plug and play!

Bring on Google and other wonderful applications

We recommend Google for just about everything... Gmail, Gtalk, Calendar, Maps, Docs and Spreadsheets, and more. We'd like to welcome you to the idea that Google already is your "operating system."

Open source and other values

We thank the Ubuntu 7.10 community and Enlightenment community for their contribution to gOS and the world. Our dedicated team and passionate community of volunteers are commited to bringing our alternative OS to the masses... so people everywhere can enjoy a third, more affordable and attractive choice when shopping for a computer. To get ahead of ourselves, we're saying goodbye to closed software and the digital divide.

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