
DBeaver 4.0发布,数据库管理工具

发布时间:2017-02-21 17:35:35来源:红联作者:baihuo
DBeaver 4.0 发布了,这是一个大版本更新,开发用的 IDE 已迁移到 Eclipse 4.6。除了其他变化,这意味着 DBeaver 需要 Java 8 的开发环境。(注:现在仅发布社区版,企业版会晚一点发布)


Migration on Eclipse 4.6 platform:

DBeaver 现在需要 Java 8 环境

支持 HighDPI 显示器

SQL 编辑器放大/缩小功能

GTK 模式下的许多 UI 修复 (使用 CPU)

Transaction monitor

Pending transactions monitor dialog

Commit/Rollback commands are enabled only if transaction is active

SQL editor: performance fixes (CPU usage in idle mode)

SQL editor: tabs switch shortcuts added

SQL editor: memory leaks fixed (multiple result tabs)

SQL completion: quoted identifiers completion has been fixed

Results view: custom coloring fixed (multiple color settings for single column)

Results view: attributes hide/show fixed (visibility change doesn’t require results refresh)

Query manager view: rows coloring was fixed

Data export: execute external process on finish

CSV export: NULL value rendering configuration

Create index: ability to set column ordering

Connection keep alive now reopens failed connections

Status bar: shows current time zone and locale

Connection editor: connection folder settings save was fixed

SSH tunnel config: ask for password if password wasn’t saved in connection settings

BLOB value rendering was fixed

HSQLDB: embedded database shutdown fix

MySQL: SSL support has been improved (certificate private key support, Google Cloud support)

Oracle: PL/SQL packages navigation was improved (navigate from procedures and from SQL editor)

Oracle: fix of metadata reading for version <= 8

PostgreSQL: numeric columns scale/precision are now editable

PostgreSQL: case-insensitive autocompletion was fixed

PostgreSQL: new tables/columns comments save was fixed

SQLite: data editor was improved (SQLite synamic data type system support)

SQLite: read and edit of triggers and sequences

SQLite: native tables/views/triggers DDL

SQLite: tables rename support

Many minor bug fixes






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