
Apache Solr 5.5.2发布,Java全文搜索服务器

发布时间:2016-06-26 10:02:11来源:红联作者:baihuo
Apache Solr 5.5.2 发布了,以下是该版本改进内容:

Bugs 修复:

SOLR-8695: Ensure ZK watchers are not triggering our watch logic on connection events and make this handling more consistent.
(Scott Blum via Mark Miller)

SOLR-9198: config APIs unable to add multiple values with same name

SOLR-9191: OverseerTaskQueue.peekTopN() fatally flawed
(Scott Blum, Noble Paul)

SOLR-8812: edismax: turn off mm processing if no explicit mm spec is provided and there are explicit operators (except for AND) - addresses problems caused by SOLR-2649.
(Greg Pendlebury, Jan Høydahl, Erick Erickson, Steve Rowe)

SOLR-9034: Atomic updates failed to work when there were copyField targets that had docValues enabled.
(Karthik Ramachandran, Ishan Chattopadhyaya, yonik)

SOLR-8940: Fix group.sort option

SOLR-8857: HdfsUpdateLog does not use configured or new default number of version buckets and is hard coded to 256.
(Mark Miller, yonik, Gregory Chanan)

SOLR-8875: SolrCloud Overseer clusterState could unexpectedly be null resulting in NPE.
(Scott Blum via David Smiley)

SOLR-8946: bin/post failed to detect stdin usage on Ubuntu; maybe other unixes.
(David Smiley)

SOLR-9004: Fix "name" field type definition in films example.
(Alexandre Rafalovitch via Varun Thacker)

SOLR-8990: Fix top term links from schema browser page to use {!term} parser

SOLR-8971: Preserve root cause when wrapping exceptions

SOLR-8792: ZooKeeper ACL support fixed.
(Esther Quansah, Ishan Chattopadhyaya, Steve Rowe)

SOLR-9030: The 'downnode' overseer command can trip asserts in ZkStateWriter.
(Scott Blum, Mark Miller, shalin)

SOLR-9036: Solr slave is doing full replication (entire index) of index after master restart.
(Lior Sapir, Mark Miller, shalin)

SOLR-9093: Fix NullPointerException in TopGroupsShardResponseProcessor.
(Christine Poerschke)

SOLR-9118: HashQParserPlugin should trim partition keys
(Joel Bernstein)

SOLR-9117: The first SolrCore is leaked after reload.
(Jessica Cheng Mallet via shalin)

SOLR-9116: Race condition causing occasional SolrIndexSearcher leak when SolrCore is reloaded.
(Jessica Cheng Mallet via shalin)

SOLR-8801: /bin/solr create script always returns exit code 0 when a collection/core already exists.
(Khalid Alharbi, Marius Grama via Steve Rowe)

SOLR-9134: Fix RestManager.addManagedResource return value.
(Christine Poerschke)

SOLR-9151: Fix SolrCLI so that bin/solr -e cloud example can be run from any CWD

SOLR-9165: Spellcheck does not return collations if "maxCollationTries" is used with "cursorMark".
(James Dyer)

SOLR-8612: closing JDBC Statement on failures in DataImportHandler (DIH)
(Kristine Jetzke via Mikhail Khludnev)

SOLR-8676: keep LOG4J_CONFIG in solr.cmd
(Kristine Jetzke via Mikhail Khludnev)

SOLR-9176: facet method ENUM was sometimes unnecessarily being rewritten to FCS, causing slowdowns
(Alessandro Benedetti, Jesse McLaughlin, Alan Woodward)

SOLR-9234: srcField works only when all fields are captured in the /update/json/docs endpoint


Apache Tika 1.7

Carrot2 3.10.4

Velocity 1.7 and Velocity Tools 2.0

Apache UIMA 2.3.1

Apache ZooKeeper 3.4.6

Jetty 9.2.13.v20150730



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