
加密库libsodium 1.0.16发布,包含性能改进

发布时间:2017-12-16 09:29:22来源:红联作者:baihuo
libsodium 1.0.16 已发布,更新如下:

Signatures computations and verifications are now way faster on 64-bit platforms with compilers supporting 128-bit arithmetic (gcc, clang, icc). This includes the WebAssembly target.

New low-level APIs for computations over edwards25519: crypto_scalarmult_ed25519(),crypto_scalarmult_ed25519_base(), crypto_core_ed25519_is_valid_point(), crypto_core_ed25519_add(),crypto_core_ed25519_sub() and crypto_core_ed25519_from_uniform() (elligator representative to point).

crypto_sign_open(), crypto_sign_verify_detached() andcrypto_sign_edwards25519sha512batch_open` now reject public keys in non-canonical form in addition to low-order points.

The library can be built with ED25519_NONDETERMINISTIC defined in order to use synthetic nonces for EdDSA. This is disabled by default.

Webassembly: crypto_pwhash_*() functions are now included in non-sumo builds.

sodium_stackzero() was added to wipe content off the stack.

Android: support new SDKs where unified headers have become the default.

The Salsa20-based PRNG example is now thread-safe on platforms with support for thread-local storage, optionally mixes bits from RDRAND.

CMAKE: static library detection on Unix systems has been improved

Argon2 and scrypt are slightly faster on Linux.

Libsodium 是一个先进而且易用的加密库。主要用于加密、解密、签名和生成密码哈希等等。这是一个可移植的、跨编译器支持、可安装的,基于 NaCI 开发,提供一个兼容 API 的加密库。




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