
Vue 2.3.0Õýʽ·¢²¼£¬ÇáÁ¿¼¶JavaScript¿ò¼Ü

·¢²¼Ê±¼ä:2017-04-28 09:15:45À´Ô´:ºìÁª×÷Õß:baihuo
Vue 2.3.0 Õýʽ·¢²¼ÁË£¬Vue ÊÇÒ»¿îÇáÁ¿¼¶ JavaScript ¿ò¼Ü¡£

аæÁË´øÀ´Ò»Ð©¸Ä½øºÍ bug ÐÞ¸´£¬¾ßÌåÈçÏ£º





¹Ù·½Îª Vue ´´½¨ÁËÒ»¸öȫеķþÎñÆ÷¶ËäÖȾָÄÏ£¬½¨ÒéËùÓÐʹÓÃÕßÔĶÁ¡£´ËÍ⣬»¹¸üÐÂÁË HackerNews É쵀 Demo£¬ÒÔ·´Ó³×îеÄ×î¼Ñ×ö·¨¡£

Bug ÐÞ¸´£º

fix v-model not syncing for autocomplete / switching focus before confirming composition

fix style diffing on cached/slot elements

fix keep-alive cache incorrectly pruned with transition mode="out-in"

fix Symbol check error in Node 4.x

fix duplicate attribute warning when using class and :class together in Edge

fix v-model checkbox binding with Array index

fix incorrect compiler warning for $delete usage in templates

allow slot names to be number 0

fix text inside